This is one of the few times I will call attention to my own type. Frankly, it makes me a bit uncomfortable as I feel like a narcissist, but I am interested in babbling away about myself for the moment.

I believe I'm an ISTp; that said, I often question my self-typing as I repeatedly read through descriptions of the types and functions in an effort to understand myself better and Socionics as a whole. I must confess I think the model to be quite limited, but I still think it is interesting and to a (slightly) lesser extent useful.

Others types I have considered:

ISTj: I've never given Joy enough credit for this assessment, though I must admit I think it's pretty strong. From

(Fi role) The LSI often has trouble differentiating strong relationships from weak relationships. Often he will find himself unsure of his own opinion of the closeness of a relationship.
This is very accurate. I can never truly tell what someone thinks of me in terms of how 'solid' we are. It's an ongoing concern of mine, though I never show it or make reference to it. To do so would be very embarassing to me.

Closely related to this is a note on Ni polr:

They also tend to be very suspicious of others' intentions, being highly aware that every person is ultimately motivated by self-interest.
I am not suspcious to the point of being base-line negative or off-putting, but as I never know the nature of a relationship, I constantly keep in mind the fact that everyone has their own interest, and there is only cooperation so long as their interest is similar to my own.

On this same theme, Fe suggestive:

...LSIs need others to create an emotionally inclusive atmosphere where they know they are accepted and liked.
How much of this is the Forer Effect? I can't tell. But it certainly is relevent to me. I often attribute this to Fi, possibly to my own error.


ISFp: I have considered this as well, though several things appear to be off. For the sake of this post, I just want to reference Te polr:

SEIs can be skeptical of beliefs, arguments, and actions that are based on external sources of information or oppose the SEI's values system. Therefore, an SEI could come off as stubborn or rigidly set in their ways.They put more trust in the expertise of someone who seems to have hands-on experience, even if limited, than of someone who only demonstrates having read many books on the same subject.
In my own experience, I have found personal experience or 'street smarts' to be more effective that book smarts. Where book smarts count, it seems obvious to me to trust one with personal experience to back it up. That said, I am generally not skeptical of official information. I recognize it may not be telling the whole story, but I tend to evaluate the claim on its internal consistency and how it relates to observable facts.

People who are bossy and critical are disliked by the SEI because SEIs usually believe in taking action only when it is prudent for them. They are also prone to avoiding people who demand perfection because that can lead to feelings of inadequacy for the job at hand.
Again, relevent, but again, Forer effect?

With respect to Te, I don't see it possible for it to be my polr. As pure thought exercise, I find Te mobilizing to be far more likely:

The individual is keen on accumulating factual knowledge on subjects of personal interest and those that help him be more efficient and productive, but he's often unsure of his ability to find and select the correct information and is therefore attracted to people whom he sees as competent in that area and reassure him.
I mine information, and always have. I annoyed my parents constantly with facts gleaned from various books. In an area where I feel confident, I have no need for reassurance in a task. However, in unfamiliar terrirtory, I do appreciate guidance and affirmation that my speculation and/or brainstormed process/action-plan is a good idea. I can feel childish if I do not receive it, though with age I've gotten much better in subconsciously trusting my own judgement. It's something I even enjoy; "no one's giving me a fucking clue, so I'm interested to see where this is gonna go! Not my fault if it falls apart."


Well, I've run out of steam for now. In the near future I'll write about other types. I'm not expecting feedback, but it certainly would be appreciated if you have any comments you'd like to make.