took my list, forced myself to give everybody a subtype and an enneagram type, and optional enneagram variant.

as always, the subtype and enneagram type are not really very comprehensive and not to be taken that seriously in many cases if you think something is wrong. some of these enneagram variants are extremely spurious. the base socionics typings, of course, have confidence levels listed on the list itself.

i consider this nothing more than a random experiment to see what happens when i force myself to pick some types for people that i might not know a lot about.

if you want to discuss a typing that seems odd, chances are it's one of very low confidence, but i can attempt to explain my observations nonetheless.

allie IEI Fe 7w6 sx/so
anndelise IEE Fi 6w7
ashton SLE Ti 7w8 sx/so
baby IEI Ni 4w5
bee SEI Fe 2w3 sx/so
bionicgoat SEI Si 9w8 so/sp
blauritson ILI Ni 5w4
bulletsanddoves EIE Ni 3w4
carla SEI Si 9w1 sp/so
christyb IEI Fe 4w3
cracka ESE Si 2w1 so/sx
dee SEI Si 9w1
diana ESI Fi 1w2
dioklecian LII Ne 1w2
discojoe ESI Se 6w5
dolphin SEI Si 9w1
drd252 SLE Ti 7w8
esper IEI Ni 4w5
ESTP SLE Se 8w7 sp/sx
eunice IEI Ni 4w5 sp/so
expat LIE Te 8w9 sx/sp
ezra SLE Se 8w7 sp/sx
garmonbozia IEI Ni 4w3
glamourama IEI Ni 4w5
FDG SLE Se 7w8 sx/sp
force my hand SLI Te 1w9 <- total guess
herzy SLE Se 7w8 so/sp
hkkmr ILE Ti 7w6 so/sp
hitta IEI Ni 5w6 so/sx
hoodrat SEE Se 7w8 sx/so
hostage child ILI Ni 5w4
iconoclast IX ILI Te 5w6
ifmd95 LIE Te 5w6
implied ILI Te 6w5 sx/sp
jadae EIE Fe 7w8 sx/so
jarno IEI Fe 4w5
jem SEI Si 9w1
jessica129 SLE Ti 8w7 sx/so
jimbean LSI Ti 8w7 so/sx
jonathan ILI Ni 5w4 so/sp
joy SEE Se 8w7 sp/sx (my list does not presently have joy as SEE but its an idea i've been toying with recently)
jriddy ILE Ne 7w6 so/sx
juju IEE Ne 9w1
jxrtes ILE Ti 7w6
kamangir SEI Fe 2w3 sp/sx
khamelion SEE Fi 7w6 sx/sp
kristiina EIE Ni 3w4
liveandletlive SEE Fi 7w6
logos LII Ti 5w6
loki IEI Ni 4w5
lokivanguard LSI Se 6w5
machintruc LSI Ti 5w6
mea ILI Te 5w6
minde EII Fi 9w1
misutii IEI Ni 4w5
mn0good ILE Ne 7w8
mpiazza000 EIE Fe 2w3 so/sp
mr saturn EIE Ni 3w4
ms kensington LSI Ti 6w5
munenori2 SEI Si 9w1
mysticsonic SLE Ti 9w8
nerv_damage IEI Ni 4w5
niffweed17 ILI Te 5w6 (see ongoing variant discussion)
normal ILE Ne 7w6
phadrus LSI Ti 5w4
pitbull SEE Fi 7w8
quirk sat div ILI Te 6w5
reyn_til_runa ILI Ni 5w4
rick IEE Fi 9w1
rocky LSI Ti 1w9
salawa ILI Ni 5w4
scarlettlux SEE Se 7w8 sx/so
sci as magic LII Ne 9w1
slacker mom IEE Ne 6w7
slava ILE Ne 6w7
smccosker SLE Se 8w7 so/sp
smilingeyes LSI Ti 8w9
snegledmaca SLI Te 5w6 sp/sx
starfall IEI Ni 4w5
steve ILE Ti 6w7 so/sp
subterranean EII Ne 9w1
sunshine lively SLE Ti 7w8 so/sx
suomea ILE Ne 3w2
tereg IEE Fi 9w1
thehotelambush LII Ne 5w6
themime SEI Si 2w1
vague IEI Ni 4w5
winterpark SLE Se 8w7
XoX ILI Ni 5w4 sp/so