Quote Originally Posted by tereg
I took pride in what I did. And I was really bothered with people who didn't care about their job or didn't pull their end of responsibilities. And the store was quickly falling that way, and I needed to change jobs. But, my internal moral dilemma was I did not feel good about leaving a store unless I felt like it was in stable condition. And I eventually was able to leave about 2 months after I originally had put in my 2 weeks notice.
With respect to the bolded part, I fleshed this out in the anecdotal IEE page on the wiki:

Quote Originally Posted by wiki
It's emotionally stirring for me if I realize that someone is just using me or taking advantage of me. I'd say the emotions that I feel in those situations (which in my life are rare, but they have happened) then I become very bitter, very cold-shouldered towards them. Conversations are terse and as brief as possible if I absolutely have to talk to them.

Here's an example of this, that I'd consider being taken advantage of. I worked as a shift manager at Pizza Hut a few years ago. One of my roommates at that time was also a shift manager. Scheduling was never consistent, we might get moved around shifts from time to time, but I remember one period of time in particular when I would open the store, and my roommate was scheduled to come in at the 5:00 shift to close the store that night. During this one particular period, my roommate would actually stay up until early morning, and sleep through the morning and afternoon and wake up in the early evening in time to go to work.

He'd oversleep one day, I'd have to call him to wake him up. Ok, no big deal, people oversleep, it happens. Then it happens not many days later. I'm slightly pissed off. Then it happens again, but this time we're getting slammed with calls, so I can't call him to wake him up because I've got 3 lines on hold and also the cook needs help with the influx of orders. I try calling my roommate about 20 minutes later and he doesn't pick up the phone. We get busy. I call him at 5:45, and he finally picks up the phone and gets to work.

But that's only part of the story. There were times that I'd close a shift that he opened, but he left things undone (things that should have been done during the day), so, I get on it right away to get the things done that were undone, falling behind on my tasks, but needing to finish it because, well, it needed to be done.

There were times when I'd open a shift the day after a shift he closed, and certain things were not ready, and I'd have to dedicate a portion of opening the store (when I have no help, mind you, it's just me, and I have one hour to get things done before the first help arrives -- the opening driver) to correcting his mistakes, which takes time out from what I need to do to get the store ready, but, I don't complain... I just do the things that need to get done because, again, they need to be done. When I see my roommate again, I'm terse with him, and explain to him what was not done and that he needed to do them during his shift.

After a history of this, I went from letting it slide to being extremely agitated, because it was clear that he was completely disregarding the extra work I had to do on his behalf, and not correcting the problem in subsequent shifts. That I would consider being taken advantage of.
Now, with regards to "putting up a fight" in confrontations, yeah it typically feels out of the ordinary when I have to confront someone and I stand my ground with them. So in that sense, there is a sense of accomplishment when I can be very direct with a person. But many times when I have to confront someone, I have it in my head what I'm going to say to the person, and then I end up modifying it slightly when the time comes. There really isn't a sense of accomplishment in those moments, because I didn't really "put up a fight". So, it's true that there is that sense of accomplishment, but it doesn't happen very often.

And I think that also illustrates that I can only be in that mode for a brief period of time. It takes a lot of build up and it takes a lot of energy for me to be able to do that.