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Thread: The Crosstype Principle: Theory and Information Elements

  1. #161
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    By universal I meant.. abstractly removed from the basic form of the information metabolism.
    1: IM
    2: degree to which IM is applied to the information of the chaotic universe, the scope of the dominant function (crosstype)
    3: degree to which this information digested is made relative to itself, realized for what it is (dualtype)
    Is that way off?
    I am thinking it must be, because if it were correct then there is no reason to get rid of cross type theory in light of dual type theory, because they do not conflict. Crosstype would set a limit on Dual-type but that would be all.
    But at the same time, I don't see how one could say from number 2:, an ESFp-ENTp = an ENTp-ESFp
    It would only be that way, if both were also their fully actualized dual type ESFp-ENTp-ENTp = ENTp-ESFp-ESFp. But even then, only identical from an external perspective. The process of transforming the data would be different, it would just end up at the same place

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    You're basically right on that. I agree with your description of the crosstype theory. Took me a few days to understand it,.

    To prove that dual-type theory is a non-limited version of crosstype theory, it is necessary to correspond the dual-type non-identical element pairings to the viewpoints discussed in my last discussion of crosstype theory.


    I intuitively suspect that a reconciliation between the two may be made, but it is not immediately obviously to me how to go about it.

    On the other hand, what's this about three types?

  3. #163
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    i havent forgotten you asked me to clarify myself, and im writing a paper on this right now... For my own purposes, but it will conveniently fit into this happy message board. I'm hoping among other things it will give context to your dual type theory, and prove it is true on kind of a mathematical level... and also provide a strong base of understanding for the theory, basically give it context. so as long as you are interested in reading it... hopefully you wont have a problem with the way i write, its kind of autistic-like. I'm putting alot of energy into making it readable. anyway, i'll post it soon
    I figured I'm an ENFj dual type.. not going to go into further clarification how, but I am pretty certain.
    At the time I thought I was ESFj dual type.. Well, I think I was, at the time, but I was on drugs and my ego had collapsed.
    That is a whole different discussion.. the role of the ego and its friends in this issue.
    It is interesting we are both .. "intersted" in the same thing, which I guess you would call the metaphysics of psychology and art... and have the same exertion type.
    One thing I am wondering, is if exertion type evolves over time, as you... "achieve" your mental goals or complete your system.

  4. #164
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Crosstype Principle

    Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg
    For somewhere around a year and a half now, you've all heard me talk (perhaps it must seem incessantly) about crosstypes. What are these crosstypes, and why are they important? This is what I aim to answer in this thread.

    80 years ago this year, Carl Jung introduced his "Psychological Types" essay. In years since then the descriptions contained within this essay have become the basis for most personality typology study. MBTI is based on it, and Ashura Augusta's information elements are derived from it. Jung discussed eight types of people in his essay, function types and attitude types. His descriptions are far ranging and broad; in the context of socionics it is difficult to ascribe the features of his types to any single function progression. When he talks about introverted feeling he may be talking about INFj, or about INFj. When he talks about introverted intuition he may be talking about INTp, or INFp. Moreover, he mentions that there are "normal" varieties of these types and "non-normal" varieties, suggesting that in some types the functions are more exaggerated than others. (as though there were a clear middle) He observes that the functions must hand off information between each other in a distinct order: rationality to irrationality, irrationality to rationality. He posits that rationality may never be followed by rationality, or irrationality to irrationality, because it would violate the principle of a function staying true to its own nature. Despite the observation of this law, he puzzlingly claims to have observed the existence of people who violate it, calling them "primitive minded" or "archaic".

    These suggestions beg definition. There is much we do not know about the workings of the psyche. Model A gives us a model, but in our practical experience we find it sufficiently inapplicable as to seem irrelevant. The number of people who consistently argue with the , so much that open criticism his emerged against the MBTI not because of its systemic failures in comparison to socionics, but rather due to its limited scope. (a charge ) In practice it appears sufficiently inaccessible to intuition as to be perceived as a Fourier effect.

    Socionics has great promise. In particular, the ability to penetrate another person's thinking mechanism is useful for building bridges with a person where otherwise there might not by any potential to do so. But when you sit a person down to take a test telling them that they will learn more about themselves taking it, and then end up with a function score which is at or near 50/50 between two opposites, then they are more than a little likely to question a theory that says they should clearly, decisively be on one side or the other. A test that does not have predictive validity is not a reliable measure of study.

    If we have the option of seeking a system of understanding which offers us greater validity than we now possess, then we should take it. Clearly, that option lies in the mystery behind those 50/50 scores.

    In my analysis of these people who score evenly between one or more functions, I have gained insight. Their speech habits and mannerisms are distinct from either of the types they border; intuitively, they appear as though synthesized between the two. Their speech defies the function order, and their thought is directed in unique ways. They have the common feature of exaggerated personal attractiveness in terms of intelligence, physical beauty, charisma, or all three. One's perception of reality seems to change markedly in their presence; the greater the exaggeration, the greater the change.

    There are other considerations, as well. Although personality pathologies have been observed to be closely related to type, pure instances of a pathological state are rare; comorbidity is much more common. If one is faced with a person who clearly demonstrates obsessive-compulsive tendencies coupled with anti-social behaviors, then by logic one would need to conclude that their personality type is similarly muddled. Certainly it would be difficult for chronic and consistently manifest beliefs to emerge in the absence of a definite factor of information processing. (or so says Model A)

    Finally, Augusta makes some broad claims about the applicability of her work. She posits that all of human history is the product of various manifestations of 16 relational patterns. This is more than can be believed. Certainly people exist who are naturally more likable than others, and certainly there are people who have contributed in ways vastly divergent from the norm. If a socion does exist, it must be more complicated than 16 types--and 16 relations--allow.
    Is this at all related to what Jung was talking about when he referenced the peculiar quality of geniuses to represent both sides of a dichotomy? I'm uncertain if by that he meant a higher level of genetic capability (in the sense that if one's type reveals the relative strength of the eight functions, an overall more gifted individual would more aptly make use of each of them, generally) or if this was in fact more due to developmental stimuli (positive relationships throughout life which supported the growth of their underdeveloped aspects). In truth, trying to make a distinction between how much of a factor of each of these is is probably fruitless, so as long as we're paying attention to both we'll likely have a fuller view of the picture. Regardless, this would in turn help in explaining why they are so positively viewed by others, provided that they are able to make good use of their more expansive IM to interact with others on their own respective levels.

    I definitely do think that this concept that you have here of the synthesized type, or cross type, deserves some development. However, take my opinion with a grain of salt, I'm new at this stuff.
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  5. #165
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    I have had the recent experience of interacting with my dual ESFp, exertion type ISTj.
    So she is my dual in an information processing way, my conflict type in an exertion type way.
    Our relationship is full of argumentation, but we enjoy it.. we enjoy the arguing process.
    Sometimes we do get into emotional conflicts. They're always soon resolved, and we return to loving eachother.
    The dynamics of exertion type relations seem to function on a superficial, real world level... but in terms of form they can be seen the same as regular type interactions.
    Exertion type relations are associationally detached from the persons involved, and linked with the specific circumstance connecting the two. Or, they come into play and are a matter of the specific relativity between the two people, and they are isolated to this. They do not generalize away from the circumstance, toward the whole of the persons involved. This grants them a certain flexibility, or lightheartedness...

  6. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    I have had the recent experience of interacting with my dual ESFp, exertion type ISTj.
    So she is my dual in an information processing way, my conflict type in an exertion type way.
    Our relationship is full of argumentation, but we enjoy it.. we enjoy the arguing process.
    Sometimes we do get into emotional conflicts. They're always soon resolved, and we return to loving eachother.
    The dynamics of exertion type relations seem to function on a superficial, real world level... but in terms of form they can be seen the same as regular type interactions.
    Exertion type relations are associationally detached from the persons involved, and linked with the specific circumstance connecting the two. Or, they come into play and are a matter of the specific relativity between the two people, and they are isolated to this. They do not generalize away from the circumstance, toward the whole of the persons involved. This grants them a certain flexibility, or lightheartedness...
    i think thats just us as duals. We both love to fight/argue and are stubborn as all hell. We'll fight to the death to prove our points. I think we both recognize that in the other one on some level and thus we get over it really fast. But yeah some of my worst fights have been with my dual- very intense relationship haha we're so passionate.
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    One thing I am wondering, is if exertion type evolves over time, as you... "achieve" your mental goals or complete your system.
    Well, from what I can tell your base of knowledge evolves, and from that you can draw new conclusions. I don't think it has anything to do with type though, at least not directly.

    Whether the functions/elements themselves change over time is a completely different question.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    havent forgotten you asked me to clarify myself, and im writing a paper on this right now... For my own purposes, but it will conveniently fit into this happy message board. I'm hoping among other things it will give context to your dual type theory, and prove it is true on kind of a mathematical level... and also provide a strong base of understanding for the theory, basically give it context. so as long as you are interested in reading it... hopefully you wont have a problem with the way i write, its kind of autistic-like. I'm putting alot of energy into making it readable. anyway, i'll post it soon
    I figured I'm an ENFj dual type.. not going to go into further clarification how, but I am pretty certain.
    No problem. Looking forward to reading it.

    The dynamics of exertion type relations seem to function on a superficial, real world level... but in terms of form they can be seen the same as regular type interactions.
    Exertion type relations are associationally detached from the persons involved, and linked with the specific circumstance connecting the two. Or, they come into play and are a matter of the specific relativity between the two people, and they are isolated to this. They do not generalize away from the circumstance, toward the whole of the persons involved. This grants them a certain flexibility, or lightheartedness...
    The mind processes energy, but does not immediately apprehend it. There is that which we are--our metabolism or "meta" type, to use labcoat's terms--and that which we observe--the exertion type.

    Quote Originally Posted by munenori2
    Is this at all related to what Jung was talking about when he referenced the peculiar quality of geniuses to represent both sides of a dichotomy? I'm uncertain if by that he meant a higher level of genetic capability (in the sense that if one's type reveals the relative strength of the eight functions, an overall more gifted individual would more aptly make use of each of them, generally) or if this was in fact more due to developmental stimuli (positive relationships throughout life which supported the growth of their underdeveloped aspects). In truth, trying to make a distinction between how much of a factor of each of these is is probably fruitless, so as long as we're paying attention to both we'll likely have a fuller view of the picture. Regardless, this would in turn help in explaining why they are so positively viewed by others, provided that they are able to make good use of their more expansive IM to interact with others on their own respective levels.
    The "charisma problem" has many facets. Ultimately individuals who offer evolutionary advantages are regarded as the most charismatic by both the mind and the body. Britney Spears is a case in point: her opinion-leading, sensory-intuitive charms give her tremendous physical appeal, this at the (apparent) expense of her personality. Al Gore has emerged as another case in point: the mind respects his commitment to later generations.

    Do you see something here, though? The one was thought unattractive and boring, and yet now his mental commitments have corrected the gap. It almost seems as though Spears' path leads her in the other direction....

    Nothing concrete of course, just musings.

    The more sensibilities you can cross politically (by which I mean the eight contexts), the more popular you will be. Popularity usually begins as a groundswell "insurgency"-type movement around a single individual or idea, and grows as people "catch on" to the trend and begin standardizing it. The contribution must be culturally and circumstantially relevant. Singers and pop-stars are the exception, however; one only has to believe in oneself (and be able to sing) to be a "pop-star". It's no different than being a political pundit or opinion writer: those who agree with you will support you, so long as they know about you. The reason pop-singers have more appeal is because they can usually appeal to sexuality, which knows no political boundaries.

  8. #168
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    Thats interesting, about the popularity. I was thinking John Lennon was INTp-ESFj. That would to some extent explain that weird phenomenon of beatlemania. All you need is love, I think, is the ultimate conclusion of the INTp-ESFj

  9. #169
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    Default The Crosstype Theory: What I Saw

    The following is a direct correlation between the personality phenomena I have observed (and since documented via supersocion theory) and the original crosstype modeling I designed to reflect those phenomena in terms of existing typology. The actual model for crosstype theory was confused, even outright wrong, and always will be; however, the phenomena themselves are real.

    Note: crazedrat's notion of crosstype is not my notion, although I fully support his investigations.

    E/I cross: "Neutraversion"

    This phenomena correlates to the leader of consensus interest concept in supersocion theory. The original organizer of groups who defines themselves in terms of it, but in so doing risks losing track of whom they themselves really are.

    S/N cross: "Harmonizer"

    Charisma. Outright charisma. I was confused by it because; but not everyone whom has that personality disposition has the same appeal as her. She has it because, like Britney Spears, she is charismatic.

    T/F cross: "Desire"

    Sociopathy. (the disposition to such is reckoned in Supersocion theory as "shadow type" because of its confidence in the exhaltation of the id)

    J/P cross: "Genius"

    Not completely sure. The primary trait was a very accute precision of language and a tendency to "lift up" . Probably my own relationship with caution: cautious or "counselor" leader types tend to have this trait as a rule. Jung had it, and labcoat does too. But did Einstein? We'll still be discussing this one for a while.

    Putting cross dimensions together broadened the model to account for a greater spectrum of phenomena than the singular dimensions of crosstype could offer.

    XX(T or F)(J or P): Charisma associated with profound beauty. (Marylin Monroe, Audry Hepburn)

    X(S or N)(T or F)X: a consensus pursuit leader.

    X(S or N)X(J or P): the type of a dictator who doesn't have the organizational skill to acheive historical greatness beyond their own borders. Think Saddam (XSXP) or Castro (XNXJ).

    (E or I)(S or N)XX: These came straight from Jung.

    (E or I)X(T or F)X: non-leading subconscious types (but not charismatic)

    (E or I)XX(J or P): Charismatic sociopathy which is not disposed to leadership.

    (E or I)XXX: charismatic subconscious leaders. (Jesus for IXXX)

    X(N or S)XX: ****** and Stalin respectively. Both were consensus leaders whom were very systematic in their approaches to leadership. Both were very definitely sociopaths, as well. A socionics intuitive with all of these traits was XNXX, and a sensor was XSXX.

    XX(F or T)X: F correlated to non-charismatic subconscious counsel leaders (Jung was the model); T correlated to John Nash (and whatever traits he had) and B.F. Skinner. Generally a focus on T that seemed to escape all reason.

    XXX(J or P): a deluded person who managed to get people to go along with them on their jaunts into insanity or something like it. Samuel Alito (SCOTUS justice whom has earned the outright fear of the U.S. Left) for J, and Mormon patriarch John Smith, who claimed Native Americans were in their origin the lost tribe of Israel, as the P.

    XXXX: The most dangerous person you can imagine. Try ****** with the talents of Jesus, for starters. But no one notices. Somewhat of a superstition, but with elements of truth. Imagine a person who is opposed to everything you believe in, but people refuse to move against them no matter what. And what's more, they like them. A lot. The archetypal antichrist figure who deceives the masses and is led by some archaic, obscure philosophy. Heavily inspired by Jung's equally obscure notes on "archaism"; Left Behind's Nicolae Carpathia; Xenosaga's Wilhelm; and my need to project my own fears onto something tangible.

    I do think such a figure could rise, though to truly capture the severity of the Providentiary, they would have to be 1) subconscious 2) oppositionate (that is, always trying to prove their ideological opponent in the wrong morally, and generally defining themselves through opposition) and 3) charismatic. Though maybe you could substitute radical for #2, elsewise I don't see them as being anything more than a sociopathic dictator. (oh yeah, better tack on "sociopath" for #4, for that extra evil edge). Although, the scary thing about the oppositionate is that they are essentially invincible, being adaptationally sound, and will try to thwart your efforts to neutralize your radical enemies, whose trials they observe as the means of their own growth as people.

    The crosstype theory makes no mention of immanence, because at the time of its conception I had not conceived of the possibility that some people could not be reformed. However, crosstype theory was a step in this eventual direction.

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