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Thread: How to change your personality type?

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    Default How to change your personality type?

    What do you need to do to change your personality type?

  2. #2

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    Default :)

    It's impossible to do that. You can change your behavior, but not the wiring of your brain. Don't take this as an absolute answer, but don't take answers of neuroscientists' speculations as true either. Noone really knows. However, you can change your own behavior in some situations. With experience you can gain confidence where you're weak.
    --Dilemmas are illusions.

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    You can live a mentally unhealthy life and develope multiple personality disorder. Then there is a chance you might become one that you desire. When ever this personality emerges, use it. :wink:

    EDIT: You can also take hardcore psychodelics and experience ego loss. Then you won't really exist any more as an "I" "Me", and can pretend you are someone else, because we are all made of earth's materials.

    You can Think of someone you know of a certain type and emulate them in your head and respond to world the same way they would (you can even cheat a bit and not emulate their weaknesses, more pwoer to you).

    You can do a labodomy and your character will most likely change if done propperly, you can become more agressive and what not. You can also take male hormones and you will become more agressive as well.

    What a great replacement for a nany

  4. #4
    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    You can change your character and your identity, not your personality. Dont worry about it dude. :wink:

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    Answers in here are great! I'm having similar experiences and think on times that my life would be much better, if i would be from another type. But you can't be, but you can change a lot in your self.

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    When I was in 8th grade, my history teacher looked at me and said, "sorry slava, the rationals have never been on top." At the time I had no idea what the hell she was talking about, bot now that I know it kinda pisses me off, that she said that.

    What a great replacement for a nany

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    When I was in 8th grade, my history teacher looked at me and said, "sorry slava, the rationals have never been on top." At the time I had no idea what the hell she was talking about, bot now that I know it kinda pisses me off, that she said that.
    Haha... Rationals are to radical thinkers... Their thoughts change to much and are to abstract. To them "life's simplest things" are useless. They tend to generalize to much. That's why they don't maintain, operate, manage - call it the way you like, everyday jobs in no matter what organization. They have their place in the world and it aint giving orders in every day matters.

    What I don't get is why are you pissed off? Do you want to direct others so that they complete their tasks in time within budget? Do you want to precisely tell others what and how they need to do something if they don't know it? Do you want to tell them how you want something to be done? Do you want to make detailed plans of resources and directions for others? Do you like routine work?

    If your answers are mostly no, then you know why don't most rationals get to top and stay on top. (At least in some points you can picture why.)

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    I agree with Pedro. Rationals are often at the very top of organizations due to their superior strategic skills. Often Rationals are top grade line staff, as well, due to their superior inventiveness and innovations. It's middle management that is more of a struggle for Rationals, since the work is more routine, and people-oriented.

    Can you guess I'm in middle management??


  9. #9
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    I assume you all are talking about NTs when you say rationals. I find the intj and the entj to be at the top of many organizations but they compete with ST types. The director where I work is either intp or intj. I tend to think she is more intp but I cannot be certain. Intjs seem more in control. She is nervous and moves about quickly. Entps do not like organizations for the most part and will more quickly work for themselves or for a company that gives them plenty of autonomy.
    Nfs on the whole often find themselves in middle management and seldom make much money. In this dog eat dog world it is a wise move to charm some other type to help in this area.
    In America people can be caught in a wave of materialism and desire far more than they can ever use or need. I have to work to keep my life simple rather than keep acumulating things. Thats not easy though cause there is so much cool stuff out there.


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    Pedro: I live in the south, and I really have no biases either way. But I've read alot about the civil war and seem some recreations of the actual events, and alot of the time brothers and friends were pitted against each other because of a severe disagreement between northern and southern's plan for economics and government layout(and slaves too). when watching the recreations, you could tell generals on both sides had respect for each other's abilities. it much more resembled chivalry from fuedilism(sp) in England and France than war nowadays or feudalism in ancient Japan. The generals ended the war in a very respectible and honorable manner, and treated prisoners well(well, their own soldiers didn't have much either). The politicians on the other hand, should have all been executed as all politicans should.

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    [quote="Anonymous"]I assume you all are talking about NTs when you say rationals. I find the intj and the entj to be at the top of many organizations but they compete with ST types. The director where I work is either intp or intj. I tend to think she is more intp but I cannot be certain. Intjs seem more in control. She is nervous and moves about quickly. Entps do not like organizations for the most part and will more quickly work for themselves or for a company that gives them plenty of autonomy.
    Nfs on the whole often find themselves in middle management and seldom make much money. In this dog eat dog world it is a wise move to charm some other type to help in this area.
    In America people can be caught in a wave of materialism and desire far more than they can ever use or need. I have to work to keep my life simple rather than keep acumulating things. Thats not easy though cause there is so much cool stuff out there.

    I am entp and I kinda like my organization . . . but it is run by an entj. There's lots of flexibility, things change fast, and lots of room for innovation. I'm currently in the running for a senior management position, but find that I am seriously considering whether or not this is the right thing for me.

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