i have a friend who is estj. totally uninterested in personality theory. she can't see the point of it. it's rather an abstract thing, so maybe that's the reason. now, knowledge that is 'real', practical, applied - those she's interested in. i think she secretly thinks it's not a very credible theory - it's psychology, you know.

the esfj friend, though ordinarily uninterested in abstract knowledge, is surprisingly more interested to hear about personality theory. she wouldn't go and study it herself, but she asks me questions and listens. she's interested to know if it would help her understand her fiancee better, mostly. the good thing about her is that she listens well, and therefore has managed to know me better than most. she was the first to notice that since i started working, i've really worked on my Fe. and anyway, most of my progress in that was from observing her. working life only forced me to practice it much more.

my third best friend is a bit harder to type, so i don't know if she's one of the 'missing' types.