Hm... if it's your moods and emotions you'd like to control, then anndelise's strategy probably works best. I'll add two things that work for me:

Don't bottle your moods up and stomp them out the moment they begin to stir in your subconscious. You can only deal with what you see. Anger is a good example. If I learn to identify my anger, accept that I'm angry right now, and find a good way to vent, it's all over fairly quickly. If I deny my anger (because I think I shouldn't be angry, or because I hate confrontation), then it takes a loooooong time to pass.

Reducing negative triggers is good. What also helps is producing positive triggers. Things, people, places, things to do... whatever gives you energy, makes you feel fully alive, makes you feel good about yourself... all those can help you control your mood. Make a list. Or several lists. It's fun.

It's also helpful to identify things that help you in particular moods. Things you do when you're angry/sad/lonely etc., music you listen to, people you could talk to...