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Thread: Mirror type differences ILE-ENTp and LII-INTj

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    JRiddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diljs View Post
    I talked about this in my typing thread a little bit, and I get the difference between the general psychological "extraversion=outgoing" concept, vs Jungian "extraversion=openness to new experience". I definitely have struggled with shyness or just general lack of social development, and that makes it difficult to tell my true nature. I see shyness as independent of type, something that is a separate issue.
    Extraversion is not really "openness to new experience". In fact, some introverts are far more open (particularly IPs) because they are less intent on shaping the world around them than say, EJs. But that's a fairly subjective way of describing things. Shyness is not entirely independent of type either, but it certainly is determined by more than just type.

    Quote Originally Posted by diljs View Post
    As far as temperament, I definitely identify more with EP than IJ. I am an extremely flexible, go with the flow kind of person, especially in social situations. I don't have the J "agenda" or regularity, although I do feel like I carefully think things through at times the way my IJ friends do. My moods change fairly quickly, although I don't have a very wide range of them. I think to an external observer I would appear the opposite, however, especially in social situations when I sit on the couch, lean back, and look around not saying much, possibly talking to one or two friends intensely about various subjects. I would prefer to be involved in the action, and situations where I have been able to "work the room" have been very fulfilling, but I don't feel competent in doing that generally. Would an INTj be internally comfortable doing what I generally do for the whole party, or would he be looking around the whole time keeping tabs on what everyone else is doing the whole time and wishing he were more involved?
    As a Ti-LII, you would value Fe very strongly, and try to make use of it whenever possible, even if your use of it is a bit uncontrolled. Honestly, the extent to which you break things down smacks so strongly of Ti that it seems like it's your most natural tendency. Honestly, you strike me as thoughtful and reserved, and though not afraid to state your thoughts, you seem to want to make sure they are very coherent before they leave you. This really seems more like the IJ temperament to me, even though you may be messy and not as "rigid" as the LII descriptions might suggest. I think that an LII can be comfortable trying to "work the room" if working the room has to do with discussing what interests him, and trying to catch on to the Fe mood. Although I must say that Ti-ILEs exhibit this behavior as well sometimes.

    Quote Originally Posted by diljs View Post
    Reliability is an interesting thing, I do my best to follow through on all my commitments, but this is a struggle for me and I avoid commitment in general (just ask my ex girlfriends) as much as possible.
    I meant reliability in different sense, to be honest, as in "less impulsive, more deliberate".

    I think the deciding factors for Ti-LII vs. Ti-ILE will be how impulsive you are, and whether you seem to value expression and activation or harmony with your environment more. This can be a tricky thing to evaluate, so think on it a little, and maybe we'll see.

    —————King of Socionics—————

    Ne-ENTp 7w8 sx/so

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    Quote Originally Posted by JRiddy View Post
    As a Ti-LII, you would value Fe very strongly, and try to make use of it whenever possible, even if your use of it is a bit uncontrolled.
    I am HUGE fan of Fe. Makes me very happy. I'm not sure if it's my dual seeking, however, as it's something I've always been conscious of appreciating in the opposite sex. Si, on the other hand, meets EXACTLY the description as the thing that "everyone sees but me", that I didn't think about at all until the ISFps and ESTjs started telling me about it. I also enjoy creating Fe in others very thoroughly, generally joking with my friends whenever possible, even at inappropriate times.

    Quote Originally Posted by JRiddy View Post
    Honestly, the extent to which you break things down smacks so strongly of Ti that it seems like it's your most natural tendency. Honestly, you strike me as thoughtful and reserved, and though not afraid to state your thoughts, you seem to want to make sure they are very coherent before they leave you. This really seems more like the IJ temperament to me, even though you may be messy and not as "rigid" as the LII descriptions might suggest. I think that an LII can be comfortable trying to "work the room" if working the room has to do with discussing what interests him, and trying to catch on to the Fe mood. Although I must say that Ti-ILEs exhibit this behavior as well sometimes.
    I definitely use Ti a lot, however I'm not sure if its my primary. Really I have a very hard understanding the flow of Ne feeding Ti in LII vs Ti feeding Ne in ILE, because I feel like I use both so often. The thing about Ti, however is, yes I edit my posts 10 times each as I think of something new immediately afterwards, but it's kind of a drag to do, the posting takes too long, etc. It feels like I crave free communication, but part of me says wait, think about it first, do you really want to say that, and the creative easy going part goes ugghhhh okay yeah we'll change it. I see Ti as "blah I have to do this so I can make this decision I guess, but I'd like to just make the decision because I'll come to the same conclusion anyway after I take 3 hours building the model."

    Quote Originally Posted by JRiddy View Post
    I meant reliability in different sense, to be honest, as in "less impulsive, more deliberate".

    I think the deciding factors for Ti-LII vs. Ti-ILE will be how impulsive you are, and whether you seem to value expression and activation or harmony with your environment more. This can be a tricky thing to evaluate, so think on it a little, and maybe we'll see.
    Impulsiveness - this is a challenge. In my life I've been very impulsive day to day in small things, but have had a lot of external influences (strict parenting, strict school environments, and self-editing which I don't think is healthy/normal for me) which have trained me not to be. For instance, I've been interested in the stock market for a while, and I know in my head "buy and hold is the best long term solution for reliable returns and minimal effort", but what I really want is to day trade constantly. These two battle it out and I end up buying really great long term stocks, then selling a day or two later for a small gain or in fear of a small loss. I later watch the stock run up as I initially predicted it would over time, and miss out because I didn't buy and hold.

    When it comes to "Big" life decisions, I chose my most recent job (which I quit because it was an extremely EJ culture), based essentially on "I don't have any other offers this good, I'm tired of interviewing, and I've never been to this state before. The job seems fairly easy, so why not?" Now that I've left, I've outlined my ideal job as very similar to what I did when I was into ebay: each day I would get up and do whatever I felt like that day based on opportunities I found for aquiring merchandise, anything I needed to pack and ship, and whether I felt like listing anything from the pile in my living room. It was very impulsive and I loved it.

    My favorite activities are with a small group, when we randomly decide to go do bowling or to 3 different people's houses, or just drive around the countryside for a few hours - very P environments. With Js its like "on the agenda we will eat at this time, watch this movie, talk for exactly 30 minutes after, then you will leave promptly at this time". I go "hey does anyone want to play this game?" "No, it's not on the agenda, retard."
    Last edited by diljs; 05-19-2008 at 07:59 PM.
    ILE - Ti.

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