My perspective. Some of you may disagree.

I think the thing that stands out about Ti is organisation. This is lacking in Te types. There's no rigidity; no consistency or principle nature in those weak in Ti, and they couldn't care less, because they have their Fi system instead. Personally, I think this is useless when standing it up against Ti. So, why is Ti so important to me? Because I am far more concerned with organising what I think about something - anything - in the world than I am with throwing (or receiving) a myriad of facts or a shitheap of information at someone's (or my) brain and having the desire for them to digest it. Being able to know exactly what I think about a certain thing when it is brought into question, and being able to precisely relay this to an individual, is very important to me. It's an internal chemistry I'm talking about; it's about my organising what I think about something internally so that I can use it in the external world through my Se. To exchange my Se with Te would be a death wish; I am who I am because I know exactly how to utilise my strengths and put on the backbench my less useful strengths (Te and Si). It's not that I think Te is utterly pointless or useless (indeed, it has its uses, which is why I do use it from time to time); it's that Se is far more useful and, what's more, when it's combined with Ti, it's unbeatable.