Quote Originally Posted by Cheerio
Im a bit skeptical as to the first two categories.

-Accepting - "I am!" - (1st,3rd,5th,7th functions) - A producing function sets the active environment within a specific block, and does the main work of interacting with inwards and outwards stimuli. It represents a state of being or existence.

-Producing - "I do!" - (2nd,4th,6th,8th functions) - An accepting function functions only within the boundaries set by the producing function and can not deviate from those boundaries. It serves the will of the accepting function and does active work in order to support that function. It represents a state of acting or doing.

"I do" deals with judgement as far as Im aware, and " I am" with perception regardless of whether its producing or accepting. Then agin I could be wrong, but its worth debating.
Basically what I ment by "I am" is that the Accepting [primary] function stands ahead and is waited on by the second function , and by "I do" I ment that the producing [secondary] does active work for the cause of the first function and does not stand ahead. Sort of a master/slave type deal.