Quote Originally Posted by Young_and_Confused
Yes they are useful! Stop badmouthing the MBTI descriptions. Okay, sorry I know that sounded childish. Well, the thing is I wanted her to ignore the order of functions completely, but focus on the personal decription that works very well on deciphering who you are, doesn't matter whether you adhere to socionics or MBTI, it is still very good.

Also go to http://www.personalitypage.com/high-level.html to read some descriptions. I think the socionics descriptions are fine, but their not personal enough and confuse people.
I'm not badmouthing MBTI descriptions. You obviously didn't pay any attention when I said that MBTI and Socionics don't reliably translate into each other. Did you even read the examples I gave?

Finding yourself in an MBTI description gives little indication of what your Socionics type is going to be. If you want to know your Socionics type - read Socionics descriptions. If you want MBTI, go and read those descriptions then.

You are aware, of course, that Socionics and MBTI are not related to each other and are only superficially similar?