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Thread: Mirror type differences ILE-ENTp and LII-INTj

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    @ ScanDave
    That guy does not look like a LII. He looks more like an ILI. What have you done to rule out the ILI as a possible type for him?
    I've listened to David Byrne and the Talking Heads a lot, and I've listened to a lot of interviews. He is a awfully good candidate on for LII. You'd likely find his postmodern approach to music somewhat repulsive, Phaed. Check YouTube and Google Video for "Talking Heads" and "David Byrne" and you'll see what I mean.

    Btw, sorry about my previous's not really your conclusions that bother me, it's the way you present them. So I apologize and hope that you will not count it against me.

    —————King of Socionics—————

    Ne-ENTp 7w8 sx/so

  2. #42


    For the record I agree with the ILE typing from the video. However, I think what matters is what diljs decides ultimately.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave View Post
    As far as ILE interest goes, its rare a ILE will go back to an old interest. The exception is if there is a new way of looking at said interest.
    Hmmm, that's interesting. I have a lot of abandoned interests - "I'm an expert in this now, done with it", but I also have enduring interests - doesn't everyone?
    When it comes to confrontation, I have notice ILEs are able to handle confrontation a lot better than LII. ILE will not be afraid to argue and argue. However when they see there is little point in what is being argue, they just leave to cool off for a bit. LII I have notice will hide from a confrontation, especially if they feel overpowered. They will hardly ever put themselves in the middle of a confrontation either. I'm not speaking of debating with someone, which LIIs are great at. Moreso heated arguements, with physical aspects.
    Hmm I'm not sure I've ever been in a truly heated/physical argument. I've always been able to work my way out of the situation before it came to that. When I'm around people that are arguing, I'll try to give them a friendly "knock it off", and if that doesn't work I'll leave. I'm typically very successful if I do use confrontation to get a store to give me a deal on something, for instance, but my just seems like a last resort that I'll only use if I have to.

    As for an example. The LII I posted above when an angry customer came in he would hide in the back room and tell me to go talk to him or her.
    Seriously? That I wouldn't do, I would talk the customer out of it and make him my buddy.

    Another time he got in a heated arguement with our ESTp co-worker, it got to the point where the ESTp was willing to get phsyically confrontational, the LII stopped agrueing. The LII then went to the back room and never came back out. When he came back out he said he was leaving early. The ESTp said to him "Stop acting like a girl." The next week the LII transfered to another store.
    Again, wouldn't let it get that far, I'd just let him win or leave before it got anywhere close to physical. I guess the difference is I'm not as argumentative as your coworker, nothing is important enough to me to get in a fight over. I have this argument with my mom A LOT - "which restaurant we eat at is not a moral issue, let's just go to yours."
    ILE - Ti.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave View Post
    For the record I agree with the ILE typing from the video.
    Wait you said LII earlier, which did you decide on?
    ILE - Ti.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    @ ScanDave
    That guy does not look like a LII. He looks more like an ILI. What have you done to rule out the ILI as a possible type for him?
    Phaedrus I appreciate your comments, could you explain with a little more detail as to how you type everyone?
    ILE - Ti.

  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by diljs View Post
    Wait you said LII earlier, which did you decide on?
    I said you gave a vibe off based on someone I have met that I typed LII. I said that is not substantial enough to rule out ILE. The first half on your first video screamed out ILE to me. But there are similarities there with the guy I worked with. However those inconsistancies could be nervousness due to being in front of a camera and having to post for all to see. Which is why I asked about your interest and confrontation. What you have to say about them leads me to believe ILE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave View Post
    For the record I agree with the ILE typing from the video. However, I think what matters is what diljs decides ultimately.
    No. There is no room for any other type than ILE. We can't accept any other type for him at this point. There is no turning back, I'm afraid. ILE it is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by diljs View Post
    Phaedrus I appreciate your comments, could you explain with a little more detail as to how you type everyone?
    I use every typing method that is available to me. When typing your guy I can only use V.I. and the little information you are providing. His behaviour in confrontations might perhaps be interpreted as an argument for LII>ILI, but it is not impossible for an ILI to act like that.

  9. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    No. There is no room for any other type than ILE. We can't accept any other type for him at this point. There is no turning back, I'm afraid. ILE it is.
    Why are you saying "No?" I am agreeing with ILE. It is for the undecided to decide. Whatever evidence there may be or whatever conclusion are strong in which ever direction. He is the one that must identify with said type fully. Just because you are confident in his type does not mean he is fully confident in accepting it yet. We would not be having this discussion if he was.

    All of what you said is unnesessary. Again does diljs agree? That is what matters. To me at least. That was clear when I said "I think."

  10. #50
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    I definitely think ILE Ti Subtype might explain some of my challenges socially. Here is my take on the subtypes (parts that apply to me are bolded, italics are definitely incorrect)

    ILE Subtypes

    Intuitive subtype (Inventor):

    (Valentine Meged & Anatoly Ovcharov) Give the impression that they’re flying in the clouds, may appear childish/naïve. A socially adept conversationalist; read much and are inquisitive, willingly discuss new information with associates and are interested in their opinion. Their seemingly shy demeanour combines with coolness and obstinacy when they begin to defend their point of view. They like to discuss but rarely ever end these disputes in conflict. Often smile at associates without need of an occasion. Use an identical smile when they speak about both, ridiculous and serious, subject matter. Attempt being kind to all and do not take personal offence to remarks. In employment they are patient and, despite forgetfulness, tend to finish work which interests them. Gestures and speech seem either slowed down or accelerated. Pose with ease, appear absent-minded, gait and movements seem uncertain/weak-willed.

    (Victor Gulenko) They differ in their excellent sense of novelty. They frequently become the originator of many inventions and discoveries. Unsurpassed generator of ideas. In their suggestions they is very daring. However, they easily drop a project if they are bored with it and they then feel drawn to a new, more captivating project. Capable of working well in business. Dynamic, talks rapidly, with many gestures. Frequently of stocky built, courageous appearance, whiskers (if a man). Great significance is attached to external appearance.

    (Sexual behaviour) May appear sluggish but will respond reasonably and affectionately when assured of reciprocity. Loves prolonged preparations and therefore not inclined to hurry. Aim for new impressions and reacts diplomatically to avoid conflicts. Sexual interest tends to bear a periodic nature. With them it is necessary to show tolerance, modesty and restraint. They must firstly be provided with respect and confidence, in regards to their feelings, and then they will easily show initiative and enjoyment. Power in self-improvement is a source of happiness and pleasure.

    Logical subtype: (The Selector)

    (Valentine Meged & Anatoly Ovcharov) The logical subtype tries to project the impression of a serious person. Can be sharp and, from time to time, even inconsiderate. They are self-assured and speak quickly, usually with a categorical tone. Are unduly categorical in their judgments and tend to impose their opinion on others. Sometimes appears energetic and self-confident; are impatient and cannot always wait for a speaker to finish before interrupting. Often take great new interests and try to find these a practical embodiment; will actively and vigorously defend their interests but after they flare up and offend someone they will consciously make note and try to correct their position. Very ambitious and prone to take offense to mere trifles, however, after a while will again return to an affable and benevolent state. Behaviors are unpredictable and full of contrast. Appear tenacious, gait and gestures seem confident but are poorly coordinated. Pose without restraint, capable of quickly closing a distance, may embrace or kiss the interlocutor.

    (Victor Gulenko) Self-centred and pensive. Their ideas do not have direct connection with reality, for example philosophy, religion, bioenergetics etc. Their favourite occupation is comparing different logical systems. A type of office scientist. A very slim figure is characteristic for them. Angular in their movements, does not pay attention to external appearance, worry little about their health.

    (Sexual behaviour) Are somewhat distrustful of feelings, they will only show their own slowly and with time. When they are confident in love are initiative taking, affectionate, and take care to satisfy their partner; always improving sexual techniques. They need a decisive, emotional and sexual partner, capable of quickly convincing them of their feelings and providing reciprocity. It is necessary to make use of constant emotional stimuli: joke, coquetry, jealousy.

    For LII, there's no way I'm Ti subtype, I could maybe see Ne subtype with the softer talking and focus on health.

    In looking at dual subtypes
    SEI - Fe subtype sounds HOT, while Si subtype sounds too hedonistic, so that supports ENTP - Ti.
    ESE - Si subytpe sounds better but really both are just too EJ busybody sounding

    Again though, I've always thought ENTp except for the social element, which is why I reconsider over and over.
    Last edited by diljs; 05-20-2008 at 01:19 AM.
    ILE - Ti.

  11. #51


    What types do you think are your friends? What are the positive and negative aspects of your relationship with each type?

    I think intertype relationships is an importanting aspect in understanding your type.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave View Post
    What types do you think are your friends? What are the positive and negative aspects of your relationship with each type?

    I think intertype relationships is an importanting aspect in understanding your type.
    Check out the third post here
    ILE - Ti.

  13. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by diljs View Post
    Check out the third post here
    Ok. Your relationship with ESTj matches the ones I have had. Just as a note. And other ones listed make sense.

    So are there any reservations still for ILE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave View Post
    Why are you saying "No?" I am agreeing with ILE. It is for the undecided to decide. Whatever evidence there may be or whatever conclusion are strong in which ever direction.
    No. I say "no" because in this particular case the evidence is so overwhelming that it is not up to diljs to decide which type he is -- unless of course he decides that he is an ILE. In this particular case (but not in general) we can't change our view on diljs's type. That is out of the question.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave
    He is the one that must identify with said type fully.
    Yes, but that only means that he must learn to identify with being an ILE.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave
    Just because you are confident in his type does not mean he is fully confident in accepting it yet. We would not be having this discussion if he was.
    Yes, but that is now irrelevant. It is a proven fact that he is an ILE. We can't change reality. The case is closed.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave
    All of what you said is unnesessary. Again does diljs agree? That is what matters.
    No, that is not what matters. What matters is the objective truth, whether or not diljs happens to agree with it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ScanDave
    To me at least. That was clear when I said "I think."
    But not to me. That's why I say "no".

  15. #55


    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    No. I say "no" because in this particular case the evidence is so overwhelming that it is not up to diljs to decide which type he is -- unless of course he decides that he is an ILE. In this particular case (but not in general) we can't change our view on diljs's type. That is out of the question.

    Yes, but that only means that he must learn to identify with being an ILE.

    Yes, but that is now irrelevant. It is a proven fact that he is an ILE. We can't change reality. The case is closed.

    No, that is not what matters. What matters is the objective truth, whether or not diljs happens to agree with it.

    But not to me. That's why I say "no".
    That's nice.

  16. #56

    Default ENTp or INTj?

    Can someone tell me the difference? I think I have both.

  17. #57
    ILE - ENTp 1981slater's Avatar
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    In short: both are goofy. People usually respect INTj's wisdom, whereas people say ENTps are weird and annoying. Bullies usually harass INTjs, but respect ENTps. ENTps boast their ideas all over, which may change quickly; INTjs are more reserved and they have a logical speech.
    ILE "Searcher"
    Socionics: ENTp
    DCNH: Dominant --> perhaps Normalizing
    Enneagram: 7w6 "Enthusiast"
    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
    Astrological sign: Aquarius

    To learn, read. To know, write. To master, teach.

  18. #58
    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    I would think INTj's are more reserved and serious.

    INTj's shrug off relationship troubles whereas ENTp's take someone disliking them more harshly.

    INTj's are more rigidly "logical" than ENTp's. ENTp's are willing to give Ti a break.

    ENTp's are high energy, but it's unstable, INTj's are have low, stable energy.

    Alot of the above is kinda BS, lol

    INTj's are foremost concerned with the External Statics of Fields (External Links) and ENTp's see things primarily through the lense of Internal Statics of Objects (Internal Attributes)

    Its more emphasis then anything I guess.
    The end is nigh

  19. #59
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    From a dichotomy point of view, their main difference is their temperament.

    IJ vs EP

    Serious, calm and emotional stable VS energetic and unpredictable

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    Default ILE vs LII (ENTp vs INTj) article

    I thought this was an interesting and informative functional description of a couple differences between ILEs and LIIs. I think it makes sense and can probably help people sort out their type question, and also wondering what you think about it.

    ILE (ENTp) Vs LII (INTj). INTP sociotypes.
    full discussion here:
    MensSuperMateriam of personalitynation writes:

    A closer look to the ILE and LII ego blocks.
    Many of the upper tricks are based in the idea that functions in Socionics behave differently depending on the position (each type will have the eight functions). This is specially obvious if they're part of different blocks, fut unfortunately this is not the ILE Vs LII case. But even inside them, qualitative differences also exist, not only quantitative (stronger/weaker). The most important and obvious difference inside a block will happen with leading (dom) and creative (aux) functions.

    The accepting/producing dichotomy. In Socionics, odd functions are accepting. They're the source of information about reality, the data that an user naturally "see" and forms the picture of reality. Leading function, being first is accepting. Even functions are producing. They use the data took by even functions for creating a new product that is molded to that cross-cut of reality obtained by the accepting function. Creative being even is producing.

    Being ILEs Ne leading, they should take Ne information (properties, possibilities) and create Ti concepts with it. Whereas being LIIs TI leading, they should create concepts first and deduce possibilities from them.

    Let's suppose the concept "to fall" is unknown. The natural way an ILE would adquire it would be something like this: and object could be in option A state, which would be elevated; an object could be also in option B state, which would be on the floor. Both states are extrapolated (Ne seeks for possibilities) to a general case: state A at greater height than state B. To fall will be moving from state A to state B. The concept (Ti data) is deduced from possibilities (Ne data): Ne->Ti.

    What an user of a concrete type naturally "sees" should be the limitant factor. An ILE will not easily conceptualize without seeing/imagining previously properties, states, etc. But at the same time, they will not be subordinated to concepts, because these are for them creations instead natural properties of reality, so they could be redone whenever necessary. If an ILE imagines or realizes new properties that are not included in the concepts, they're inmediately actualizated or reconstructed. What matters are properties that can be perceived or imagined (Ne data).

    For LIIs the mind process is reversed. The question will not be constructed as "if an object is moving from the top to the bottom, the object will be falling" (ILE mindset) but "if an object is falling, the object has to move from the top to the bottom". They conceptualize first (Ti data) and deduce properties, possibilities, options, from them (Ne data). Ti->Ne. LIIs perceive reality as made from Ti elements which they use for creating options. Ti is the limitant factor for them; they cannot "see" more options than those which come from what matters for them, that is, concepts.

    The key, limitant, factor (leading function) could then be recognized by opposing the two ego functions in the thinking processes. The function whose elements are usually actualized should be the creative, whereas the function whose elements causes the actualization should be the leading. An ILE will usually perceive new properties, aspects of reality not previously noticed that overcome existing concepts, being forced to constantly improve them. A LII will usually notice new concepts, "laws" of reality which will offer options not imagined before.

    A consequence of this is a curious behavior that LIIs manifest when compared with ILEs. LIIs tend to be briefs in the descriptions of their ideas. After all, once the concepts are created, their consecuences are more or less obvious, so speaking (or writting) to much is something like being redundant. This is not the case of ILEs, who do not know a concept like "too much data/info". They tend to express their ideas in a very lenghty and detailed way.

    A clue that could help is the time spent in each task. An accepting function (leading, limitant factor) should be significantly slower in its tasks than a producing (creative) function. The second one produces an output that is deduced (more or less quickly) from the data that the first one has previously gathered (this could be really slow). For example, an ILE (Ne leading) could imagine a really high amount of positions for an object before making a simple evaluation about what "falling" should be, whereas a LII (Ne creative) will not think about this too much because most of these positions will be equivalents in relation to the idea of "falling".

    All of this would justify the j LII behavior when compared with the p ILE behavior. LIIs naturally perceive reality as made from "laws" (concepts), what could easily imply rules of behavior, being organized, etc. ILEs naturally perceive reality as made from properties, possibilities, etc. Every possibility will be translated in a particular behavior in particular context (chaotic, disorganized, etc).

    The question of accepting and producing subtypes.
    There are several subtype classifications, being the accepting/producing the most commonly adopted. Inside each tipe, an user could focus in leading (which is accepting) or creating (wich is producing) function.

    Being accepting subtypes focused in their leading functions, they will be the "hardcore" subtypes, whose behavior would fit better in the general description of their types. Producing subtypes are focused in creative functions, manifesting a "softcore" version. They will have an higher probability of manifesting an external reversed behavior (introverted extratims and extraverted introtims), difficulting determining their correct type. Many INTPs, for example, could be in fact Ti-ILEs instead LIIs, specially those with almost absent j behavior. The same should happen with ENTPs, many of them could be Ne-LIIs instead ILEs.

    The sequence of thinking will anyway follow which corresponds to their main types.

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    Default How would one differentiate between an LII and an ILE?

    I've been debating for the past few weeks over which one I think I identify with more, and I am torn. The functions of ILE fit me very well, Hidden Agenda, PolR, and valued/unvalued functions. But at the same time that means that LII does as well.

    Basically I feel like I am either a subdued ILE or a more personable LII? I thought the easiest way might be to see if I was extroverted or introverted. I always just assumed I was introverted. But I'm starting to realize that I do tend to feed off social energy in general (extroversion?). I have a habit of seeking solitude though, especially when I'm going through self discovery or self improvement (which is a lot of the time). Whenever I do though, I tend to go a little mad and always feel about 100x better after I get some social interaction.

    How could I test myself to see which one I am? Are there any situations where an LII react to a situation where a ILE would definitely not?

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    I've followed the same train of thought. It felt like a profound revelation to realize that I was actually an extrovert.

    How do you feel about an ESE's Fe? Activity partners wear each other out because their base functions operate at full blast. Duality is more stable because the creative function communicates that element in bite-sized, palpable, situationally-relevant chunks of information.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post
    I've followed the same train of thought. It felt like a profound revelation to realize that I was actually an extrovert.

    How do you feel about an ESE's Fe? Activity partners wear each other out because their base functions operate at full blast. Duality is more stable because the creative function communicates that element in bite-sized, palpable, situationally-relevant chunks of information.
    Yes ESE is appealing to me for the Fe, but too much Fe burns me out. I don't know if that's normal and even if I was LIi I would feel like that. My experience with ESE is with my sister she is ESE or acts like one. She can get me really energized through her Fe, but after a point I will start to get annoyed after a while since she is always acting through her Fe it seems.

    So if I was LII then SEI's Strong si would bother me? How would that come about? Can even a dual get overloaded in their suggestive function?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    So if I was LII then SEI's Strong si would bother me? How would that come about? Can even a dual get overloaded in their suggestive function?
    I'm not sure if it would get overloaded, but I do know that it's the least discerning function and willing to accept almost any input. I'm not sure if it can be focused away like you could your hidden agenda.

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    @xerx, for whatever it is worth, on the "explorer to settler","on the move to settled " perceptual scale I differentiate ILEs from LIIs you have been on the latter side.

    I would contrast difference in perspective/attitudes of ILE to LII, as ILEs trying to sail a point of creative instability to get 360 degrees of different perspectives to explore the territory or relativistic sea depending on philosophy, while LII is trying to get x-ray transparent, relationship "motion-stabilized" perspective to which needing to change perspective is a sign of lack.

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    The intuitive function is definitely one which can need some solitude and turning away from direct stimulation to work, so even if these guys are outwardly focused and all that, they may need more solitude than, perhaps, some Se-leads. On average. Ultimately this is all correlation and speculation - strictly by definition, intuition is just intuition.

    The real question is thoroughly studying whether you have the perceiving attitude or rational attitude overall. Intuition perceives possibilities, implicit information and so forth. Both can be concerned with ideas. But where intuition looks without rational bias to uncover the idea (and thus must occur spontaneously, for as soon as you forego spontaneity, you are rationally elaborating the idea), reason looks to do the opposite. Ultimately both these alpha NT value intuition and logical reason. So it may be an implicit difference in psychology only. They both are types that have a reputation for considering even the more "out there" ideas, and tend to be speculative rather than factual.
    Remember, the potential of an idea is irrational. You can only observe where it can lead. Reason will stifle the uncovering of the idea's potential in the purest sense, because it seeks to establish a rational purpose for every direction the idea could go. It asks "why can it go that direction." As opposed to continuing the intuition and intuiting the nature of the direction it can go through more intuition.

    It's sometimes easier to explain this with sensation. The pure sensation type obtains a much more elaborate knowledge of the sensory contents he perceives and deals with because the moment you rationalize, what you see is partly what you rationalized. You don't see the tree - you see an image together with parts which are associated rationalizations. This prejudices you in a certain way, because a rationalization involves a framework, which you must have gotten from somewhere. It may be a good and useful prejudice, but nonetheless, to some extent, a rationalization is a rationalization. The purest sensation type has the purest "things simply are, and I see them" outlook.
    Intuition may do this more abstractly, speculatively, symbolically, implicitly, but it still has that "things are, and I observe their potentials spontaneously" outlook. This is least so in the ILE-Ti of course. But even they must be clear intuitive leads to be considered ILE.

    When a irrational type experiences POLR, they may experience it as something demanding rationalization of them in an area they are already sensitive to or weak in, or don't care about, and thus it is offputting.

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    I decided I'm SEI. I think I have been conditioned to use Ti more though ... I think I actually am naturally very good at processing and receiving Fe information.

    I was also thinking which Ego type would really rub me the wrong way and it's Te type which would fit... and Fi ignoring also fits really well. Kind of a 180 lol

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryoka14 View Post
    I decided I'm SEI. I think I have been conditioned to use Ti more though ... I think I actually am naturally very good at processing and receiving Fe information.

    I was also thinking which Ego type would really rub me the wrong way and it's Te type which would fit... and Fi ignoring also fits really well. Kind of a 180 lol
    I hear that's what the guys thought for you originally. ignoring would be EXE though; XEI is demonstrative. That is a huge jump anyways, do you understand model A?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ollyx2OxenFree View Post
    I hear that's what the guys thought for you originally. ignoring would be EXE though; XEI is demonstrative. That is a huge jump anyways, do you understand model A?
    yeah it is. I think I went away from F and S because I overthought it

    Oops i meant in the id block, yeah demonstrative, SE ignoring fits well

    I understand model A at a very basiclevel, i have trouble understanding where exactly certain thought patterns i notice fit into the model though. because every channel has a lot of nuances that its hard to tell.

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    Ignoring function is extremely annoying.

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