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Thread: Enneagram type 5w4s

  1. #41
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ania View Post
    what do you type as now @Subteigh
    My last position was "5w4 or 1w9 Sp/So (in that order, if you wish to limit to one)" - I don't think I've changed my opinion since then, other than not considering the enneagram as reliable for describing myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Verbrannte View Post
    None of these are set in stone, so feel free to negotiate with and/or fight me here. I simplify my typings a lot to get rid of what I think is redundant information (which I'll explain if you like but it's probably a bit unorthodox). If you want to be typed you can also ask me and I'll edit this. I'll edit it anyways as I type more people. Almost everyone on a typology forum has a 4 and is contraflow, what a surprise

    Alioth - ILE 648 Sp/Sx
    Bled - SEE 748 Sx/So
    Bullets - ILI 487 Sx/So
    Director Abbie - ESE 164 Sx/So
    Ghost - SEI 468 Sp/Sx
    Gypsy - ESI 487 So/Sx
    L25 - ILE 684 Sp/Sx
    Maritsa - SEE 824 So/Sx
    Satan - SLI 853 Sx/Sp
    SisOfNight - IEI 459 So/Sx
    Spider - ILI 863 So/Sx
    Subteigh - EII 541 So/Sp
    totalize - LIE 852 Sx/So
    troubador - EII 459 So/Sp

    My self-typing is not on here yet because I still want to see what some people here have to say without it being a reaction to my self-typing. People will already consider a lot of these impossible but unless there's a good argument I don't know, I don't see any combination as impossible. Internal strife is part of human nature, as unglamorous-sounding as that is.
    I have been thinking recently that if I am a 5 that Sp-leading might be too inward-looking and non-people focused, "even" for me, and thus So/Sp may be better. I have also thought that So>Sp for any other enneagram type I consider for myself is unlikely, because all other So-leading descriptions I believe are too explicitly people-focused compared to how I am. 1>9 (as my primary type or in my tritype) may indeed fit better, and some mild form/aspect of 4 may also cover me. I find the whole enneagram typing process rather tediously impossible however.
    If you're really interested, you may wish to read some older thoughts on possible enneagram types:

  2. #42
    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    Reading back through this thread with posts over several years, and the threads I linked above only reminds me there are about 4-6 enneagram types with specific wings I could see describe me. I think it depends on whatever my current self-perception I see at the time. I don't think it's a great system. There's no consistency and no real logic to it at all. Maybe it is conceited to regard myself as several of the types or maybe this is a great deal of the reason why tritypes and similar came about. Honestly, I'd prefer not to label myself within a typology I see as fundamentally problematic.

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