This is a revised/edited version of one of Filatova's tests.

It is simple. Just check which group (s) of 3 sentences you relate to the most.

They are not equally good, either in the original version, or because I couldn't edit it well.

Some types will be very easy to spot. Nevertheless, try to see if it does help you find your type, or if it consists with your self-typing.

Obviously, it's not about fitting them perfectly, but where the best fit is.

So, in no particular order:


1. The main thing, without which I find life unthinkable, is this: the reasonably focused labor, and it must be so organized as to be most comfortable, and that I get for my labor what it's worth in return.

2. To me, the best style of contact with people is restraint and correctness, but I do not always succeed in adhering to it; sometimes I lose my temper.

3. I am not a supporter of risky actions. To me, it is desirable to know previously what it should occur in a day, in another day, week, month; and if a situation is not predicted, I get nervous.



1. In life, both in the material world and in the world of human relations, there are consistent rules to be followed. If they are violated, then strong efforts for their maintenance, refinements and restorations are required.

2. In the wider contacts with people, it is useful to follow the general norms of behavior, while in relation with the closer ones, according to the specific obligations to each of them.

3. I do not greatly trust what appears too uncommon, if it is too different from what I have regarded as normal, if it did not undergo a practical check.



1. The world is full of riddles, which conceal unusual possibilities. To solve those riddles is the embodiment of the possibilities that help the creation of fundamentally new logical concepts.

2. When work concerns the principles which I believe in, I can manifest stability, perseverance and obstinacy at work. But these principles never involve material goods.

3. For me moral criteria are very important in the contact with the people, many consider it excessively overstated. But, unfortunately, I cannot always feel the nuances of the attitudes of people toward each other and to me.



1. To me it is characteristic the tendency to expand my influence, with desire for authority and glory; and for the realization of this goal it is necessary to learn to influence people, understanding their weak sides and how to avoid their strengths, so that I don’t fall under their influence instead. Why should they have the upper hand over me?

2. To give yourself up to fantasies, to unrealizable dreams, that is a waste of time and energy. Life is subordinated to facts, to those who act, and who do not have their heads in the clouds.

3. Any structural system, all that that is named “objective conformity with rules”, to me seems very dull; therefore I act in spite of them and just attempt to reach success.



1. Most interesting and fascinating: to see potential possibilities and promising trends both in the human society and in the sphere of production, and to get people together for the realization of those possibilities.

2. It is not possible for me to go into attack. If someone tries to press me, I will immediately give resistance, perhaps even play reciprocal aggression, although I try not escalate conflicts.

3. In my opinion such concepts, as “plan”, “regulations”, “regime”, “norm”, “subordination from top to bottom”, limit freedom and creativity; therefore I try by all means to avoid anything connected to that.



1. Everything in the world must be subordinated to harmony, proportionality, balance, and the most accurate path for achieving this is: making things of quality and that look nice.

2. I do not think much of what is mysterious, what cannot be seen, touched; of what I am not confident that it’s real.

3. My feelings I prefer not to advertize. I usually appear to be steady and balanced. But sometimes, very rarely, I can lose self control over myself and unexpectedly explode.



1. The world is infinite, fluid, manifold, its state continuously varies, and my goal is: to find my place in the infinite series of events, to join them. It only makes sense to work makes when I find the point of optimal application of energy.

2. Household problems disturb me little, but since there is no escaping them, I peacefully can exactly execute that which is required from me; provided I get to think less about them.

3. Excessively stormy emotions can only do damage: they interfere with sensibly evaluating situations.



1. The main thing in life is harmony, comfort, the possibility to feel pleasure; it is necessary to to show this to all to those around me, and to invite them to enjoyment together..

2. The world beyond, mysticism, supernatural laws, reincarnations, etc, perhaps do exist, but why think about this? It is better to be think first of more down-to-earth matters.

3. To me are not very interesting the tasks, connected with the construction of plants, to production proceses, to the problems of technology, etc, although I recognize the need for all this.
