Quote Originally Posted by jessica129
You guys aren't very supportive of me trying to make this work. He's stated many times he's moving back here but i'm the kind of person that doesn't belive it til i see it. A part of me knows i'm only holding on because I feel like i'll never connect with someone the way i connected with him.
I have been in a similar situation, I didn't end the relationship (it was close though) and eventually it worked out ok. You just have to be sure that the other partner thinks and feels as you do or you are wasting time.

And don't listen to any ENTps or even ENFps when they say you will find 100 more partners you connect with. I don't know about you but I very rarely connect with anyone as deeply as I want to so if you find someone like that don't let go too easily. Those superficial E types know nothing about ISTp emo (if you are not ISTp then this doesn't apply to you but I think it applies to all introvert types to some extent).

And I think it is very ISTp to have "feeling swings" and sometimes loose feelings almost completely. Eventually they will come back and make you happy again.