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Thread: How Radicalism Works

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    Default How Radicalism Works

    Radical immanents, like all immanents, seek only one thing: the creation of an ideal world. Radical immanents in particular want their ideal, carried to its logical conclusion; they especially want the ideal diametrically opposite theirs eradicated. Radical immanents create their ideal by relying on a definite paradigm: a contusion of belief and technology. This puts them in a very difficult situation, because they need to rely on their alter egos to process the interoperation of the two.

    Although radicalism differs between carriers of the trait depending on the function pairing one is immanent in, the radical as a rule conflates their technique with their belief, and refuses to believe anything different: X point of view means the use of X technology; X technology means the truth of point of view X alone. (and the complements to either in accordance with the psychic dyads). Because the radical lives in a state of exhaltation of their own alter egos, they encourage others to do the same in their own persons. This leads on the one hand to the production of more paradigm-focused information, and on the other to a sense of comradery with those who, like them, are taking on the burden of wrestling with two opposing selves in the interest of a greater good, real or imagined. (provided, of course, that these others are not participants in the opposing paradigm). There is however a definite problem with the alter ego, in that it is cruel and ruthless when used for purposes of social relation. The alter ego can care deeply for those who share its ideals, but when its aspirations are crossed or denied outright it becomes fearful and is prone to retaliation. The exact traits of the alter ego vary depending on how other processors of various mental stances are relating to the subconscious and unconscious of the person, but they are always carried to an extreme when used in place of the ego. This extremity has historically -- perhaps invariably -- tainted the radical experience with tragedy, for the price of creating a new paradigm of thought is the conflict of energies both mental and non-mental as the alter ego invades the social sphere and constellates the alter egos of friends and foes alike. But this conflict creates the opportunity for a new beginning by the radical's ideology: the radical's inevitable fall is the testament to a failure of intention which makes the true path, the path of objectivity and consensus, shine brighter. The radical is an unwitting pawn in a much larger game, caught up in forces that are so insurmountable as to strike them with fear should they glimpse into the truth at all. The radical does not deny truth because they cannot understand it; they deny it because they understand it all too well, that their ideals are destinations without location, that their hoped for final victory over their opponent by means of some fantastic new point of view, some masterful strategy, some incredible new technology or collective determination, will never come. Victory is always temporary: it must be won day by day, hour by hour by continuing to live. The only victory which can be considered permanent is peace between oneself and the opponent. But the greatest problem of the radical is not that victory in unacheivable; no, the eternal downfall of the radical is the simple fact that their enemy does not really exist outside of themselves. Their experience of struggle is completely self-contained, and their enemy appears as ominous as it does only because there is something as yet unfinished in their own person. The same could be said about everyone radical or no, but there is a singular difference in that the non-radical is always putting these internal disputes to rest in leu of a final coming to terms with the part of them they do not understand. The radical finds their internal chaos as insurmountable as the obstacles they would overcome, because the radical has made this chaos their soul.

  2. #2
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    You just destroyed yourself with your own arguement. Btw that made no sense.

    I want an ideal world. But radically? I know the harder I push, the more it makes something else push back. That is only effective in life or death situations. It's truly filled with intricate complexities that only the Illuminati have mastered. =p

  3. #3
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Some day, tc, you will realize that the "ideal" world is a balanced one, and that reality is actually a pretty fucking good scale.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    You just destroyed yourself with your own arguement. Btw that made no sense.

    I want an ideal world. But radically? I know the harder I push, the more it makes something else push back. That is only effective in life or death situations. It's truly filled with intricate complexities that only the Illuminati have mastered. =p
    there is a difference between objectively ideal and subjectively ideal. a person motivated towards the fulfillment of a subjectively ideal world is not above shooting someone in the name of equalizing a perceived injustice. the only objectively ideal world is one without any subjective influence in decisions of object relations. any subjective ideal world is a departure from the nature of reality. any drive to achieve an ideal world is coming from the position of the lack of such a world; and hence it is inherently subjective, as it is recognizing the potential for reformation in the name of an ideal (something the objectively ideal world knows no awareness of). The abandonment of these subjective ideals marks the acceptance of the objectively ideal.

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    I was not arguing, I was explaining. Everyone has a touch of radicalism in their hearts; I was just explaining how it was experienced by people who were historically radical in their views. I'm a student of these people and am quite fascinated by the way they think.

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    So are you saying their radicalism idealsm means nothing w/o action or no? Do you really think you can dictate to the majority of how people should live based on... whatever you just said there?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    It's truly filled with intricate complexities that only the Illuminati have mastered. =p
    I agree with you on that: those "Illuminati" types you mention -- the corrupt subconscious non-radical immanents (with shadow tendencies for good measure) -- are the shapers of this tragedy. But they only shape it: the fulfillment of the tragedy is preordained by inherent disposition -- the cruel viscisitudes of fate. But they have in mind a situation in which the turmoil is not resolved, but sustained; because if it is sustained then they have a tool for their purposes which transcends the individual.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    So are you saying their radicalism idealsm means nothing w/o action or no? Do you really think you can dictate to the majority of how people should live based on... whatever you just said there?
    I think you're reading into this what you want to read into it, not what's really there.

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