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Thread: Another explanation of Socionics

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    Default Another explanation of Socionics

    I'm not sure if this has already been linked somewhere, but this seems to be a good English version.

  2. #2
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Someone needs to do a clear, readable version of the subtype descriptions in English.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  3. #3



  4. #4
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Well hurry the fuck up and learn Russian.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by gilligan87
    Well hurry the fuck up and learn Russian.
    I am taking russian in school this semester, and plan on adding a readable subtype description to the webpage eventually.

  6. #6
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Hallelujah, thank you Jesus.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  7. #7
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    Funny coincidence. I just edited Gulenko's subtype descriptions a few days ago, to make them easier to read. It still sounds pretty Russian, so if anyone wants to work on that, you're more than welcome. Anything in brackets [like this] is just my guess. My Russian isn't too good. Take it all with a grain of salt.

    Subtype Descriptions according to Gulenko

    Sensory Subtype

    Irregular and impulsive, does not always follow himself the order he requires from others, in this case he is capable of condemning those who disrupt this order. He is communicable and courteous on a distant distance, but on a close distance he can prove to be intolerant. When caught, he can answer by aggression. His aim is leadership, but he is better at leading small associations. He outwardly appears strong. The men frequently have whiskers. In his clothing he prefers a free style.

    Logical Subtype

    Most rational logical type. He is very constructive. His aim is hierarchy; he can [organize?] all around him; he works thoroughly and brings everything to its end without missing a detail. He is not very dynamic and does not transfer confusion. Outwardly he is strict, sustained, somewhat single-minded. In working situations he is official, and even with close relatives he can manifest a barrack style of behaviour. His clothing is conservative, his suit is often in a strict, dark tone.


    Sensory Subtype

    Characterized by [expansiveness?] in [the circle of those close to him?]. Can even be aggressive if people do not agree with him. Dutiful, active and hardy. In conflict situations he is never the first to seek reconciliation. He can lead groups [of average value?], maintain discipline and order, and apply sanctions to those misbehaving. Frequently he is very [rectilinear?]. He demonstrates his [affections by ardent looks?]. Businesslike and purposeful, he gravitates towards administrative activity. He can give rebuff and marshal, if that creates a mafia-like structure, since he will easily recognize the results of this activity. Prefers a prestigious style of clothing, sometimes in bright, but unexciting tones.

    Ethical Subtype

    Subtle, sensitive nature. [Examines people well?], is a reliable friend, is capable of compromise. In his softness and ease of contact he sometimes resembles IS(F)Ps.
    This subtype is more frequently better at putting ideas into practice than at organizing things: since others are included, their opinions are important to him. Very good with small children; sensitive, thoughtful and attentive. Can also manifest applied skill and cultural activity. Outward appearance is modest; he little follows fashion and prefers a freer style.


    Ethical Subtype

    Very expressive, it is difficult maintain [i.e., withstand?] his emotional pressure. He possesses high fitness for work; however, the [accretion of feelings?] prevents it from being design. Very scattered; jumps from one thing to another. Straightforward, not average, he is characterized by his explosive choleric temperament. Outwardly - the desire to draw the attention of the [opposite sex?] by bright clothing, in which can be present an element of demonstrativeness.

    Sensory Subtype

    Aesthete, loves to provide pleasure to himself and to those around him, loves to give gifts. A good [householder?] – he knows how to make do even with a minimum of conveniences. A man of business, can be a successful manager in the leisure and entertainments industry. Women of this type knit and sew well, know how to be charming, possess a good taste in colour matching clothing. Undemonstrative behaviour. Very bad at enduring pain and poor health.


    Logical Subtype

    Attempts to combine in his hands the entire cycle of production. A good worker, does not suffer incompetence, is well educated in his area of competence. Very operational, sometimes [wears himself out with work?], he considers that only thus can he require the same from others. Can be sharp in his judgments. Usually formulates tasks very clearly. In the sphere of production he attains the responsibility for a product, he loves to admire what he has made, and emphasizes the advantage of his goods. Works well under the conditions of a stable market - in transportation, in the army. His clothing is conservative; for him, the main things are cleanliness, order and functionality.

    Sensory Subtype

    Feels at home in the intermediate the fields of production – in trade or management. He is more [flattened, i.e. shallow/small-minded?] than the logical subtype; he is very sociable, emotional, gregarious. Frequently hospitable; loves comfort and cosiness, and he likes to spend his leisure time in nature. Easily it manages the responsibilities of a technical director or manager.

    Logical Subtype

    Outwardly businesslike, a little severe, cold and apparently unapproachable. A realist and skeptic, he is distrustful of novelty, of those who advance [ideas of declarative character?]. Will always avoid useless matters, since he is totally pragmatic. Very dynamic and technologically effective, he can extract the maximum of benefit even from, it would seem, entirely ["narrower than unnecessary" - didn't understand that one]. His production is always foremost and will stand up to any competition on the market. His clothing is restrained, conservative, and he prefers a sporty, technological style.

    Sensory Subtype

    Aesthete, disposed to obtaining pleasant sensations. Is considerably more gregarious than the initial subtype. More optimistic, but less operational. Sibaritic epicure. Gravitates towards the humanitarian disciplines - skill, linguistics, history. Dresses with taste, chooses clothes that emphasize his good looks, selects clothes according to colour.

    Ethical Subtype

    Emotional ethics are intensified. Emotional and sociable, enters easily into any company, appears extravert. Loves practical and spacious clothes, about which he is not very choosy – he can also walk around shabbily. Artistic, frequently performs the role of [instigator?]. Finds himself in the amateur artistic activity, it can be musician, actor, advertising agent.

    Sensory Subtype

    Possesses a good aesthetical taste; this can be manifested by applied skill in his clothing, his interior decoration, and in his job. This artist is frequently drawn to depicting landscapes and still lives. He is a judge of the savoir vivre; for him, comfort is very important. He is a sibarite and [takes care of his external appearances?]. He is a hedonist, and he loves to provide pleasure both to himself and to others. He is outwardly more well-fed, than the ethical subtype.

    Sensory Subtype

    Very active, energetic, enterprising. Has always his ["nose downwind" - no idea what that means]. Adventurous, loves [competitions?] and risks, loves playing with the law. If he is defeated, he easily departs, "after [substituting?]" less flexible partners. He is one of the most unpredictable types. He works well in the intermediate trade structures, but not in production. A sharp [drop in the mood?] is characteristic for him: if something is good for me, then all must be well; if something is bad for me, then let the rest suffer too. He [converges?] with people on the short distances, he can exert powerful emotional pressure. A good executive and works well in the service industry, for example as a waitor; a good actor (but only in the easy genres like comedy or operetta). He easily manipulates relationships: he draws near, people [are moved away?]. He is emotionally unstable; therefore he is frequently unsociable (he can provoke something and in the case of failure - rapidly retreat into the shadows).

    Ethical Subtype

    Appears influential and reliable, gradually he [converges?] with them, if they are useful. He possesses a specific snobbery, the status of impressiveness. For him, everything must become better and better – his office, his car, his dacha... A good worker; he can govern people [and relationships?]; he calculates well; is pragmatical. He is not adventurous. He is a good politician, since he wonderfully feels people and ["draws necessary" - no idea what that means]. Plays the role of thoughtful person who works on the key problem. Dresses more with restraint than the other subtype.


    Sensory Subtype

    Sharp, demonstrative, attacking style of behavior. Expressive and expansive to the point of being aggressive. Feels at home in emergencies; sharply [is included?] in conflicts; can pressure people in order to rapidly introduce order. If conflicts do not occur, he can provoke some in order to then take the initiative in his hands. Emotional and sociable, he will want the attention of more than one person of the opposite sex. Women also display initiative in their acquaintances with men. This subtype is sinewy, mobile, often thin, has a well developed taste, is an epicure. In fashion he is drawn to refinement and prestige.

    Logical Subtype

    Prefers to remain in the shadows, not to demonstrate his aspirations, but he constantly holds his hand on the pulse of all proceedings around him. He outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic. Before he has to act, he checks all versions of possible consequences and only then enters into the game. Distrustful and careful, skeptic, conservative and realistic. Because he is not very sociable, he appears to be an introvert. If he has his aim on a victim, he acts slowly, by the method of the "compressive ring".


    Ethical Subtype

    Flatters and is charming and communicable. If he sees negative emotions in the people around him, he will try to arrange things so that people will calm down. He will mobilize well in dangerous situations. Loves to be in the centre of attention, can suffer [in front of other people?] and dramatize proceedings, possesses a sense of humor. He easily manipulates by intonation and voice; can work successfully as a journalist --- he easily succeeds ["in, telling" - no idea what that means] the person he talks to. Outwardly he can appear extravagant; frequently takes a bohemian and bright form.

    Intuitive Subtype

    Facial expression is typically interrogative, and he seems calm, dreamy, and contemplative. His line of behaviour is frequently passive. A romantic spirit. He lives in the world of illusions, and he attempts to avoid negative emotions. He is optimistic, as a rule. He shrinks away from conflict situations and is a supporter of compromises. He is restrained in the clothing, he is elegant and refined, he can fulfill the functions of the abstract thinker with the [firm hand? / practical common sense?], work in psychology and psychotherapy.


    Intuitive Subtype

    A good eye for people; immediately sees who does or doesn’t [feel drawn to him by the looks in people’s eyes / have similar views to him]. He loves to be in a close circle of friends and adherents, and to discuss with them the novelties of literature, skill, humanities. Frequently behaves unsure of himself; he [occurs?]; he is scattered. The aim is humanitarian activity, but he can work in the service industry. Works well both in medicine and in pedagogy. Knows how to reconcile those disputing, to smooth out sharp situations. Knows how to create a pleasant situation, how to create a comfortable home. Dresses with the taste, frequently follows fashion.

    Ethical Subtype

    Is sincerely religious or adheres to any ethical system. Inobtrusive and restrained. Ascetic. Strict to himself and others when it comes to disturbances of moral standards. Not likely to take the initiative. Little interested in the fact that he is not connected with his persuasions. In his work he is sluggish and scrupulous. With him it is possible to have a talk, to pour out one’s soul, to receive simple, but efficient advice. Outward appearance: self-absorbed, ascetic; [the internal stressed life is examined in the extrinsic ethos?].


    Intuitive Subtype

    A very sociable, spirited, mobile person. The initiator of many things; however, he is characterized by great restlessness and changeability. Very creative, but scattered and undisciplined. Capable to ["splash out" - no idea what that means] his dissatisfaction, also, to authorities, [he does not subordinate himself?]. Outwardly, he frequently has complete rounded forms. In his clothing he can be demonstrative and bright, sometimes even loud.

    Ethical Subtype

    Sees in people their concealed gravities and attachments. Prefers to work on a short psychological distance (unlike the other subtype). He loves to give advice, and he gravitates towards psychoanalysis, in this case counts on manifestation in people of their positive qualities. He can stand up for others, defending their interests, but finds it difficult to stand up for himself. Is outwardly more frequently thin and elegant. In his clothing, he prefers a free cut and soft colours.


    Ethical Subtype

    Emotionally excited, sharp. Demonstrates fervent feelings, is decisively artistic. Easily yields to [enthusiasm / flattery?]. Characterized by aristocratic manners. Frequently a good speaker or a political leader with patriotic leanings. Is internally dramatic and spontaneous, loves to [demonstrate himself?]. Outwardly he can shock those around him by extremes in clothing – a hobo with soiled sleeves. He can, on the contrary, dress [by thrust?], in vivid or aristocratically choice clothes.

    Intuitive Subtype

    Predisposed to reflection, internal fluctuations and doubts. Thinks descriptively, is inclined to philosophy. Not very critical of external appearances, not exacting of his food. Reserved, sensitive, fragile, speaks out inobtrusively, he is [popular?] and punctual. A good educator and teacher; can entice its listeners. Outwardly calm. ["Sequential in the account of material" - not sure what that means.]


    Logical Subtype

    Practical and operational, ["razvorotliv" - couldn't find that anywhere], he dislikes any useless activity. He tries to extract benefit from everything, does not allow industrial wastes - everything must be reasonably used. Loves company, friends, a good table. A sense of humor is well developed. Knows how to get along with those around him. He is outwardly elegant, sociable; however, he is a little [weakened?].

    Intuitive Subtype

    Ascetic, grumbling, loves to emphasize deficiencies, searches for opponents. Criticizes sometimes with a dose of biliousness. Frequently has very slim figure, ["complexities in the contact are experienced" - hng?]. He can well ["provoke situations" - no idea what that means], including commercial ones. Possesses large erudition and memory, frequently gets stuck in details. A scientist and theorist who makes fundamental developments and who also has an eye for social-economic tendencies. Using analogies, frequently he can predict the development of an ongoing process. Outwardly slovenly and negligent. Little regards his health.

    Intuitive Subtype

    Analyst; a good scientist and conceptualist. His primary attention is given to global issues. A generator of ideas. Achievements with potential are more important to him than the result of the current moment. Soft, correct and careful in his social contacts. Outwardly frequently very slim, gives more [than?] attention to external appearance and health.

    Logical Subtype

    Concrete and regulated, an organizer in science, does not entrust too [outlandish?] ideas. A scholar, but only in his own narrow area of competence. His behaviour is dry, restrained; he can be authoritarian. Does not love discussions and frictions in a group; operates on a distant
    psychological distance. Strict adherent of reasonable systems. Clothing is strict; attempts to ["be in grow prettier to physical form" - could mean: "attempts to become more handsome"].

    Intuitive Subtype

    He ["differs in terms of excellent scent to the new" - not sure what that means]. He frequently becomes the originator of many inventions and discoveries. Unsurpassed generator of ideas. In his suggestions he is very daring. However, he easily drops a project if he is bored with it and he then feels drawn to a new, more captivating project. Capable of working well in business. Dynamic, talks rapidly, with many gestures. Frequently of stocky built, courageous appearance, whiskers (if a man). Great significance is attached to external appearance.

    Logical Subtype

    Self-centered and pensive. His ideas do not have direct connection with reality, for example philosophy, religion, bioenergetics etc. His favorite occupation is comparing different logical systems. A type of office scientist. A very slim figure is characteristic for him. Angular in his movements, does not pay attention to external appearance, worries little about his health.


    Logical Subtype

    Most dynamic of all psycho-types, a pioneer in his region of activity, searches for supporters with whom it is possible to realize his own or general ideas. Very emotional and impulsive; therefore can be inconsistent in his actions. Trusting; because of his carelessness he can ["fall into different histories" - could mean: get into scrapes; or: have affairs]; seems spontaneous. Works well in free market activity; if he loses, he does not lose spirit and optimism, but again goes forward. Pays little attention to external appearances and health, is outwardly thin, very mobile, sometimes wears beard and whiskers, he ["occurs" - no idea what that means], [which leads to a disorderly conduct in life?].

    Intuitive Subtype

    Calm and balanced, conducts a regulated life, [spots opportunities?]. Quietly selects what idea it is better to ["neglect into the matter" - no idea what that menas], will always find the most optimal and advantageous output, which will give the greatest return. He is frequently a natural scientist, an experimenter, acting with his mind and hands simultaneously. Can interest himself in chemistry, and in painting, in this case he tries to bring everything to the end. Excellent hygrotechnician and experimenter. Gets along well with children, easily carries them along by his interesting actions. Outwardly more restrained and stocky than the other subtype; tries to dress well and pay attention to his health.

  8. #8
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    perhaps I am a split subtype

    Check out my Socionics group!

  9. #9
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    I'm intuitive for sure, although the looks don't fit me...I ain't no fatty.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  10. #10


    That puts into perspective... thanks Cat!

    I think I'm a split subtype.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    perhaps I am a split subtype

    Same here, I seem to be more a mix of both

    The INTj subtypes fit me better than any others, including ENTp.

    .....actually, I think I'm more intuitive, based on the desciption.
    Intuitive Subtype

    [b]Analyst; a good scientist and conceptualist. His primary attention is given to global issues. A generator of ideas. Achievements with potential are more important to him than the result of the current moment. Soft, correct and careful in his social contacts. Outwardly frequently very slim, gives more [than?] attention to external appearance and health.

    Actually, yeah, tha tmakes a lot of sense.

    I was listening to a speaker for MLK festivities..... and I was comparing quantum mechanics and generalativity to what she was saying I wrote notes all over the hand out with all sorts of ...... connections to everything.....

    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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