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Thread: enneagram type for dbmmama

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Just wondering how much of who you are now is really "who you are" intrinsically and how much is who you've become through sheer willpower. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you strike me as someone who works hard at letting things go and taking it easy. Does this come naturally for you?
    i will say that i have become me now through willpower, yes. i do have to work hard at letting things go and taking it easy. i am a very restless person, internally and externally. meditation type things are the only things that connect me with my center. but if i don't exercise/workout, my natural state is one of worry, anxiety, thinking too much about the meaning of everything............which spirals me into depression. all a very internal thing. i used my willpower to get over this a lot and come out of my shell into the world of other people and showing that i'm not perfect afterall.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i will say that i have become me now through willpower, yes. i do have to work hard at letting things go and taking it easy. i am a very restless person, internally and externally. meditation type things are the only things that connect me with my center. but if i don't exercise/workout, my natural state is one of worry, anxiety, thinking too much about the meaning of everything............which spirals me into depression. all a very internal thing. i used my willpower to get over this a lot and come out of my shell into the world of other people and showing that i'm not perfect afterall.
    See, I don't think this sort of behaviour sounds ESE, Hotel.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    I could accept SEE for teh mama. Not ESE. At least not at the moment. At some point I played with the idea of ILE instead of IEE but somehow I still think she is Fi-type. This is based on very little material though. I'm not sure why I am only considering EP types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    I think it's this restlessness you're talking about, that makes me feel as it you are a little different from me. I also feel some kind of strength in you, when it comes to talking with people, that I don't have. I'm outgoing, but I am more shy about approaching people somehow, a Se (or Si?) thing, I suppose? I don't know if it's connected to type or if it's just psyche or experiences or whatever. You definitely have some of the same things I have, and I agree with you on a lot of the things you write here. You sound like an ENFp with Se... That's weird, haha.
    yes, strength in talking to people?! that's actually the most laughable thing ever! i can do it now on the internet and a bit more irl, but overall in my life, i was the most timid creature you'd find, scared of people, big time. how hard is it to push buttons on a keyboard?! LOL i have only in the past year or so been able to actually say something to someone in line at the grocery store without freaking out inside. but once i finally felt comfortable in doing that, it's like this big dam broke open and now it's fun! i finally got over myself. it's very amazing and i am very grateful. my hubby is the king of small talk, anyone, anywhere. it always amazed me.

    the ENFp descriptions sound the most like me when just reading the descriptions, ENTp as well. But, i do have some kind of strong S somehow. i don't know right now. ESFp descriptions sound like me too, except i never understood the meaning of "social territory". and ISFp feels like me on the inside. all i ever wanted to be/do was a mommy, dancer, artist. but, the dancer and artist thing didn't happen BECAUSE i was too self conscious about not being "perfect."

    i want to paint this portrait of jessica and it sucks because all i'm doing is analyzing in my head about it. should i do it this way or that way. what will people think if i do it this way. oh, i don't want anyone to think that of me so i better paint it this way.....ahhhh!!!!! brain, shut up so i can just paint it and have fun doing it!! if there was some switch where i could shut this analyzer voice in my head off, i'd be golden!!!! and i'd go on being an extraverted ISFp and not caring what anyone else thought.

    well, this thread is about my Etype anyway....mix up 1, 4, 7 with some 8. i am motivated for all of those reasons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    What quadras do you identify with?

    Just do it....

    That analyzer voice sounds like E-type 1, doesn't it? Remember this: that voice is not more right than you are. It's just another opinion. Some people will agree with you, some with that voice... At least that's what I'm telling myself.

    But I know exactly what you mean about analyzing. What about you paint that portrait only for yourself, without thinking about showing it to anyone? Then you could enjoy the painting process, and ruin the portrait afterwards if you feel like it, or show it only if you want. I guess it's better to make a "you" painting than to make a perfect painting. Or? At least I can't make "me" if I listen to hard to that analyzer voice. In my world perfect is OK, "me" is better, perfect and "me" is the best. I paint myself, and I have decided to never feel the need to "show" my paintings to anyone, as I paint only for my own pleasure. Once I feel the need to show off, the analyzer takes control over me, and it's not recreation anymore. Painting is for me and for me alone. I have a lot of other areas of my life where I feel the need to be "perfect", so I don't want art to be an area of perfection, it's for expressing myself... I'll show you some of my paintings if you'd like. They are all weird, haha. Do you sell your paintings?

    It's very similar to me then. I also recognize some 3 and a little piece of 5 in myself. Read this about type 9:
    We have sometimes called the Nine the crown of the Enneagram because it is at the top of the symbol and because it seems to include the whole of it. Nines can have the strength of Eights, the sense of fun and adventure of Sevens, the dutifulness of Sixes, the intellectualism of Fives, the creativity of Fours, the attractiveness of Threes, the generosity of Twos, and the idealism of Ones. However, what they generally do not have is a sense of really inhabiting themselves—a strong sense of their own identity.

    Ironically, therefore, the only type the Nine is not like is the Nine itself.

    quadras, alpha and delta, mostly. but there are thing in beta and gamma i appreciate and do too.

    you are so funny! because the whole idea of painting something and then throwing it away without showing anyone is something i have told others to do!!!

    a couple of years ago, i was painting something that i knew i would show to others and my little girl, 2 at the time, came up behind me and had grabbed an oil pastel without me knowing it. she started scribbling on my canvas (my kids are not inhibited like me) (scratch that, i am opening up more and more!). i freaked out! she's going to ruin what i was just working on!!!! i don't outwardly show this to her because i know better. and something clicked in my head and i said "fuck it!" and started scribbling on the canvas with her. i had so much fun!! to this day, that is my favorite piece. "fuck it!" and just go WITH what shows up sometimes. some of my other favorite pieces are those kind too.

    i'll read 9 again, but 1 with 4 in stress and 7 in growth sounds the most like me at this point.


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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i'll read 9 again, but 1 with 4 in stress and 7 in growth sounds the most like me at this point.
    no, couldn't even get through it. not me. 1W2

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    You'll see I'll end up there as well 3 days from now...
    i feel the most confident about this than anything we've gone through on this board.

    this is me:

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i feel the most confident about this than anything we've gone through on this board.

    this is me:
    i'll add that sex is the only area that i've not been inhibited in.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mimosa Pudica View Post
    Good! I guess I'm jealous at the moment, as I'd like to be sure as well.
    Maybe I'm 4 after all ... ...
    it sure is a relief. the one in both of us wanting it(our types) to be "perfect" and not settling until we "find" it.

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    now onto the stacks. the only ones that fit had the sexual in them.


    those three. any ideas on the main differences for a 1?

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