Sounds to me your hubby is Ni and Fe valuing. You are helping him focus his Ni and keep him grounded and in touch with you emotionally. Something he surely appreciates. Him being busy living in the moment and 'ligthening the mood' sounds Fe too.

I like to do what you are doing too. I like to get a lot of ideas out there and reason them through using my 'logic', which just as you say often is misunderstood by other people who take it too literally. But when you are with someone who 'get' what you are saying and the ideas keep coming extremely fast and the other party can keep up with the discussion there are few things better.

Sounds like you get a 'crimp' in the Fe when the other is about to take offence/misunderstands where you are going. This often stops me from even trying to open a discussion with other people because I know they won't 'get' what I am going after. If I try the discussion will be slow and ponderous (almost painfully so) and they hardly ever truly get my point in all it's aspects.