hmm... on the other hand, the closest type (other than INTj) that i identify with is INFj. except for that part where the infj can't say no to requests. although, i do find myself helping people out more often than not, when i think they should be helped, even though i grumble a lot privately when i do. i'd think 'dammit, why am i so ethical?!' but at the same time know i can't not do it - because it was right. i'd get into trouble on other people's behalf almost as much, maybe more than i would for my own behalf. although i'm not sure if that's nature or nurture. and also the part where the infj is depicted as having great control over his emotions so as not intrude upon others - i'm not so considerate. when i shroud my emotions it's self-protection, not to protect others. but the rest of it, i do relate to almost as well as the intj description. infp, not so much. i relate to the part where the infp restrains feelings in order to observe effects, but not most of the rest.

i often have issues with most ISTjs, although they don't annoy me as much as ESFps. ESFps irritate me, and i admit, sometimes more than they should, even when they mean well. i don't think the ISTj resembles me much...