Quote Originally Posted by Angel Alliterator View Post
I too have been critiqued (since High School) of being too strange and acting old, despite being young (I am 25 now).

When I was 17 I felt like I had the mentality of 60, at 25 I think I have the mentality of 90 year old.

This is why I have felt that if Reincarnation was true, I've been in the reincarnation-death-life cycle for at least over a thousand years!

Very different from say the ESFP, who seems to always be childlike but never alternating between wise old sage and silly clown the way ENFps do.
I think this is a common trait for deltas in general but ENFps skillfully master the art of being mature and wise yet keeping in touch with the inner child. Some people tend to think that you can only be one or the other. I think ENFps are both and that's their brilliance.