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    dbmmama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    Well put.
    sorry, i was mocking you.

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    Fwiw, I'm thinking you're LSI now. You're starting to sound like my mum. (c: If you ask my mum for advice on interpersonal relations, she has all the answers - but they're worked out logically, not by feel. She always says that she was shy and unsure of herself when she was younger, but you wouldn't know it now. She's the type of person that puts her whole heart into whatever she does - she does nothing by halves. And she's a very emotional person - she just doesn't seem to have much control over her emotions.

    What did Rick type you as?
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Fwiw, I'm thinking you're LSI now.
    For fuck's sake, give me a break. You are not a donkey, are you? LSI is simply one of the most stupid, almost insane, suggestions you can make for dbmmama.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Fwiw, I'm thinking you're LSI now. You're starting to sound like my mum. (c: If you ask my mum for advice on interpersonal relations, she has all the answers - but they're worked out logically, not by feel. She always says that she was shy and unsure of herself when she was younger, but you wouldn't know it now. She's the type of person that puts her whole heart into whatever she does - she does nothing by halves. And she's a very emotional person - she just doesn't seem to have much control over her emotions.

    What did Rick type you as?
    thanks jem, first sle or ile, then ese, then eie when i came to this board.

    your description of your mom does sound like me. except i am pretty impulsive. yeah, halfass is what my mom called it... i do a lot of things halfass though but i would never have let anyone else know that for many years. not my parenting or my marriage.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    sorry, i was mocking you.
    In that case you failed, because you stated the truth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    In that case you failed, because you stated the truth.
    i knew you'd think that. lol

    here's the deal to me, you have been saying ENFp from the beginning of me being here. you say the evidence points that way. please LIST the evidence that supports your claim. no, i'm not going back to reread all of my posts. i do not believe that you SAID what the evidences were. you just said they were there. obviously, only you can see what those evidences are, so, please enlighten us. it would be much appreciated.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    here's the deal to me, you have been saying ENFp from the beginning of me being here. you say the evidence points that way.
    Yes, it does, but the evidence is not 100 % conclusive.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama
    please LIST the evidence that supports your claim.
    Hard work. Boring.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama
    no, i'm not going back to reread all of my posts.
    If you are not going to do it, why should I?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama
    i do not believe that you SAID what the evidences were. you just said they were there.
    Yes, because I saw it. I compare the available evidence with everything I know about all the types. And that's a lot. But it is extremely difficult to explain in a few words or list as a summary.

    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama
    obviously, only you can see what those evidences are, so, please enlighten us. it would be much appreciated.
    If done properly, that would take hours. I'm lazy, and I don't feel like going through all the material again. At least not by myself. Someone else has to do the gathering of the material in that case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    Yes, it does, but the evidence is not 100 % conclusive.

    Hard work. Boring.

    If you are not going to do it, why should I?

    Yes, because I saw it. I compare the available evidence with everything I know about all the types. And that's a lot. But it is extremely difficult to explain in a few words or list as a summary.

    If done properly, that would take hours. I'm lazy, and I don't feel like going through all the material again. At least not by myself. Someone else has to do the gathering of the material in that case.
    thank you. i understand all you've said here and agree. i like your honesty here. this kind of honesty makes it easier to take in what you have to say.

  9. #9
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    db, one of the struggles I see with this typing is that the forum members only read your words, which come across way more happy easy going then your body language while you say these words. I want to point out to all of you that she is a very serious person, despite the fact that she goes out of her way to dance and play everyday, even that is in it's own way very serious. Also, when she says she is emotionally sensitive, its not in a sweet and emotionally sensitive to feelings like a, well, I don't know, like a ISFp/Si or something. It's more like a RAW kind of way. Keep in mind as well that she is on this forum all the time, she is interacting with you guys all day, on the internet, and me on the phone, NOT in person. She makes a small, safe cocoon of her hubby and kids. On the other hand, she is very animated and can be very outgoing, but IMO only when she is in contol of the situation. For example, she was very outgoing when she taught classes, she was the teacher, the one in charge of the situation. Outgoing at boot camp because she was in charge. Outgoing when she was the leader of a homeschool group. She becomes disenchanted when the people in this groups don't meet up with her idealized image, so all of these are past tense. I am her best friend and sister and when she comes to my house, she is out of sorts, etc. but when I visit her at her house, everything is fine. AND THIS IS WITH HER CLOSEST FRIEND AND SISTER. LOVE you db! Hope this helps!

  10. #10
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    Sunshine, what are your thoughts about the metaphysical?

    Why do ILE's seem to have strong Se? It is supposed be a weak function after all
    lol so true. our Se only seems strong. it's really not. it's really only "good enough." well and i guess the older we are the more we've been exposed to Se maybe the better we are at it? or something. you kinda have to compare it to leading Se to get your mind around it. like, our Se is a little overblown compared to the more precise way that an SLE has with using it.

    the metaphysical: it's totally interesting. great to talk about endlessly with somebody else who understands it. (like IEI!!) the spiritual, for me, is a totally necessary and grounding part of my life. like i'm a lunatic without it. well an exaggeration i spose but still. i worry way too much without spiritual practice. i wonder if it is a function of leading you can see all these vague possibilities and how any number of them could manifest, both in a positive way and in a negative. if i get too focused on the negative possibilities, i become fearful and anxiety ridden. so knowing that everything is part of God's plan, that he exists in all times and places and is there for me, assures me and strengthens me. i think that IEI's focus on Ni is attractive to me for this reason as well. like, they can see how things will change and how i should not worry. when they combine it with Fe, it's almost perfect.

    macysmama discusses the issue of control, unfortunately this is a manifestation of role function Se. it took me forever to see that i didn't have to control everything; that i could always choose how to respond to things, whatever happened, i could choose. with role Se you feel like you have to control the external world instead of seeing how you can choose your own actions and how you deal with your own insides and how other people can do the same.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  11. #11
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    I say ENFj. I can feel it in my bones. This one, right here.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    I say ENFj. I can feel it in my bones. This one, right here.
    dude, if i was ENFj, your conflictor, how could we get along? even in the sack?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    lol so true. our Se only seems strong. it's really not. it's really only "good enough." well and i guess the older we are the more we've been exposed to Se maybe the better we are at it? or something. you kinda have to compare it to leading Se to get your mind around it. like, our Se is a little overblown compared to the more precise way that an SLE has with using it.

    the metaphysical: it's totally interesting. great to talk about endlessly with somebody else who understands it. (like IEI!!) the spiritual, for me, is a totally necessary and grounding part of my life. like i'm a lunatic without it. well an exaggeration i spose but still. i worry way too much without spiritual practice. i wonder if it is a function of leading you can see all these vague possibilities and how any number of them could manifest, both in a positive way and in a negative. if i get too focused on the negative possibilities, i become fearful and anxiety ridden. so knowing that everything is part of God's plan, that he exists in all times and places and is there for me, assures me and strengthens me. i think that IEI's focus on Ni is attractive to me for this reason as well. like, they can see how things will change and how i should not worry. when they combine it with Fe, it's almost perfect.

    macysmama discusses the issue of control, unfortunately this is a manifestation of role function Se. it took me forever to see that i didn't have to control everything; that i could always choose how to respond to things, whatever happened, i could choose. with role Se you feel like you have to control the external world instead of seeing how you can choose your own actions and how you deal with your own insides and how other people can do the same.
    you've said it again. all of it...all of it

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by macysmama View Post
    db, one of the struggles I see with this typing is that the forum members only read your words, which come across way more happy easy going then your body language while you say these words. I want to point out to all of you that she is a very serious person, despite the fact that she goes out of her way to dance and play everyday, even that is in it's own way very serious. Also, when she says she is emotionally sensitive, its not in a sweet and emotionally sensitive to feelings like a, well, I don't know, like a ISFp/Si or something. It's more like a RAW kind of way. Keep in mind as well that she is on this forum all the time, she is interacting with you guys all day, on the internet, and me on the phone, NOT in person. She makes a small, safe cocoon of her hubby and kids. On the other hand, she is very animated and can be very outgoing, but IMO only when she is in contol of the situation. For example, she was very outgoing when she taught classes, she was the teacher, the one in charge of the situation. Outgoing at boot camp because she was in charge. Outgoing when she was the leader of a homeschool group. She becomes disenchanted when the people in this groups don't meet up with her idealized image, so all of these are past tense. I am her best friend and sister and when she comes to my house, she is out of sorts, etc. but when I visit her at her house, everything is fine. AND THIS IS WITH HER CLOSEST FRIEND AND SISTER. LOVE you db! Hope this helps!
    MOST of what she says is true. the only thing she didn't mention is that BECAUSE we are sisters, that makes the dynamics of our relationship different, as well as her perception of me.

    i've done a lot of social things out and about with friends that for many years she didn't even realize i, hubby and i, were doing. that's because i'm not a "storyteller" like her. i just do it, i don't talk about what i did. i'm on to the next and the next and the next....i look forward and talk about that, not behind. so, sometimes she doesnt know or realize that i am more "social" than she thinks i am.

    other than that, she was right about the control thing. that is because of a low level of trust...

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