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Thread: How do YOU "Function"?

  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    But they're there. *points* See! Look! They're really really there! I can see them! I see them all the time! *stares wildly at everyone* Tell me you can see them to! Please! Please! please... *breaks down sobbing*

    This crappy translation I've got to finish triggers my silly switch.
    Don't worry, I can see them too.

    *comforts Cat*

    How about we put on this nice white jacket? Here, I'll take you back to your room. Don't be afraid, everything will be aalllriiight.

    ( )

  2. #42
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    No! No! I'm not insane! Why do you think I'm insane?! I could see them! I could really really see them! Ahahahahahaha! You'll never take me alive! You'll never... oh, why does this man over there suddenly turn into a butterfly? And here, I can see beansprouts hanging in your hair... the world is such a nice place, I think I'll just sit here and talk to Elvis... flumpity pumpity flopflopflop... graaaaaah.

    ( )

  3. #43


    This is why I adore ENFps....

  4. #44



  5. #45
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    My method isn't very sophisticated, I'm afraid. It's like this: Find out where the person is from; then when you read their posts, you'll automatically hear them in that accent.

  6. #46

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    OK, I will give this my best shot. This is mainly based observations of myself over the past couple of hours.


    My sensing is I think a very selective perception. I tend to perceive things that are what I expect to see, and what relates to me. Therefore, there is a LOT of stuff that I just miss, completely, because I don't have a preconceived notion in my mind of it existing. For example, it happens to me sometimes that I will drive past a huge traffic accident and not notice it, because it does not concern my path that I am preoccupied with following in my day.


    Feeling is used as a reaction to those around me...experienced as immediate sensations in my butterflies in the stomach or indignation in my chest or whatever... this feeling then affects my brain-mood and the way that I respond to the person.


    I can feel when my thinking is turned "on". Thinking makes me a competent person, but too often I don't use it and just rely on Sensing instead - I expect people to explicitly define what they want from me, or at least to make it explicit enough to me that they are NOT going to be explicit with me (hope that makes sense), and I do some really dumb things. But if I apply Thinking (if I can be bothered to - I seem to only apply it when I judge it 'necessary') I can avert these problems. Also, dumbly, I usually think AFTER I act...not before, and not during. So I do something and then think 'wtf did I do that for!?'


    Intuition is also often delayed. Sometimes through intuition I understand things only years after they happen. I also use intuition to brainstorm sometimes. I feel like I miss a lot because of my weak intuition.

    That's all I can think of for now, but I might come back and edit this later if I can think of a better way to explain things. I'm not very happy with my 'feeling' description as it stands.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louise
    OK, I will give this my best shot. This is mainly based observations of myself over the past couple of hours.
    You did a very good job like ISFjs usually do I especially loved the "selective sensing" concept. I run into that every day with my wife. I usually see everything and actively try to connect and compare each observation to the observations I've done in the past and she, I guess, doesn't.

    My wife misses half the things I see happening and when I get excited about something she usually didn't even pay attention to it...if she happened to take notice then she probably didn't connect it to the past in the same way I did. Then I spend 5 minutes explaining what I saw and what meaning I feel it has in relation to "history". This has probably something to do with the benefactor thing but she can very quickly understand and respect my point of view after I have explained it to her. Usually she is ok with this and appreciates my "input" but occasionally she gets really annoyed if I insist we should talk about an observation she didn't really notice at all. I guess it makes her feel like she is failing me or something I'm not sure. She often apologizes for not seeing things as I did. I don't always understand this because I don't see it as a failure the same way she does. I just want to share my experiences not demand her to see it the same way

    Ok but back to the question Ann made....I _think_ my process goes like this (I'm not supa good self evaluator though..)

    Typically I'm in "observe everything" mode. I try to pick every detail from environment, compare it to all things I've seen before, try to make connections and spot changes and commonalities with the existing data in my head. This is the mode I spend most of my time I guess. In my understanding this is Si in the works. I don't have that good memory for plain facts. For example I'm quite slow in memorizing names, words of foreign languages, all kind of numbers and codes and I often forget them too if I cannot connect them with anything. If I can connect the observation to other observation already stored I remember it very accurately. From some observations I only store the changes to previous observations or "meanings" in relation to history.

    If I have a goal in mind (which is often set by someone else) I try to actively evaluate each observation in relation to this goal and see if I can use it immediately to take a step towards achieving this goal. This makes me problem solver but I have trouble with solving problems requiring lot of ground work. I get frustrated if I have to collect data for weeks or months before I can take a step towards achieving a goal. But I do need some time to reflect things and I'm not as "quick" as maybe ESTp would be. More like "give me a problem today and I will give you the solution tomorrow". I also like to constantly refine my solution (because it is usually a "local maximum" or a "good enough" solution). This irritates some xxTJ types because they feel like I'm messing with a already decided solution. I function best in an environment that is dynamic and constantly on the move but doesn't move TOO fast.

    As far as the rest of functions go...they are more subconscious. I can always feel the pressure of my PoLR which says I have to do things as they "should" be done but at the same time I'm very good at ignoring it when I should pay attention to it...I often observe from reactions of other people when I have failed and then try to "fix" things.

    My hidden agenda all the time tells me I should show love to everybody but I often fail this too if I concentrate too much on my first two functions.
    Again I can sense quickly from other people when I have failed my hidden agenda and then go into the "fixing" mode again.

    Sometimes I get stuck with analysis. I don't feel it is natural to me. It must be the Ti waking up from the sleep state. This can make me pretty annoying and skeptic sometimes and I lose my usual positive mode and good cheer. I'm working on this problem...

    As far as intuition goes. I do think both my dual seeking Ne and my role function Ni are strong every now and then. I don't think I can control them well and they often are activated by environment. I can see this pattern in this forum as well. First I make a quick SiTe evaluation and "spit it out" by posting a hasty conclusion. Then either Ni or Ne person questions my opinion and explains their view. At this point my intuition wakes up and I can suddenly see the pattern they explain very clearly and the big picture "flashes" into my head. Then I post a more carefully constructed opinion differing somewhat from my original and this probably makes me seem inconsistent and untrustworthy especially to NT types
    I often judge other people's opinions good or bad based on if they activate my N functions or not. I like to call this "gut feeling". If someone can activate my N functions then there "has to" be some truth in what they say. ENTjs are good at this. Especially FDG Sometimes I can't get the pattern clearly in my head but I can feel a "tickle" which tells me this person knows what he/she is talking about and can be trusted. This may sound irrational to some people but I do trust my gut feelings when evaluating people's competency and motives and they have rarely failed me.

    I'm not sure if my "insights" of myself or understanding of the functions is entirely correct so some N type could now help me see where the inconsistencies are :wink: This is pretty much SiTe view of myself and might need couple of iterations before it hits the jackpot.

  8. #48
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Louise
    That's all I can think of for now, but I might come back and edit this later if I can think of a better way to explain things. I'm not very happy with my 'feeling' description as it stands.
    It IS a little difficult trying to observe one's self, isn't it. I'm realizing that I might be asking a bit much from others. However, I admire those who are willing to explore into unknown areas.

    I like how you write Louise. Thank you for your insights!
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

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