Quote Originally Posted by neverthesame View Post
LOL at the idea of an EIE being hot.

And what's wrong with the suggestion that Trent Reznor might be a LII? If you think that a LII can't sing, play musical instruments and be addicted to strippers, steroids, alcohol, drugs and rock music, then you don't really know so much about this type. Some LII's have actually lived crazy lives before calming down at a certain age.
If you read my posts I've said nothing about any those things, they have very little, if anything, to do with my typing of Reznor as IEI/very likely not LII.

My assessment of Reznor's type has mostly to do with the nature of his music, the emotions conveyed, his lyrics, manner of self-presentation, and visual resemblance to other IEIs.

Quote Originally Posted by neverthesame View Post

Rereading that statement of mine, I realize now it sounds rude and offensive. Which is not what I wanted to say at all, on the contrary, in fact I wanted to give you a compliment. Well, nevermind...
Lol no worries