Quote Originally Posted by flower
Quote Originally Posted by Jessica
How can i go from crying my eyes out one day to feeling apathy about the whole situation the next

This is very common in ISTp's, we feel our emotions on a moment by moment basis, which can often change rapidly. Many many times I have been in a wonderful mood, heard a song, got thinking about something I find sad (often humanitarian things) and almost been in tears literally an hour later. We can also find films emotionally draining sometimes if we get connected to it and dragged along due to this.
ENFPs are like that too (I think). How weird. Hello duals.

@Jessica: sounds like you're faced with all these "should"s and "ought to"s... "If you love someone, you ought to feel loving feelings all the time", "you should develop strong emotions for the old boots he's left behind", "you should know at once whether he's the right one or not". Perhaps that's true for some people, and perhaps you just function differently?

Aren't ISTPs types who live in the moment? If that is so, then wouldn't it follow naturally that something that isn't in the moment tends to be irreal? How you feel when he's absent and you can't even hear his voice, in that case, won't be a very good indicator of your love for him. That's just a guess, though.