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Thread: Types in Verbal Combat

  1. #81
    expired Lotus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    ENTps often have a bit of a stubborn rebellious streak too I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    We've had a few (too many) school shootings in America in the last decade, and today I looked at some pictures of some of the shooters, and I was aghast. They're ALL ENTp-Ti
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    And of course it always comes at a time when we're in this great Si flow, and then this "guilt" has to disrupt our harmony.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I'm sure lots of people have associations of different colors with different functions. What are yours?
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I've noticed that guys' handwriting tends to be more pointed and girls' more rounded.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    It may look like strrrng is pulling a phaedrusian tactic, but strrrng's right.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    From an Si perspective, Se makes me think "why do you need to go so gung ho and over the top with shit?" Se in its extreme form will exhaust things until there's nothing left, and then the thing will just fall dead on the ground. Then Se will toss it aside and move onto that next intense pulse.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    being insulted with Fe is much more direct and yeah, punch in the face lol (and I'd want to punch right back). Whereas being insulted with Fi I'm like "WTF!!!?!???!!! WHAT ARE YOU ATTACKING??!!!!! SHOW YOURSELF MOTHAFUCKA!!!! " With Fi I can't punch back because I don't know what to punch, and it gets me even more pissed that I can't punch back at anything, so basically um yeah.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    My pleasure
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Mime nice hair
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Except that ENTps like me liked to hide in those places just for fun to see if we can fit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    How trustworthy you are.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    haha well I'm still a "white" person- just not as white as some people I've seen.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I'm a "so seee onics" person.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I'm ENTp and I lifted weights for an hour and a half today.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Hahaha thanks - Yeah lately I'm in the mood to ride and crash in the waves, not even just sit on the beach, as nice as that is in itself.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom
    Sesame Street Personality Test
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Somehow I expected to get Big Bird.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    But isn't it more likey that people will try and hurt you for being mean to them?
    Do I sense strife here Steve? You seem somewhat snappy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    I'm a guy and I like steak
    A man's man.
    maybe a saint is just a dead prick with a good publicist
    maybe tommorow's statues are insecure without their foes
    go ask the frog what the scorpion knows

  2. #82

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    wowowow lol


  3. #83

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve

    However I did feel somewhat slowed down by having to think everything through verbally first, since the test didn't have any pictures (For example numbers written out as words). I've taken other tests that have more pictures and sections where you have to visually identify patterns and rotate objects mentally, and this test didn't seem to cover anything like that. Sometimes seeing things visually can trigger a much more efficient thought process that can yield the correct answer faster, and measures a completely different kind of intelligence.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Say you're at a romantic dinner with your special someone at a nice restaurant, something would be ordering a nice bottle of wine, a fancy dinner having the restaurant play romantic music like a love ballad or something.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Also could be like blasting rock music on C-Span during a congressional hearing instead of the classical music they put on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Maybe you view some of my assumptions as arrogant, but I'm simply making assumptions just to have some foundation to build on.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    They come off as arrogant, because they all revolve around how great you are, and everything you do, with seemingly little attention to anyone else, or their types.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    I and a few others who supposedly have "different" understandings than the majority of the 16types, speak from an information element perspective - the essence of socionics itself
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    For example, I have a really hard time killing anything, or even taking apart a chicken from the supermarket. I have a real respect for life and even have trouble killing flies. I usually try to open a window or the door and get them out that way instead of kill them. I really enjoy eating meat or fish, but only when it doesn't look like the animal.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    Niffweed is also Alpha, and that would prolly explain why you get along decent w/ him, as I do.
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    I will protect anyone who is close to me, whether a girl, friends, family or whatever.
    Learn how to protect yourself first, ******.

  4. #84

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve
    People who have tension with me and aren't straightforward in addressing it and resolving it and returning to good terms really bother me. This is a big one. I hate having a sour taste in my mouth and leaving conflict unresolved and festering - I like things to work out.

    Other people may need more time to digest a conflict and sort it out themselves and may not be ready to address it head on and resolve it. "It's not that simple" in their minds.
    ah oh ooh ahh

    I see... it.

    lol...address it head on.

    And I supposedly contradict myself?

  5. #85

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    This thread is awesome! I cannot stop laughing.

    Mune your story made my cry from laughing so hard.
    EII 4w5

    so/sx (?)

  6. #86
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    I enjoy verbally sparing, however I'm not that articulate sometimes so I need to do it with someone who is patient and not nit-pick about words I choose.

    And I actually am more likely to get angry with argument styles and habits more than the actually subject of the argument. For example, I cannot stand it when someone says, "You're just think that because of this!!!" As if that makes them win.

    I don't JUST think something for one singular reason, at least not when it comes to a serious opinion on something. stfu.

    Another thing I don't like is when someone is arguing with you purely to win, rather than come to the truth of the matter or a mutual conclusion and understanding. I dont see the point in an argument other than to promote truth and mutual understanding.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion View Post
    And I actually am more likely to get angry with argument styles and habits more than the actually subject of the argument. For example, I cannot stand it when someone says, "You're just think that because of this!!!" As if that makes them win.

    I don't JUST think something for one singular reason, at least not when it comes to a serious opinion on something. stfu.
    You just think that because you're ethical and weak.

    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  8. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Logos View Post
    They flail their arms about, grunting and throwing feces.
    That's McCain talking, he's controlling your brain again!
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  9. #89
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    I don't like arguing because I've found that the majority of people I've engaged in arguments with take the argument much too personally/seriously or they are arguing just to win, which generally means they do not care what I am saying and will never open their minds to another point of view = 99% of arguments are pointless so why waste my time.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    My natural instinct is to analyze the hell out of a person's motivations.
    Hmm -- perhaps some of them just think you're wrong and feel they should say what they think is correct?

    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    If someone's attacked me, my first response is that I pull apart why they're doing that, why they're acting the way they do, what they want to achieve, what they're projecting etc.
    Perhaps they don't see it as an attack at all?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    Hmm -- perhaps some of them just think you're wrong and feel they should say what they think is correct?

    Perhaps they don't see it as an attack at all?
    Yes. I think - mostly because of the later responses - that I misinterpreted the OP. The words 'verbal combat' made me think of hostile and aggressive situations, so I responded thinking how I would respond in a hostile situation. I don't pretend to find myself in these situations very often, but I have sometimes been caught in them. My responses are not always admirable, but I am trying to analyze how I respond honestly, rather than to simply think that I would always, ideally, be rational and open-minded.

    I also attach a different meaning to argument, which is aggressive, to discussion. If I am arguing with you, I have already imported a degree of personal investment and probably annoyance. I don't like to argue and I'm not particularly fond of engaging in arguments for the sake of it.

    Discussion on the other hand I am open to and enjoy a great deal. It's why I am now spending a lot of spare time here (although some of the threads are not...what I would consider discussions per se). Discussion is what I see as what you referred to - where the person has an open and sincere disagreement with something I have said and wishes to bring that mistake to my attention. Discussion is rational, because what is at stake is a genuine interest in the intellectual merits of the subject matter. I'm part of numerous discussion groups at university, enjoy a lot of engaging seminars and even welcome critique from certain parties whom I respect and who are sincere in their criticism, like my current supervisor. The more bluntly expressed, the better, because you get to the point faster. Nevertheless, bluntness is not rudeness and rudeness begins to put me offside.

    I think (others may disagree) that I have strong Fi and one function of that is that I know when someone genuinely wants to discuss and 'argue' or is being argumentative and attacking.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord View Post
    That's McCain talking, he's controlling your brain again!
    Get him out of my mind!
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  13. #93
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    I find some girls like to take innocous things as an insult.

  14. #94
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    I prefer to avoid verbal combat. If there's some sort of dispute or confrontation, I generally try to remain calm, collected, and objective. I try to find the root problem so as to discover and implement a win-win solution.

    Rarely do I see these situations as having "sides", and I pretty much never see it something that one person/group "wins" by defeating the other, and the other person/group "loses".

    If events escalate to cause further problems, then both people lose (even if one of them was technically correct or right). If a solution is found and implemented, then both people win. Agreeing to disagree is a form of winning. The only win-lose situation that can occur would be that one person moves on (hopefully having learned something from what happened) but the other remains caught up in his/her hostility or need to be right.

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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra View Post
    "Verbal combat": what a great way to describe argument.

    Anyway, I was contemplating this recently. I think that NTs, particularly those with Ti in the ego, are far more likely to attack the argument, and talk about how the argument is shit, and how the reasoning for the argument is poor etc., than are those who have, for example, Fe or Fi in the ego, who would probably take the attack personally; "you prick!", "stick up for yourself!" etc.

    Different types have different arguing styles? Hmm. Well one would really have to make me mad in order for me to attack someone personally. I always attack the argument. I look down on ad hominem attacking.

  16. #96
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Robot View Post
    Different types have different arguing styles? Hmm. Well one would really have to make me mad in order for me to attack someone personally. I always attack the argument. I look down on ad hominem attacking.
    I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
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  17. #97
    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    I love arguing! I also love changing the subject. I've had some interresting conversations, although not many things actually get resolved.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

  18. #98
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    When a person's levels of norepinephrine are low, their brain will try to find ways to increase levels of epinephrine (adrenalin). One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to create drama/arguing/heated debates. Some people get addicted to this form of self-medication.

    In other words, some people like to argue because it provides a certain type of stimulation that they otherwise don't get enough of.

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  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    When a person's levels of norepinephrine are low, their brain will try to find ways to increase levels of epinephrine (adrenalin). One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to create drama/arguing/heated debates. Some people get addicted to this form of self-medication.

    In other words, some people like to argue because it provides a certain type of stimulation that they otherwise don't get enough of.
    I don't relaly see why poeple wouldn't enjoy it.

    It's kind of like people who don't like to eat. They go fucking crazy, anorexic, and they still don't eat.

    Some people need to argue more.

  20. #100
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    It's more like smoking... some people see it as a harmful and pointless habit, others see it as a way to feel good.

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  21. #101
    So fluffeh. Cuddly McFluffles's Avatar
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    I love verbal sparring, and a contest of wits is always fun to watch as well. Arguing, well....I'm more into it than I should be, perhaps. But when I get to the point where I'm openly telling someone off, I get a feeling of elation; I'm finally letting it all out! I may regret some of the things I said later, but to this day, there are explosions of mine that I still laugh about - because really, they were so fun at the time. There's nothing like hindering some hothead by telling them how much entertainment their little tirade gave you, and then telling them off.

    "Tell someone you love them today, because life is short; shout it at them in German, because life is also terrifying."

    Fruit, the fluffy kitty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hitta
    How do you explain our existence when everything contradicts itself? Do we really exist? There are 6.6 billion people on this planet. Am I the only one that has a perspective? Are you the only one that has a perspective? Am I a figment of someone elses imagination? I have felt at times like the world is just a dream. Maybe it is? Is there anyway to really know? Is there an absolute truth? Where do we go when we die? Do we just seize to exist? This scares the living hell out of me. We didn't exist supposedly before our births, what was that like? Everything is a paradox. How can time exist forever? How can time end? Everything is so frightening.
    Quote Originally Posted by Scarlett
    when I was about 7, I started questioning the exact things you did.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    lol I used to think the same thing when I was a kid
    Quote Originally Posted by mysticsonic
    I had this nihilistic perspective when I was about 15 or so
    Quote Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
    this is one of instances where logic seems to produce nothing but bullshit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean
    There is no difference between a non-existent FDG and a existent FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    You clearly are talking shit now
    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    Subterranean: I think you should give this up. You're clearly being supervised due to your poor apphrehension of
    Quote Originally Posted by mysticsonic
    A non-existent ball has no color.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    Is the reason are all irrational types because they are based on an instinctive, primitive mode of living, while are more human?
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed
    because a cheeseburger is composed mostly of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen. these four elements generate sufficient amounts of fatty acids which can be dispensed with and decomposed to create sufficient energy to generate several hundred billion molecules of 1,1,3 triopropyl glyceride out of tetramethane with one amino group and one hydroxyl group.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    niftweed, why are you answering all my questions with shit about cheeseburgers and games?
    Quote Originally Posted by ezra
    I agree with Ganin - I think socionics types generally correspond to one's MBTI type.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    I've been called ESTJ almost every time in MBTI, and the very first time I took the Type Assistant, I had no clue what socionics was, and it came out with ESTj.
    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    When a person's levels of norepinephrine are low, their brain will try to find ways to increase levels of epinephrine (adrenalin). One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to create drama/arguing/heated debates. Some people get addicted to this form of self-medication.

    In other words, some people like to argue because it provides a certain type of stimulation that they otherwise don't get enough of.
    I doubt everything can be related to deeply rooted causes in the brain. Sometimes people argue just because there's someting to argue about, it's too easy to say that they're becoming heated because they have low levels of norepinephrine.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by hotelambush
    You'd think planning a wedding or something like that would have something to do with Si too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Yes. Making to-do lists, as has already been pointed out, is more of a thing.
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I've never been good at staying on top of day to day chores and errands, but I wasn't totally out of it much of the time, either.
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    I'm damn proud about it. SOMeTIMES, not ALWAYS, but yeah, I do. What, you want me to walk out of the shower, and flush a toilet which wastes so much water just to get rid of urine?

    And don't think I'm some scumbag who doesn't keep his tub and shower clean. I love clean bathrooms, and my mom was ISTj, so she "educated me" about it. ANd living up to such a high standard for so long, I keep it with me. But if the sheer functionality of no. 1 in the shower irks you, then I can deal with you being irked.
    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    It feels like "I'm looking for my role (in society)" somewhat, and the most powerful thing is 'knowing my role'.
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Fe-dual seeking is about needing others to put you on a happy, active state of mind.
    Quote Originally Posted by jrxtes
    ... the human mind is more wonderful and complicated than any cute little analogy that was created by Augusta for people who can't grasp the functions any other way.
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed
    i think this discussion is entirely rhetorical and a complete waste of time. it's much more useful to discuss the implications and intricacies of socionics rather than whether it should be called a model or not.

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    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol strrrng how could you have ever thought you were not an infp?
    EII 4w5

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    Quote Originally Posted by Christy
    lol strrrng how could you have ever thought you were not an infp?
    I'm just a bored little IEI who stays up too late drinking coffee and perusing old threads to create strrrngs of quotes for my own entertainment

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I'm just a bored little IEI who stays up too late drinking coffee and perusing old threads to create strrrngs of quotes for my own entertainment
    EII 4w5

    so/sx (?)

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    No, that is clearly false. NTs with Te in the ego are far more likely to do just that. This is another very obvious example of the fact that you have an incorrect view on what Ti is and what Ti types are like. You have demonstrated this misunderstanding in many posts on various occasions, and this misunderstanding has caused you to mistype some people.
    And Ti? Let me guess: everything you don't do, because, of course, you don't value Ti.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I'm pretty convinced of you being some alpha or beta, possibly an Fe ego type (the way you described "airing" your thoughts and whatnot seemed more like you were looking for Ti clarity from external sources rather than having definite confidence in it, like I would expect a Ti ego type to do).
    I'm convinced dbmmama is an EIE.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post'm worried about loss of face?

    cmon then, expose me. Show me for the weak little INFp I am, in all of my misery. Seriously lol, if you're so confident, bring your arguments to the table.

    oh wait. You have no arguments of your own. Instead, you rely on the arguments of more intelligent individuals to make your case seem more plausible.

    typical so 6 bulllshittterrry.

    Either grow a spine, get a brain and man up to be direct, or don't bother posting.

    lol @ quoting me, proving nothing, quoting discojoe to prove something, all the while never directly involving yourself in the conflict.

    You must feel so special
    Mate, chill. You're getting caught up in these petty conflicts that you're only escalating by responding to their shit generated by your shit.

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    wow lokivanguards current sig.

  31. #111
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    Wow you

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy View Post
    I prefer to avoid verbal combat. If there's some sort of dispute or confrontation, I generally try to remain calm, collected, and objective. I try to find the root problem so as to discover and implement a win-win solution.

    Rarely do I see these situations as having "sides", and I pretty much never see it something that one person/group "wins" by defeating the other, and the other person/group "loses".

    If events escalate to cause further problems, then both people lose (even if one of them was technically correct or right). If a solution is found and implemented, then both people win. Agreeing to disagree is a form of winning. The only win-lose situation that can occur would be that one person moves on (hopefully having learned something from what happened) but the other remains caught up in his/her hostility or need to be right.
    +10, i am all for win/win as well as agreeing to disagree. it's an aspect to my parenting classes i teach.

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    thanks strrrng.

    i'm not sure what i'm looking for this way...but, i'm the one who demanded from my hubby from the beginning that he tell me what he is feeling on things so we can deal with them. i'm the one who takes his feelings and analyzes and structures and clarifies what to do to remedy them. he wouldn't be able to do that to save his life. he's too busy enjoying the moment and lightening the mood.
    isn't what i said here me being the Ti and him being the Fe?

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