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Thread: B&D's type blog

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    Talking B&D's type blog


    I don't have much to say other than I seem to be at a spot where I can socialize well in real life, even though I still feel emo and tortured on the inside. I am learning to keep it to myself and try to make other people happy because I know people don't need more bad news in life. Then again *my* therapist always said I put a neat bow on things too much, I make everything so pat... like you can't possibly argue with me. I want to connect but I also close the waterways of dialogue. As I am afraid of real change, of my power and theirs.

    Like most dorks that read too much in high school, I wanted nothing more than this epic powerful old man to come and teach me what an amazing white mage I am... to rescue me from my well-meaning but restricted parents. People that are actually fascinating fascinate me (well, duh lol) and I actually want to be them. Heroes are so important don't you think?

    I relate strongly with the loser essence... of the underdogs. Of knowing you can win and make everybody happy but you still don't decide to show up. But there comes a time when I know I will have to fight and it bothers me. Because I will be finished. And even though it will be beautiful I don't want to die yet. It's not my time. I'm cookie dough, I'm not done baking. I don't want to live, but I don't... want to die anymore. Maybe that's something.

    I feel after the civil rights battle of homosexuality is won.. *if* we win... there's then still the fight of classism.

    I was always brave and kind of righteous, now I find I'm wavering...
    lala sings along.

    Okay in the next post I will explain what my dream relationship would be like.

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    Hmm I had a really long thing list out but I decided not to even go there and to just eat a bologna sandwich instead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Like most dorks that read too much in high school, I wanted nothing more than this epic powerful old man to come and teach me what an amazing white mage I am... to rescue me from my well-meaning but restricted parents.
    Did this involve a rigorous, epic spanking of your bottom (etc) ?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I was saddened yesterday but it humbled me today. I need to make things work properly, not just wave my hand and *poof.* We magical types have to learn that. However, force physical sensors doesn't do that I believe it's a balanced of melee and magic which is why I cream my pants when I see a Paladin or a Shaman. I am the type that's addicted to sex easily, however if I can learn to control that better it makes me a warm-hearted and erotic person instead of a sleazebag that some women on the forum seem to think I am. *Ahem* Of course... I want to be all bad-ass and say I don't care what other people think of me, but everybody does. I realize that since I was harsh, I brought on their harsh energies too. However, I cannot appear soft as a minority. I wish people would get that. Did ANY other discriminated against group in society get their rights by being peaceful and passive and picking flowers in the field naked? I don't think so. Christians and ISFj-INFj women seem to hate me for this but honestly girls.... You can go back in the kitchen and make me a pot pie, because I'm not gonna shut up until I get everything I want. I want my way badly, I'll get my way badly but I *always* get my way. I love throwing temper tantrums. And now you can go rub your boobies for thinking you're 'taking the higher ground' for my cheap insults.

    I play rough and dirty I've always had. Deep down I'm a monster like everybody else is... but we always have a choice of what we do with our demonic energies.

    I have no problem with straight people, really. I have a tendency to annoy people with the gay right's issues but what the fuck. This isn't about my anger and victim playing, or your annoyance and comfort level. This is about basic HUMAN rights. If you didn't have all your rights, wouldn't YOU yammer on. Well... that's not true. I mean everybody is discriminated against in one way or the other. I think I'll stop 'playing' victim when they stop BEING the offender. How is that, Joy? Life is 90% how you respond to it and 10% what happens to you. But with that 10% I'm gonna milk it for all its worth. I was born and raised a Demon-crat. Sue me. So I suppose... yes, maybe I do play the victim. But gosh fuck you, I play it WELL and it gets me results.

    I'm meeting up with this really cool ass lesbian activist today that has honed her powers and I think she'll help me keep my anger under control. I love her so much, she's as angry as me but she's learn to channel it better. In the end though I know this can only be solved by making the right choices. However I see no reason not to entertain people in the process. I know it makes my life better when I hear about the shit that other people go through. Pour your misery down on me.

    One thing I'll never do is be a martyr. That shit is lame. What good are you if you throw yourself on the sword for somebody else? Um well uh I actually had people do that for me on occasion but I hope it wasn't because they pitied me. I won't die for my beliefs... because if I'm dead, what good am I? I'm not going to sacrifice myself for some emo gay 16-year-old boy that can't stand up for himself yet, I'm gonna shock him until he can actually fight for himself. Larry Kramer is our only good leader... he knows what he's talking about.

    Be the change you want to see in the world. Well I think people need to get angry... get really, really angry- so we can change some things that need to be changed. If I hear another no-good liberal whine about how mean george bush is w/o doing anything, I'm gonna punch in the mouth!

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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Like most dorks that read too much in high school, I wanted nothing more than this epic powerful old man to come and teach me what an amazing white mage I am... to rescue me from my well-meaning but restricted parents. People that are actually fascinating fascinate me (well, duh lol) and I actually want to be them. Heroes are so important don't you think?

    I relate strongly with the loser essence... of the underdogs. Of knowing you can win and make everybody happy but you still don't decide to show up. But there comes a time when I know I will have to fight and it bothers me. Because I will be finished. And even though it will be beautiful I don't want to die yet. It's not my time. I'm cookie dough, I'm not done baking. I don't want to live, but I don't... want to die anymore. Maybe that's something.
    Wow, Beta ftw.

    Or maybe I am gay...
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    lmao, you are brilliant man. +8000.

    Being angry doesn't solve anything, though; take it from someone who knows.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    None of us have all of our rights and they're constantly shrinking besides. There are a lot more important things than whether or not people accept you, things that are actually worth fighting for. Gays like to think they're really important, they're the center of everything, and they're being sooo mistreated. In the meantime real rights are being destroyed while they go on flowery protests. Who gives a crap if you can't get legally married and get the benefits that go along with that or whatever rights you think you're missing out on! Doesn't matter if you live in a big brotherish society. That's where we're heading. People are already encouraged to tattle on each other to the "authorities" - I've had do-gooders screw me over more than once because of that, people don't trust themselves or each other, and so many live in fear of the big bad terrorists while we never seem to get out of one war or another. You're a distraction to things that really matter, and the government loves you for it.
    I think calling the US a "Big Brotherish society" is a little extreme at this point, although I could easily see it going in that direction.

    Gay rights are human rights. If you alienate one group of people, it gives you a basis or platform for alienating others, in the same manner that precedents are set by supreme court cases. Besides, everyone has to stand up for what is important for them; you can't expect EVERYONE to have a total perspective on what we "should" be doing. That's just asking too much. If people don't represent their individual interests, then the larger group will inevitably focus only on "big important global issues" and let the little things that so often bite us in the ass fall by the wayside. If people represent interests that are relevant to them, then things will end up getting taken care of on a relevance basis: the more people that are concerned about an issue, for whom the issue is relevant, the more likely it is to be solved, and faster. I'm sure B&D wouldn't want to be snitched on either, and, I would imagine, is against the idea of a police state but if he and his gay friends put all of their energy into that, the issues that matter to them are going to be ignored.

    Don't you think you would do the same if you were in his shoes?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  9. #9



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    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    Please Gilly, learn to read more closely. I said it was heading that way.

    They're just a distration Gilly. None of what they're doing really matters, because the only rights they're missing out on is the right to pretend they're just like heterosexual couples. Why do they want to do that anyway? To get a few tax breaks, be "legally recognized", whatever? It's not at all like the civil rights issues blacks faced, or even women. And if they don't say anything about their sex lives, nobody would even know for sure they were gay. Sure, some fruity-acting people might get discriminated against, but it's because they're fruity-acting, not because they're gay The mayor of the town I live in is gay. Why that's common knowledge, I don't know. If he was married and liked to have kinky sex with his wife, would that be common knowledge? Doubtful. I'm saying the issue is insignificant compared to just about any other issue you can think of, and I don't know many people who are that interested in other people's sex lives.

    Of course he can get all riled up about it, and protest and crap, but no it isn't about basic human rights at all. It's more about flaunting their private lives in public and expecting to be recognized for it. Should bigamists or pedophiles or polyamorous groups or anyone else that has different from normal sexual preferences be given the same legal rights and treatment?

    Or perhaps sex that has nothing to do with families and children need not have any legal benefits or recognition? The reason heterosexual marriage is supported is for the benefit of children. B&D likes to refer to heterosexual couples as "breeders" and really that's why there are tax breaks for couples, and why they can buy property together and so on. Back when women had a hard time buying and holding property this protected her if she was widowed for instance.

    Now to address what I would do in his shoes is impossible because to be in his shoes I could not be me. I'd have to be someone else entirely, with different values, different concerns, and I can't even imagine without being something completely foreign to myself.

    damn diana this is a golden post. couldn't have said it better myself. excellent.


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    Diana yes.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    They're just a distration Gilly. None of what they're doing really matters, because the only rights they're missing out on is the right to pretend they're just like heterosexual couples. Why do they want to do that anyway? To get a few tax breaks, be "legally recognized", whatever? It's not at all like the civil rights issues blacks faced, or even women.
    Hmm. Have you read anything about gay history..? Did you know that you could be arrested for being gay in the U.S. as recently as the 1970s. THROWN IN PRISON (!) IN THE U.S. (!) Check out, at least, the history of the "Stonewall" incident in NYC.

    To say that the gay rights issues are "not at all like the civil rights issues blacks faced, or even women"--reminds me a little of how ppl this year were saying, 'this year's Celtics team isn't even as close to great as the Celtics teams of the 80s--nevermind the 60s!' Yeah, it's difficult to compare--I mean, it's a different time and the rules have changed--regardless, the goal is the same as it ever was... Just a different group of ppl.

    Gay couples can and do have kids too... I know that you know this, but I'm just sayin...

    None of this would be a big deal if many ppl didn't have such a big problem w/ gays, (for whatever reasons that they do,) but many do--so gays struggle for recognition... To say that gay issues are a "distraction," it seems to me, is to ignore this.

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    Diana I suggest you lighten up. Obviously I'm not insulting you when I call you a breeder (not yet anyway), I'm JOKING. Some of my gay friends call me a bitch, but they mean no spite. If Gilly and other posters can read between the lines, and can look at my person beyond the persona then why can't you?

    You don't understand the history of gay male camp and the power it has upon the world. If you haven't, read some (non-hate filled) books about the topic at your local library so you can intelligently understand the nature of it without attacking it and expecting me to act like a straight man just to relate to you. I wouldn't expect you to change your personality to express your ideas, so don't do it to me. But this isn't really about ideas. It's about *facts.*

    Knowledge and facts fight ignorance (and yes, you ARE being ignorant about this), not emotions. Emotions give us power to use those facts upon which to fight, but that's it.

    And we can all get along here while Juju and myself help to cure you of your homophobic mental illness. You seem to be emotionally charged, declaring pat phrases such as 'what abooooout the children.' I suggest you look up the recent study the APA did ... gay men are actually *better* parents than straight couples. This is proven, peer-reviewed scientific FACT.

    You can't argue against that which is real, and magic and the mundane are linked. Therefore you cannot get mad at me because I like to both entertain and educate at the same time. If you do, you only hurt yourself. Homophobia in its raw form is destruction of the self. We care about you Diana. Don't do this to yourself. You don't want to go down this route even if you think you are in the right. I know you take pride in thinking you've got this beat. But you don't. You gay bash, we bash back. Don't let your hubris and arrogance get to you.

    You don't want to go down this path. Just trust me. Have a nice day, ma'am.

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    So what if blacks were being denied the right to marriage, Diana? Or, even better, what if divorced women were being denied the right to their kids, and all children were transferred to care of the father after the divorce? Would it be just a distraction, just because it's not focused on the problems that affect everyone? I bet the government would LOVE to have all of the actively liberal women out there more worried about getting their kids under the wing than what kind of personal freedoms everyone has.

    Think about it.
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    Above and beyond all, I can't understand how or why people would expect others to ignore their own personal rights that are economically, culturally, and personally significant. It's just arrogant to expect people to lie down in the face of what YOU see as "the greater good" or some bullshit like that.
    Last edited by Gilly; 07-10-2008 at 07:47 PM.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    You know, honestly, I can see where Diana is coming from. From the perspective of someone who holds no personal stake in the subject and isn't willing to look outside their own sphere of personal interest, it makes sense that people's attention should be more focused on issues with wider implications. However I really don't think telling gays to shuttup about their rights will make anyone focus any more than they already are on issues that matter to all of us. Most people are already set in their ways and have opinions that they care about, and aren't going to be swayed to enlightenment about the sad state of affairs in the US just because there are fewer gay pride parades. Also, very few people are going to go from campaigning for gay rights directly towards investing their energy in a similar fashion for other issues. People strive the hardest for what matters most to them, and you can't just expect that to change.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    If Gilly and other posters can read between the lines, and can look at my person beyond the persona then why can't you?
    A request has been formed, asking further information on the meaning of this sentence.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    If the "Greater good" means nothing to you, then what is gay rights supposedly a distraction from? Issues that YOU care about? Does it really hurt you if gay people get married? They're not asking you to do anything but check the "yes" box on a ballot and respect them as equals. What do you feel like you're being "forced" to do here?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    This has jack shit to do with the greater good, a concept that I find reprehensible, and everything to do with people whining about absolutely nothing and trying to force everyone else to go along with them and their poorly reasoned demands.
    No offense Diana, but what's wrong with wanting equal treatment, and not wanting to be discriminated against? Why are those "poorly reasoned demands?" And why do you consider efforts to that effect "whining?"

    Right now, I agree with Gilly and B&D 100%, but I'm willing to be persuaded as to why I'm wrong.

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    If two men want to get married, then I think I should be able to marry my cat. It's all about love right?
    D-SEI 9w1

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    Honestly I'm not gonna lose sleep over two guys having sex. I honestly don't understand why people give such a shit.
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

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    I thought that the problem was that religious bias was interfering in legal affairs by making the gender of the persons who are trying to marry relevant when it actually isn't. It acknowledges opposite sex marriage, but not same sex marriage (because of an over-arching religious bias that it's immoral). If we could fortify the crumbling wall between church and state, I don't think this would even be a problem... because there would be no legal difference.

    Not all heterosexual married couples have children. Some gay couples do. So I don't see why children would be a big part of it. And then there are single parents with children...

    ETA: all that aside, discrimination against homosexuality is one of the major discriminatory issues in society... it comes out legally and in all facets of life. But it's not alone... we still have racial discrimination... and I'm not going to list every freaking discrimination. It's a battle against our own brains as near as I can tell.

    ETA2: maybe it's not a "crumbling wall" - I'm not sure the wall has ever been all that fortified.
    Last edited by marooned; 07-10-2008 at 11:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    If two men want to get married, then I think I should be able to marry my cat. It's all about love right?
    I must have checked out in bio when they explained how species and sex are the same thing.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
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    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Diana, why exactly are you against gay marriage? And, if you aren't, why are you against people expressing their desires to be given equal rights?
    But, for a certainty, back then,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    If two men want to get married, then I think I should be able to marry my cat. It's all about love right?
    Dude, can your cat give informed legal consent that it wants to marry you..? lol

    I can't believe some of the stuff I'm reading in this thread... (And I'm becoming increasingly glad that I live in Massachusetts.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Diana View Post
    Well, my biggest problem is with calling it a "human rights issue" when it's not. And suggesting it's not much different than real civil rights issues people have faced in the past is ridiculous.

    Iow, much ado about nothing, dramaticizing and acting as though they are sooo put upon, their rights soooo trampled, and it's all bullshit. No real rights have been taken away from them, nor denied. Forced acceptance of them by others is not a right.
    The point is this: there's discrimination against gays built into certain laws, (among them, marriage laws,) which stem from religious (and thus social) tradition--that's what certain people are trying to change... Why is this bad at all? Why is striving for equal rights bad?

    You've admitted that there is "discrimination" against gays--given that, if you were them, wouldn't you want to try to change it so that there wasn't discrimination? That's all they're trying to do... And you're right, in most places gays technically can do all of the things that you mentioned; however, although homosexuality is technically 'accepted' in a lot of places, in reality, it's not tolerated in practice, e.g. job discrimination. I heard a horror story the other day about something that happened to a guy after his boss found out that he liked dudes--suffice it to say, things got ugly... Why should it have to be like that?

    In other words, this is the reason you should care: b/c there are ppl out there treating other ppl like garbage b/c of who they're sleeping with... Personally, I'd rather no one had to deal with it.

    Also, if you want to think about "forced acceptance" and how it "is not a right," think about this: in the early 1960s, in Birmingham, Alabama, (among other places,) government officials "forced acceptance" of desegregated schooling... If you had lived back then, would you have agreed that this "forced acceptance of them by others is not a right?"
    Last edited by JuJu; 07-10-2008 at 11:42 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    I must have checked out in bio when they explained how species and sex are the same thing.
    Never said that, but it you plan on legalizing a perversion, other perversions should be legalized also.This is of course assuming that heterosexuality is the dominant orientation and all other orientations are deviations.

    I look at ancient greek culture for example. Homosexuality was condoned so soldiers would fight for each other with more vigor. Were they all homosexual by birth? Almost like greek pederasty and middle eastern/African bestiality tendencies. Simple perversion.

    Now this doesn't change "equal rights", but that's how I think of it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    Never said that, but it you plan on legalizing a perversion, other perversions should be legalized also.This is of course assuming that heterosexuality is the dominant orientation and all other orientations are deviations.

    I look at ancient greek culture for example. Homosexuality was condoned so soldiers would fight for each other with more vigor. Were they all homosexual by birth? Almost like greek pederasty and middle eastern/African bestiality tendencies. Simple perversion.

    Now this doesn't change "equal rights", but that's how I think of it.

    Whose definition of "perversion" are you using..?

    Your argument is what's known as "moral subjectivism." In other words, you're arguing this: most ppl in this particular time, at this particular place are not gay, therefore we should not condone gayness, (currently the "non-dominant orientation.").

    "Dominant orientation" does not always equal "correct." Case in point: Nazism was the "dominant [political] orientation" in Germany during the mid-1930s through the mid-1940s. If you had lived in Germany during that time, by your line of reasoning: all of the other political "deviations" would have been wrong and "perverted" (b/c they were "non-dominant orientations.")

    By your line of reasoning, as you stated, Classical Greek and Roman cultures were "perverted" b/c homosexuality was considered culturally normal... Do you realize that they might have considered you--a strictly heterosexual person with biases about homosexuality--somewhat "perverse," the same way you currently consider gays "perverse?"

    Who is to say they were wrong? And who is to say that you are right?
    Last edited by JuJu; 07-11-2008 at 01:18 AM. Reason: wrong wording

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    JuJu, for what it's worth man, I'm all for it. I thought it was exceedingly fucked up when your friend told you to "lose his number". Like honestly... what's the damn problem?!?

    I really don't see it as any form of perversion, I really don't see who they're hurting...
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  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
    JuJu, for what it's worth man, I'm all for it. I thought it was exceedingly fucked up when your friend told you to "lose his number". Like honestly... what's the damn problem?!?

    I really don't see it as any form of perversion, I really don't see who they're hurting...
    Thank you man, I appreciate this. It's been a weird week, lol

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    If two men want to get married, then I think I should be able to marry my cat. It's all about love right?
    Kam have you ever talked with a gay person?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    I have no bias. I look at the facts before I make a judgment. Don't bring up a decade in history JuJu. Look at the average climate of sexual orientation. It has been heterosexual. Not to mention that anal sex is exceedingly dirty. I look at how AIDS has spread rampantly in Africa. Men contracting AIDS from god-knows-where, and then giving their wives and children the disease.

    Do you realize that they might have considered you--a strictly heterosexual person with biases about homosexuality--somewhat "perverse," the same way you currently consider gays "perverse?"
    They're only human, who will make excuses for their behavior no matter what is thrown at them.

    Kam have you ever talked with a gay person?
    I actually have in real life. More like a couple. They're nice, but I don't condone their behavior.
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    Dear Kamangir,

    I have to make sure that your exceedingly limited base of knowledge includes the following two things before I continue:

    -The problem of potential overpopulation of the human race

    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    I look at how AIDS has spread rampantly in Africa.
    ...where the dominant sexual orientation, as I understand, is heterosexual...
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Dear Kamangir,

    I have to make sure that your exceedingly limited base of knowledge includes the following two things before I continue:

    -The problem of potential overpopulation of the human race

    Dear Gilly,

    I've read this entire thread carefully. Hasn't done anything for me.

    -China has that problem, and they have few gays, along with Russia. So wait, we should become gay because we are overpopulated? How's that for logic.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamangir View Post
    I have no bias. I look at the facts before I make a judgment. Don't bring up a decade in history JuJu. Look at the average climate of sexual orientation. It has been heterosexual. Not to mention that anal sex is exceedingly dirty. I look at how AIDS has spread rampantly in Africa. Men contracting AIDS from god-knows-where, and then giving their wives and children the disease.
    Kam, I think you might be conflating some things here, unfortunately.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    ...where the dominant sexual orientation, as I understand, is heterosexual...
    Where did AIDS come from in the 80's? Humans have been having heterosexual sex for a while now, but only recently has homosexual rights become such an important deal, pride fests, etc.
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    Kamangir, do you have a problem with blood transfusions?

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