[QUOTE=Verbrannte;1162943]Subteigh, I still think you're 5w4. You don't come off like someone who blends into everything and is just calm and apathetic all the time at all. 4w5 maybe since your tritype appears to definitely be 4-5-1 and that's the most "5-ish".[/QUOTE

I don't mean to hijack Subteigh's thread here, but I've been thinking alot about my own enneagram type lately and I struggle between 5 and 9 for myself as well. Many people have typed me as a 9 because I appear rather calm and easygoing to them. I also hate conflict but if necessary I can confront it. The bolded statement above is why I doubt I am a true 9. I may appear 'calm' on the outside to people but on the inside I'm far more anxious and intense. I'm anything but apathetic.