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Thread: enneagram type for dbmmama

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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    "Like Fives and Sixes, Sevens are also seeking security, but they are unsure where to find it. Sevens feel that they have to try all sources of security and that way they'll eliminate the ones that don't work and find the ones that do. Sevens however, have a hard time focusing on the sources of security they presently have. Instead, they are always thinking about the future. Keeping their options open, Sevens try not to over commit themselves to any one thing, lest they miss out on an even better experience."

    Hey dbmamma, do you relate to any of this, especially the bolded part? I found that many 7s display this behavior quite readily....maybe it's harder to tell and accurately judge these things online......but I've often found that it even bleeds into their writing. It manifests as a general sort of "excitability"....the 7 is open to or looking for new ideas, feedback, responses, etc...but when people reply and want to further expand and narrow the idea, hone it, analyze it indepth, or whatever, the 7 has already moved on. It's not so much an inability to concentrate as much as it is a sort of scanning of the environment, and a superficial (as in, not fake, but rather, a unprolonged period of time, surface evaluation) glance at whatever ideas, feedback, etc. are offered...if in that glance, the thing isn't deemed worthy of interest by the 7, they move on....or perhaps it catches their attention for a brief moment, but it's such a cursory glance....and then they move on...

    It's this trait, it's like holding something that has potential interest in your awareness for a moment, seeing if it's worthy....and dropping it a minute later if it doesn't qualify. Multiply this tendency, and fast foward it, and you've got a characteristic 7.

    This is a characteristic I associate not only with enneagram 7, but also Se. It has a scanning, evaluating quality...

    This is the quality I feel from your posts and your writing style....I also feel that besides being a 7, you are Beta, and good at Se....however I could be wrong, feel free to correct me...
    well, i think you've got it sherlock!!!! "dancing butterfly" flit........flit....scan.....flit................. ............!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!..........flit~~~~~! !~~~scan.....scan~~~flit~!

    i do what you described with my intellectual interests as well as my physical body.~~~~~~flit~~ that's why homeschooling my 4 kids is so fun...i get to flit all over the place with so many interests as well as physically going and doing whatever, whenever, as the inspiration strikes my fancy...

    my 8 year old, same and same some more
    my 13mo old, same

    does this mean beta Se? not sure yet. it almost sounds creative Ne instead of base Ne??? or were you thinking role or polr Ne? because i flit "too much"?

    i HAVE figured out where to find my security, but it is so nebulous in the spiritual realms that i have to work very hard to remember it's existance in every moment. once i'm in a centered "remembering" place, the flitting becomes much more productive and feels better, actuallyfor myself and everyone else's lives i touch.

    i actually have a KICKASS life, one that most would be and are jealous of. i didn't set my life up in a way SO THAT people would be jealous. i set it up this way so it would be KICKASS FUN AND COOL. anything less is unacceptable, for me.

    in my spiritual remembering state, i manifest the life of my dreams very easily and quickly. when i'm not "there" it becomes chaos, inwardly and outwardly. i have this power to create, not by force, but by allowing the Universe to gently and in fun and ease, hand me exactly what i asked for.

    is all of this arrogant? not if it's true. i wish the same for live the life of their dreams in fun and ease....

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    Quote Originally Posted by dbmmama View Post
    i actually have a KICKASS life, one that most would be and are jealous of. i didn't set my life up in a way SO THAT people would be jealous. i set it up this way so it would be KICKASS FUN AND COOL. anything less is unacceptable, for me.

    i wish the same for live the life of their dreams in fun and ease....

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    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    Just for the record, I don't think she's ESE. Why do you think what she said is inherant to ESE?
    "to live the life of [one's] dreams in fun and ease" is totally Alpha Fe+Si. There is some Se in the rest, but it's perfectly consistent with demonstrative.

    Si is a more subjective way of gathering information, since it's internal. And it's not continually updating itself in the manner that Se is...Se is updating itself on an external basis, so that can be very fast, a torrent.
    I'd actually say it's the opposite: dynamic elements are the ones that update constantly.

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    Quote Originally Posted by hotelambush
    "to live the life of [one's] dreams in fun and ease" is totally Alpha Fe+Si.
    and you're totally dumb

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    Quote Originally Posted by strrrng View Post
    and you're totally dumb
    Such unfailing maturity!

    Quote Originally Posted by dolphin View Post
    That's not my dream life, at any rate. I wonder if you think I'm not Alpha?
    I don't really have an opinion on your type.

    I can't argue with you, yet, because I need to go read on the functions some more...but even if what you say is true, Si is something that happens internally and is thus not always readily observable outwardly. Se is something you can measure outwardly, because the situational dynamics change readily.

    I need to go find the Se description Herzy wrote about it. She talked about "scanning" if I remember correctly.

    At any rate, to me, an Si valuer, Se can seem like a torrent of information that I don't need. But that might be independent of your point.
    Well, like any extroverted element Se is about active involvement, so Si valuers tend to see it as unwanted interference.

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