Wow! I leave a post for a few hours and look what has developed. Its amazing I like what all of you said. Its almost like some of your thoughts were stollen from me Im sorry if my post seemed a bit negative. But hearing your responses has made me feel much more possitive (and mystified :wink: ).
Anyway Jessica, if your boyfriend is enfp he probably will not let you get away from him unless you are real evil to him ( and maybe not even then ) One good thing about enfps (or maybe its just me, but I think it applys to most enfps) is that they can leave the past behind them and start afresh each day. So whatever happened in the past can be put behind if today seems promising. This goes a long way in relationships.
In some bizzare way the natural tendency to get distracted (enfp) or detatch (istp) cuases these duals to want to cling to each other. The only thing more powerful than pining for what you cant have is the fear of losing what you do have