Quote Originally Posted by eliphalet View Post
Beta's heelp! What can I do to to argue better against my ILE and LII friends when they team up against me? Or pretty much against any other type..

Other IEI's I know have trouble with this, and I understand what they're trying to say but I can't help out. It's so frustrating... Grr, wish I had some SLE's to kick their butts sometimes, but I can't help but love those alphas nt's
First you have to openly admit defeat so they'll stop tag-teaming you. Then use Wikipedia and the internet to find holes in their arguments and then isolate them from each other so you can confront them one on one. They've been tag-teaming you which means they've got each others backs, protecting each others weak spots, find out which weak spot belongs to who, wait until one or the other is alone and unprepared and then overwhelm them with facts that contradict them and demand quick explanations , then claim victory and lay low for a couple days.

only 60% success ratio though because of all the external variables

Or you can just find an ILE and/or LII to back you up and go two vs. two, this would be much easier and would come with a higher success ratio cause your ILE/LII would be able to lay the Ti smackdown non-stop so long as you're feeding him/her with Fe. It would be like the difference between a race car with a pit crew vs. 2 race cars w/no pit crew or something like that lol