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Thread: Types in Verbal Combat

  1. #41
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    Ah, now I'm left with two choices. Walk away and prove that I can't deal with aggression. Continue arguing and prove that I put too much energy into it.

    Fuck that bullshit.

    Nick, you're proving my point in this thread. What I had intended to be input of a rational nature, you turned into a personal issue. When I addressed that point, again directly, you accuse me of cherry-picking the argument and that nothing I discuss with you will be taken into consideration because you've already cast your judgment on me. Then, when I acknowledge that and simply state my case so that both sides can be seen, you launch into attacks again and then claim that I'm being paranoid by calling your dirty tactics into question.

    Yeah, I'm the one on their high horse, Nick.

    And you are so right. I am totally afraid of intensity. Like, when someone says something mean to me I'm afraid to respond because I might lose. They might make me look silly. Because everyone knows that the only way to be confident in the world is through aggression. Get over yourself, Nick. Take a walk in reality and realize that there's more interactions and self-respect than playground pushing and shoving. Wake up and realize that "being intense" in an argument does not make you better at arguing and that responding to people's aggression in a similar manner to their own doesn't produce an intellectual debate. You can intensely argue a point without aggression and without emotional manipulation. Perhaps you need to learn how to distinguish the two.

    As a general rule, I don't feel the need to continue in a debate that has fallen to emotional tactics. I've had my fair share of that in the past. When I'm having fun and arguing for shits and giggles, then sometimes I'll even do it just to get my hands dirty again. But when someone disturbs an interesting discussion (or what could be an interesting discussion) with that kind of nonsense then I lose respect for them.

    As to my interactions with Merky, the only reason I gave it attention was because you brought it up. Wow, surprise surprise, matters get attention when people clinch an argument on them. So yes, I was describing my manner of dealing with things to you in this thread, and thus giving it more of my energy. Merky didn't need to give it his attention because he was not involved in the debate and thus his actions regarding me were totally irrelevant. He is obviously my psychological superior for having no investment in this conversation. Nope, instead he just gave you extra firing power to try and undermine my argument in this discussion and once again stepping in to attack me. As usual.

    And now, surprise! I'm emotionally invested because you turned it into a personal attack. Bravo sir. Exactly why I dislike emotional tactics in a discussion. Now excuse me while I cower in the corner in anticipation of your response.
    7w8 so/sp

    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

  2. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune
    lmao! Dude that's actually kind of funny! Read my motivations more plz. k thx.
    No one is reading into your motivations - stop projecting your own Fi attitude, lol. The reason I made that comment about FiNe labeling people as assholes was to make a pun on your previous comment, "FiNe = not liking assholes," which you actually quoted me saying (obviously in some Fi attempt to portray my motivations as you presumed them to be, lol), because it seemed like a stupid exaggeration aimed solely at solidifying your "righteousness" in this debate. Obviously the Ti fell short on you.
    Last edited by strrrng; 08-21-2008 at 08:08 PM.

  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Vero
    Ah, now I'm left with two choices. Walk away and prove that I can't deal with aggression. Continue arguing and prove that I put too much energy into it.

    Fuck that bullshit.

    Nick, you're proving my point in this thread. What I had intended to be input of a rational nature, you turned into a personal issue. When I addressed that point, again directly, you accuse me of cherry-picking the argument and that nothing I discuss with you will be taken into consideration because you've already cast your judgment on me. Then, when I acknowledge that and simply state my case so that both sides can be seen, you launch into attacks again and then claim that I'm being paranoid by calling your dirty tactics into question.

    Yeah, I'm the one on their high horse, Nick. I'm not proving your point. You have no point. And how were my arguments not rational? You didn't address my or merk's points worth a shit, instead evading them with TiNe rationalizations. And the reason I said you were cherry-picking was because you brought up general examples that were unverifiable, as if that was some great proof of you being assertive, lol. State your case so both sides can be seen? Wtf are you reading? I'm so tired of this air of objectivity, lol.

    And you are so right. I am totally afraid of intensity. Like, when someone says something mean to me I'm afraid to respond because I might lose. They might make me look silly. Because everyone knows that the only way to be confident in the world is through aggression. Get over yourself, Nick. Take a walk in reality and realize that there's more interactions and self-respect than playground pushing and shoving. Wake up and realize that "being intense" in an argument does not make you better at arguing and that responding to people's aggression in a similar manner to their own doesn't produce an intellectual debate. You can intensely argue a point without aggression and without emotional manipulation. Perhaps you need to learn how to distinguish the two. READ MY FUCKING PREVIOUS POST. I SAID that one can be aggressive/confrontational without having it be emotionally charged. And I didn't suggest those motivations for you, I merely observed your behavior. And go ahead, put words in my mouth, I never said aggression was the best tool. IN FACT, I specified briefly how there is a certain art to aggression, suggesting it was more than just some act or stupid behavioral tool. Nice try though. I didn't say intensity made one better at arguing, nor did I say responding intensely fostered a productive debate. AGAIN VERO, read my earlier posts, where I AGREED that it was good to aim for neutrality and that it's pointless to get caught up in emotional bickering. and lmao @ ur last two sentences. I stated this very clearly a few posts ago. The fact that you're responding so defensively only demonstrates how you cannot distinguish between normal aggression and emotional intensity, as my post harbored no emotional charge, yet you interpreted it that way. Way to contradict yourself, Ms. Logic!

    As a general rule, I don't feel the need to continue in a debate that has fallen to emotional tactics. I've had my fair share of that in the past. When I'm having fun and arguing for shits and giggles, then sometimes I'll even do it just to get my hands dirty again. But when someone disturbs an interesting discussion (or what could be an interesting discussion) with that kind of nonsense then I lose respect for them. lol @ you rationalizing it as emotional tactics when you have nothing left to say. And read my posts. They were thorough and logical. Don't try to blame me cause you have no counter-argument. Alpha NT copouts galore *CLAPS*

    As to my interactions with Merky, the only reason I gave it attention was because you brought it up. Wow, surprise surprise, matters get attention when people clinch an argument on them. So yes, I was describing my manner of dealing with things to you in this thread, and thus giving it more of my energy. Merky didn't need to give it his attention because he was not involved in the debate and thus his actions regarding me were totally irrelevant. He is obviously my psychological superior for having no investment in this conversation. Nope, instead he just gave you extra firing power to try and undermine my argument in this discussion and once again stepping in to attack me. As usual. Yeah, lol, keep rationalizing.

    And now, surprise! I'm emotionally invested because you turned it into a personal attack. Bravo sir. Exactly why I dislike emotional tactics in a discussion. Now excuse me while I cower in the corner in anticipation of your response. I never have had a personal stake in this. You simply cannot understand that I respond with intensity without being emotionally attached.

  4. #44

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    Quote Originally Posted by mikemex
    I hate discussing with Fe/Ti types. They rarely care about the discussion; they are generally more concerned about "winning" it. It's fairly classical when it comes to SEIs and ILEs. You can even notice how the SEIs here introduced the "+1" expression, etc.

    I specially hate when they throw what they think is a "devastating" argument and won't allow you to even reply to it, starting to scream and such. I bet it usually happens when such an argument creates a Fe connection and they don't want you to break it; even if they don't really ever cared to check whenever the argument was that great in the first place.

    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin
    They "scream"? Where? They introduced the +1 expression? Where? When? How? Please don't hesitate to elaborate. Please don't hesitate to prove to us those facts with logical evidence. Or else you've just got a buttload of "emotional bias", dude.
    I know, right? You're too cool to be alpha, lol.

  5. #45
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    No one is reading into your motivations - stop projecting your own Fi attitude, lol. The reason I made that comment about FiNe labeling people as assholes was to make a punon your previous comment, "FiNe = not liking assholes," which you actually quoted me saying (obviously in some Fi attempt to portray my motivations as you presumed them to be, lol), because it seemed like a stupid exaggeration aimed solely at solidifying your "righteousness" in this debate. Obviously the Ti fell short on you.
    You do realize you reduced my objection to the way merky behaves in the chats to merely being an INFj, which I reworded to reflect the total lack of attention you were paying to the reasoning I would think that, then you claimed that reason was because his style of communication was different from mine, to which I lmao and point out that you are reading my motivations without ever asking me about a single thing and making no argument whatsoever than that constant rejoinder that it all boils down to me being INFj. Now you are compounding that same shit again here. Please tell me where the fuck any Ti can be found in what you've said. I guess tautologies are logical, but you're really not saying much of anything at all.

    My actual reasoning for not liking what merky does in the chats is that frankly it tends to divert/disrupt a lot of awesome stuff going on. Not always, but enough that sometimes it seems like it shuts people up or prevents them from going about their normal business. It has shitfuck to do with communication style and everything to do with having an enjoyable enough atmosphere. If one person is screwing it up for a number of people to the point that it stops being fun except for the person *ahem* gauging people, then I say why the hell should anyone put up with that? But please analyze me with your razor sharp Ti HA and omniscient Ni base, in an objectively and emotionally detached way of course.
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carla View Post
    What do Ti types do then?
    They flail their arms about, grunting and throwing feces.
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  7. #47

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune
    You do realize you reduced my objection to the way merky behaves in the chats to merely being an INFj, which I reworded to reflect the total lack of attention you were paying to the reasoning I would think that, then you claimed that reason was because his style of communication was different from mine, to which I lmao and point out that you are reading my motivations without ever asking me about a single thing and making no argument whatsoever than that constant rejoinder that it all boils down to me being INFj. Now you are compounding that same shit again here. Please tell me where the fuck any Ti can be found in what you've said. I guess tautologies are logical, but you're really not saying much of anything at all.
    I brought up you being an INFj because I thought it was significant. Nowhere did I claim or imply that it was the sole, all-encompassing reason for your dislike of him. Weak Ti on your part. And I brought up differences in communication styles because it is incredibly significant. I can't count the number of times I've observed opposing quadra members COMPLETELY misinterpret each others' motivations based on the way they speak.

    My actual reasoning for not liking what merky does in the chats is that frankly it tends to divert/disrupt a lot of awesome stuff going on. Not always, but enough that sometimes it seems like it shuts people up or prevents them from going about their normal business. It has shitfuck to do with communication style and everything to do with having an enjoyable enough atmosphere. If one person is screwing it up for a number of people to the point that it stops being fun except for the person *ahem* gauging people, then I say why the hell should anyone put up with that? But please analyze me with your razor sharp Ti HA and omniscient Ni base, in an objectively and emotionally detached way of course.
    You realize what is awesome to you and and someone else could be completely different and neither person's opinion is more valid, right (and please don't say something about "oh, so you think intense, insulting atmospheres are awesome? --that's beside the point)? I'm not saying merk has never been a dick and shut people down, but for you to claim that as the guiding reason, as if it is consistently true, is silly, because I doubt everyone views him like that. I've observed merk; people seem to misinterpret him. Boohoo if he's too mean to someone. Tell them to grow a spine and shut the fuck up.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Discojoe
    You tend to lace your comments with lots of slighting, condescending lols and "oh really?" type statements, (Oh, you're saying this stupid thing, lol?) as if to let the other person know that you know what they're up to (i.e., Fe reading-between-the-lines). The added lols help add a layer of condescension to the comments, as though you're merely humoring a child who's said something foolish, and letting everyone know how amusing you find it. These are clear Fe games.
    Hmmmm, let's see, in the last two pages alone...

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    No, I'm not trying to be offensive or offset you at all. Stop being such an alpha NT, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    And lol @ ur rationalization about how you reacted to merk. I don't particularly care about the details; every time I have observed the comical interaction, he has seemed in control.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    You are expending a lot energy defending yourself, lol, so it's obvious who's "losing" here.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    The wasting energy I was referring to was Vero's behavior in this thread. And I doubt Merk had malicious intent, lol, he just likes to gauge people.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    If she actually had control of the situation, she wouldn't have written paragraphs rationalizing how she stood up to merk, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    No one is reading into your motivations - stop projecting your own Fi attitude, lol. The reason I made that comment about FiNe labeling people as assholes was to make a pun on your previous comment, "FiNe = not liking assholes," which you actually quoted me saying (obviously in some Fi attempt to portray my motivations as you presumed them to be, lol)
    7 (cause we have two in there)

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    And the reason I said you were cherry-picking was because you brought up general examples that were unverifiable, as if that was some great proof of you being assertive, lol. State your case so both sides can be seen? Wtf are you reading? I'm so tired of this air of objectivity, lol.
    hmm, two almost back to back, i guess we're up to 9 now

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    lol @ you rationalizing it as emotional tactics when you have nothing left to say.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    Yeah, lol, keep rationalizing.
    And that brings our magic total to 11

  9. #49

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    Steve, shut the hell up. So what if you've demonstrated that I slight people on whim? GREAT JOB!!! YOU JUST PROVED I'M IEI. Now what? Do you have an argument to prove I'm wrong? Do you have anything logical to say, other than quoting my posts in some desperate attempt to jump on the majority's bandwagon here and get a big pat on the back for exposing mean old (Ni)cki? hmm...I don't thinkkk sooo

    But at least this time you used some concrete evidence instead of relying on your omniscient vibes, universally accepted as they may be, and utterly ignored in reality as they are.

    Dolphin, didn't you already handle this, lol?

    GAWD...why. are. people. so. goddam. averse. to. a. little. fucking. conflict. silly, silly

    /edit: I don't know why I made this post, since Steve most definitely won't respond. Typical ENTp tactics - ignore direct confrontation, wait for a support group, then sneak in some slippery little jab and go back to hiding. *****CHEERS******

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Steve, shut the hell up. So what if you've demonstrated that I slight people on whim? GREAT JOB!!! YOU JUST PROVED I'M IEI. Now what? Do you have an argument to prove I'm wrong? Do you have anything logical to say, other than quoting my posts in some desperate attempt to jump on the majority's bandwagon here and get a big pat on the back for exposing mean old (Ni)cki? hmm...I don't thinkkk sooo

    But at least this time you used some concrete evidence instead of relying on your omniscient vibes, universally accepted as they may be, and utterly ignored in reality as they are.

    Dolphin, didn't you already handle this, lol?

    GAWD...why. are. people. so. goddam. averse. to. a. little. fucking. conflict. silly, silly
    Quote Originally Posted by Discojoe
    whereas you seem to take such criticism very personally, reacting in an emotional torrent, as if you're worried about some kind of exposure which might result in a public loss of face.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I brought up you being an INFj because I thought it was significant. Nowhere did I claim or imply that it was the sole, all-encompassing reason for your dislike of him. Weak Ti on your part. And I brought up differences in communication styles because it is incredibly significant. I can't count the number of times I've observed opposing quadra members COMPLETELY misinterpret each others' motivations based on the way they speak.
    You make an amazing amount of Ti points that you never bring to light. And you also seem to use this as an excuse to disregard what other people say. Sounds like code for bullshit. If only I had more Ti you would make perfect sense!

    You realize what is awesome to you and and someone else could be completely different and neither person's opinion is more valid, right (and please don't say something about "oh, so you think intense, insulting atmospheres are awesome? --that's beside the point)? I'm not saying merk has never been a dick and shut people down, but for you to claim that as the guiding reason, as if it is consistently true, is silly, because I doubt everyone views him like that. I've observed merk; people seem to misinterpret him. Boohoo if he's too mean to someone. Tell them to grow a spine and shut the fuck up.
    lol, yeah, we're seriously never going to agree on this.
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  12. #52
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    Wow. This thread is exhausting.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

  13. #53

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    Default'm worried about loss of face?

    cmon then, expose me. Show me for the weak little INFp I am, in all of my misery. Seriously lol, if you're so confident, bring your arguments to the table.

    oh wait. You have no arguments of your own. Instead, you rely on the arguments of more intelligent individuals to make your case seem more plausible.

    typical so 6 bulllshittterrry.

    Either grow a spine, get a brain and man up to be direct, or don't bother posting.

    lol @ quoting me, proving nothing, quoting discojoe to prove something, all the while never directly involving yourself in the conflict.

    You must feel so special

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune
    You make an amazing amount of Ti points that you never bring to light. And you also seem to use this as an excuse to disregard what other people say. Sounds like code for bullshit. If only I had more Ti you would make perfect sense!

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    GAWD...why. are. people. so. goddam. averse. to. a. little. fucking. conflict. silly, silly
    Who's averse to conflict? More like allergic to stupidity.
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin
    If strrrng really cared about a public loss of face, he wouldn't be engaging in such direct, caustic confrontation. lol. Oh, but I forgot, discojoe can't be disputed. lol. Fuck me, I forgot. lol. Waaaah, I'm so stupid. lol.
    Exactly, lol. <3 you.

    Which is why I'll reiterate this to your dual. Bring it, lol. I'm scared of saving face? Prove it, instead of quoting other sources like a good little 6 and engage in some real, direct confrontation.

    Is that too daunting a task?

    Oh wait, the copout will come: strrrng is immature and simply not worth it.

    Bah, I guess I'm not worth engaging directly, and can only be quoted against. Lol @ arguing from the shadows.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune
    Who's averse to conflict? More like allergic to stupidity.
    *snort* this is what it looks like when an INFj makes a direct insult.

    Keep trying

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    *snort* this is what it looks like when an INFj makes a direct insult.

    Keep trying
    ah, so this is what nick looks like when he's got nothing to say.

    Keep trying to attribute it to type.
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  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post'm worried about loss of face?

    cmon then, expose me. Show me for the weak little INFp I am, in all of my misery. Seriously lol, if you're so confident, bring your arguments to the table.

    oh wait. You have no arguments of your own. Instead, you rely on the arguments of more intelligent individuals to make your case seem more plausible.

    typical so 6 bulllshittterrry.

    Either grow a spine, get a brain and man up to be direct, or don't bother posting.

    lol @ quoting me, proving nothing, quoting discojoe to prove something, all the while never directly involving yourself in the conflict.

    You must feel so special

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    justifying how assertive you have been doesn't exactly make you out to be in control of the situation. Rather, it makes it seem as though you are trying to convince yourself that you are in control.
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    not expending energy - or extra energy at least. You are expending a lot energy defending yourself, lol, so it's obvious who's "losing" here.
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    The wasting energy I was referring to was (whose?) behavior in this thread.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune
    ah, so this is what nick looks like when he's got nothing to say.

    Keep trying to attribute it to type.
    lol, I have nothing to say? You're not saying anything that warrants more than a joking response. Step your game up, Se polr, and challenge me. This is a just a big circus of fun and laughter to this little IEI.

    And steve, omg lol, you are SOOO TRANPSPARENT. Haven't you spoken with me enough to know I'm a good judge of other ppl's motives?

    ATTN DISCLAIMER: Steve is afraid to engage in any remotely direct form of conflict, so he quotes my writings in some deluded attempt to make me look stupid without having to do anything. Basically a scared 6 ENTp's attempt to be able to hide in the background and control the argument. Great job!

    Nice try, buddy, but it's clear you're out of your league, as I just exposed your pathetic technique for what it is: another pussy ENTp copout.

    bravo you noble Ne/Si valuers. You're so adept at this game.

  21. #61
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    See, again, that's what I find so interesting about all of this, Nick. When I'm emotionally charged, it's bad. When I rationalize, it's bad. So....what? The only way for me to properly enter a discussion is to sit there filing my nails in a blazé fashion and word everything I say in a manner that demands an aggressive response? Because by the looks of your posts that seems to be the only approach. Otherwise I'm sitting on my high horse by not falling into those tacks or I'm using alpha NT cop-outs.

    As Steve just pointed out, I'm not the only one who's noticed the kind of manipulative tactics you use in your "dicussion" style, Nick. Though I think that's only one part of it. In general you tend to word things in the most condescending manner possible to try and create an intellectual superiority over whomever you're discussing with.

    Famous tactics include asking questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick
    Don't you consider his attempt pathetic? If so, how come you don't mock him?
    That prove to be rhetorical after someone chooses to respond:

    I have paid attention on various occasions. Not that I cared to observe it, but I distinctly remember the portion of the chat last night where merky told you how he hated you and pondered why that was so, and you basically sat there, saying nothing, with a flat expression. I have paid attention on various occasions. Not that I cared to observe it, but I distinctly remember the portion of the chat last night where merky told you how he hated you and pondered why that was so, and you basically sat there, saying nothing, with a flat expression. If you want to deny this, go ahead. I don't care about convincing you that Se (or w/e it is) offsets you; I know what I saw, and cherry picked examples that are unverifiable don't help your case. And I have yet to see you mock him...
    But by answering your question they allow you the opening to attack them directly by undermining them in a place that you recognize as a weakness:

    Maybe your Fi polr makes you overly-paranoid about others' motives, and you're weak Se makes you vulnerable to direct attacks from Se types

    ...let alone control the situation in those circumstances. Lastly, if all of what you say is true - that you have struck back directly and mocked him - why does he continue the behavior and why does it still seem to have an effect? Oh well, maybe I'm misinterpreting (even though I have no bias about it) and you're really making him look like an idiot.
    and again


    Vero, justifying how assertive you have been doesn't exactly make you out to be in control of the situation. Rather, it makes it seem as though you are trying to convince yourself that you are in control.
    and again

    Judging from this thread, I'd say you are. Merk has made one post which addressed the issues concisely. You have made multiple posts which, for the most part, consist of rambling rationalizations and justifications. Again, he's not expending energy - or extra energy at least.
    Which is funny. Because none of it has anything to do with the original point:

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    But in an argument...that's an argument. There's no need for emotionality; that simply undermines the premise of the debate. If you can be louder or more insulting it doesn't prove your point. Perhaps something important to consider is the affects of sub-type. For instance, you might compare Steve or myself in argument compared to someone like Riddy. Steve and I, Ti-subs, tend to remain uninvested in our arguments on an emotional level outside of emphasizing our intent. We'll argue the point to death, and we may lose patience with people who are totally unreceptive, but we never resort to direct attacks on the individual. Compare that to Riddy, an object-sub, who seems to get caught up in the argument a lot faster, and is a lot quicker to follow along when the argument degenerates to insulting and personal attacks.

    Something to consider?
    But by using his tactics, he appears on the surface to be fulfilling his argument:

    Quote Originally Posted by Nick
    I think this comparison is hasty and, on the whole, incorrect. I disagree that you and Steve are emotionally uninvested in your arguments - quite the opposite actually. You may not run around like a mentally unstable beta NF, insulting everyone in sight, but you do react emotionally and seem to be offset (both of you) if someone contradicts you with the slightest undertone of aggression.
    So despite the fact that I remained emotionally uninvested with the initial argument and reacted as I explained:

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    I [try to] redirect [the] discussion in a more acceptable and neutral direction since this person is obviously not taking to my arguments as expected. I want it to stay on the matter of content, not presentation, and when that's not what happens I'm forced to re-evaluate how to deal with the changing circumstances to the best of my ability. I'm not looking for a pissing match when I argue, I'm looking for a rational discussion between two people.
    The argument becomes an attack:

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    Wait a minute here. Are we talking about an argument or an attack? If someone attacks me I pick apart their attack and then strike back.
    And I react:

    Quote Originally Posted by me
    Post #42
    The End.
    7w8 so/sp

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    lol @ thinking me expending energy on this thread means I care.

    Can't an INFp have fun?

    hmm...this is boring...

  23. #63
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    Nick. You know what you remind me of?

    Those guys who think that by yelling louder, over everyone else, that that means he's right.

    Shut the fuck up.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol, I have nothing to say? You're not saying anything that warrants more than a joking response. Step your game up, Se polr, and challenge me. This is a just a big circus of fun and laughter to this little IEI.

    And steve, omg lol, you are SOOO TRANPSPARENT. Haven't you spoken with me enough to know I'm a good judge of other ppl's motives?

    ATTN DISCLAIMER: Steve is afraid to engage in any remotely direct form of conflict, so he quotes my writings in some deluded attempt to make me look stupid without having to do anything. Basically a scared 6 ENTp's attempt to be able to hide in the background and control the argument. Great job!

    Nice try, buddy, but it's clear you're out of your league, as I just exposed your pathetic technique for what it is: another pussy ENTp copout.

    bravo you noble Ne/Si valuers. You're so adept at this game.
    Sometimes the best way to make a point is to let the past speak for itself.
    7w8 so/sp

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    Vero, I applaud your extreme propensity to blindly weave together things into a convoluted Ti system to reassure yourself.

    bravo to the ENTps who think they're perceptive because they observe surface patterns that have no bearing on shit.

    Call me out on my manipulativeness all you want, it won't change anything. The only reason you're even still arguing (all of you) is because you have a support group.

    So, I'll continue to have fun on this merry-go-round, while you sillies are taking it seriously.

    Can't you see that your petty feelings only make me giggle, and ur supposed logical arguments have no substantial effect whatsoever, except on your compatriots?

    Once again: fail. Maybe next time.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki
    Nick. You know what you remind me of?

    Those guys who think that by yelling louder, over everyone else, that that means he's right.

    Shut the fuck up.
    Oh. That's direct. hmm...

    lol @ you.

    I'm not right...not at all. Why am I right, Loki? hmm...I'm confused.


    wow, I thought arguing with Gilly was pointless. At least he knew how to engage in this sort of thing.

    I'm losing my entertainment...more fun plz

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Oh. That's direct. hmm...

    lol @ you.

    I'm not right...not at all. Why am I right, Loki? hmm...I'm confused.


    wow, I thought arguing with Gilly was pointless. At least he knew how to engage in this sort of thing.

    I'm losing my entertainment...more fun plz
    You're not even making any sense anymore. I think you're really just floppin around now because Vero, AND Steve, brought up real evidence of you not really arguing with any effectiveness, using character attacks and destroying other people's reputation (by being condescending). And they proved it with the posts you made in this thread alone.

    I'm not saying any of us are taking any of this seriously. I'm saying, you just verbal vomit.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    Vero, I applaud your extreme propensity to blindly weave together things into a convoluted Ti system to reassure yourself.

    bravo to the ENTps who think they're perceptive because they observe surface patterns that have no bearing on shit.

    Call me out on my manipulativeness all you want, it won't change anything. The only reason you're even still arguing (all of you) is because you have a support group.

    So, I'll continue to have fun on this merry-go-round, while you sillies are taking it seriously.

    Can't you see that your petty feelings only make me giggle, and ur supposed logical arguments have no substantial effect whatsoever, except on your compatriots?

    Once again: fail. Maybe next time.
    Well I certainly feel like a failure now that I know you're so uninvested in this argument. Too bad my compatriots are on the side of logic when they could be clowning around on a merry-go-round.
    7w8 so/sp

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  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol, I have nothing to say? You're not saying anything that warrants more than a joking response. Step your game up, Se polr, and challenge me. This is a just a big circus of fun and laughter to this little IEI.

    And steve, omg lol, you are SOOO TRANPSPARENT. Haven't you spoken with me enough to know I'm a good judge of other ppl's motives?

    ATTN DISCLAIMER: Steve is afraid to engage in any remotely direct form of conflict, so he quotes my writings in some deluded attempt to make me look stupid without having to do anything. Basically a scared 6 ENTp's attempt to be able to hide in the background and control the argument. Great job!

    Nice try, buddy, but it's clear you're out of your league, as I just exposed your pathetic technique for what it is: another pussy ENTp copout.

    bravo you noble Ne/Si valuers. You're so adept at this game.

    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    justifying how assertive you have been doesn't exactly make you out to be in control of the situation. Rather, it makes it seem as though you are trying to convince yourself that you are in control.
    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng
    Again, he's not expending energy - or extra energy at least. You are expending a lot energy defending yourself, lol, so it's obvious who's "losing" here.
    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe
    I think the displays of Se you've made in the forum have been weak and compensatory, like when you threatened to beat various people up and bragged about your fighting abilities, even though that couldn't possibly have put any Se pressure on anyone who read it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    The only reason you're even still arguing (all of you) is because you have a support group.
    you should talk.

  31. #71

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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiLoki
    You're not even making any sense anymore. I think you're really just floppin around now because Vero, AND Steve, brought up real evidence of you not really arguing with any effectiveness, using character attacks and destroying other people's reputation (by being condescending). And they proved it with the posts you made in this thread alone.

    I'm not saying any of us are taking any of this seriously. I'm saying, you just verbal vomit.
    I'm not making sense? Sorry, Loki.

    Like I said, you dull fuck, I don't care if they proved that I have a slighting, manipulative personality. That doesn't change the fact that they (or you for that matter...tsk tsk...boxers aren't supposed to be pussies, Loki, cmon) don't engage directly, but rather, spin little ego-based Ti webs, using external sources to support their positions. *APPLAUSE*

    Steve and Vero (and whoever the fuck else) can feel secure or w/e with their "logical" citings of "evidence" of how sillywilly I am - it doesn't matter.

    Take a step back and try to evaluate exactly where this argument is at in the grander scheme, not just in terms of ostensible logic. I know it's hard.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    I'm not making sense? Sorry, Loki.

    Like I said, you dull fuck, I don't care if they proved that I have a slighting, manipulative personality. That doesn't change the fact that they (or you for that matter...tsk tsk...boxers aren't supposed to be pussies, Loki, cmon) don't engage directly, but rather, spin little ego-based Ti webs, using external sources to support their positions. *APPLAUSE*
    Let's see... strawman argument, ad hominem... any more man?
    How can you "engage" directly on here? Scream at each other? Type in all caps? Punch my monitor? I think i'll pass.

    Steve and Vero (and whoever the fuck else) can feel secure or w/e with their "logical" citings of "evidence" of how sillywilly I am - it doesn't matter.
    Well, actually they were pointing out not your "sillyness" but the fact that you contradict yourself almost from post to post. Also, you just admitted you're now no longer "arguing". You're simply yelling. Thanks it's all I wanted you to say

    Take a step back and try to evaluate exactly where this argument is at in the grander scheme, not just in terms of ostensible logic. I know it's hard.
    This argument should center around pie, personally.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol, I have nothing to say? You're not saying anything that warrants more than a joking response. Step your game up, Se polr, and challenge me. This is a just a big circus of fun and laughter to this little IEI.
    strrng once pondered his existence one day outside his rustic home in romania. He knew for certain he was right. His evident and forceful logic was plain to see, he thought. But then one day people started disagreeing with him and he came up with load after load of bullshit while he laughed and laughed about how no one could keep up with his Ti. He was a smart boy, though somewhat divorced from reality. At least if I insult the people standing against me, he considered, maybe I can elude myself into thinking I have some kind of upper ground, even if I'm not standing on anything but bravado. All these thoughts ran through his mind as his eyes took in the verdant plains before him. He could not but marvel in his excellence. Here and there sheep littered the field. They were his duty as a shepherd boy to keep safe. He liked the sheep, if only because they seemed receptive to his arguments and because, well, it was a lonely life in the middle of no where.

    Deep down though he wanted something more, something forceful in his life. Sheila always seemed to catch his eye. She was strong and rebellious, never quite submitting to his demands, occasionally even bringing him back to reality with an unexpected bump or rush. She was his favorite sheep out of the whole herd. There was something different about her, special even. How joyful he felt watching Sheila. For the first time in his life he felt complete. He felt a forbidden longing arise in his heart that he tried everyday to push back into the depths.

    As you may know, such a repression never long lasts. It happened when it came time to shear his herd. Everything went by uneventfully until it came Sheila's turn. strrng grasped her with his strrng and brawny man muscles and reached for the shears. Something in him made him hesitate momentarily. Sheila snorted and pushed against him, struggling in his grasp. strrng desperately tried to regain control, that was something he'd always thought he possessed in his life, but he could see now that it was merely something he wanted, that all his grand facades had been him reaching for the ideal he held so closely in his mind. The tenuous dam of his love burst like a levee, his desire smothering and consuming the French Quarter of his heart. He knew then, listening to the thunderous rapture in his chest, there could be no going back. Never again would he be alone.
    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune
    strrng once pondered his existence one day outside his rustic home in romania. He knew for certain he was right. His evident and forceful logic was plain to see, he thought. But then one day people started disagreeing with him and he came up with load after load of bullshit while he laughed and laughed about how no one could keep up with his Ti. He was a smart boy, though somewhat divorced from reality. At least if I insult the people standing against me, he considered, maybe I can elude myself into thinking I have some kind of upper ground, even if I'm not standing on anything but bravado. All these thoughts ran through his mind as his eyes took in the verdant plains before him. He could not but marvel in his excellence. Here and there sheep littered the field. They were his duty as a shepherd boy to keep safe. He liked the sheep, if only because they seemed receptive to his arguments and because, well, it was a lonely life in the middle of no where.

    Deep down though he wanted something more, something forceful in his life. Sheila always seemed to catch his eye. She was strong and rebellious, never quite submitting to his demands, occasionally even bringing him back to reality with an unexpected bump or rush. She was his favorite sheep out of the whole herd. There was something different about her, special even. How joyful he felt watching Sheila. For the first time in his life he felt complete. He felt a forbidden longing arise in his heart that he tried everyday to push back into the depths.

    As you may know, such a repression never long lasts. It happened when it came time to shear his herd. Everything went by uneventfully until it came Sheila's turn. strrng grasped her with his strrng and brawny man muscles and reached for the shears. Something in him made him hesitate momentarily. Sheila snorted and pushed against him, struggling in his grasp. strrng desperately tried to regain control, that was something he'd always thought he possessed in his life, but he could see now that it was merely something he wanted, that all his grand facades had been him reaching for the ideal he held so closely in his mind. The tenuous dam of his love burst like a levee, his desire smothering and consuming the French Quarter of his heart. He knew then, listening to the thunderous rapture in his chest, there could be no going back. Never again would he be alone.
    lol, this is cute.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    lol, this is cute.

    I thought it turned out pretty well too.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki
    Well, actually they were pointing out not your "sillyness" but the fact that you contradict yourself almost from post to post. Also, you just admitted you're now no longer "arguing". You're simply yelling. Thanks it's all I wanted you to say
    Oh, forgot! Silly me.

    Read steve's quotes closely - they're out of context. And vero has been trying to reassure herself since I caller her out on her bullshit claim of being assertive in the beginning of this thread.

    and you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    Don't worry, niffweed. You have my support <333
    no, i don't. stop fucking around with me. i don't need to deal with this.

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    OH MY GOD. lol. My driving instructor's name was Sheila. Munemori, you bastard you.
    ya 4 srs
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  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    blah blah blah they're out of context. blah blah blah blah
    aaaaaaaaahahahahahahah no. I've been reading this whole thing. Every quote comes with a link.

    now shut up and bring me pie.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

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    Quote Originally Posted by mune

    I thought it turned out pretty well too.

    I have a crush on Loki.

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