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Thread: Company and Quadra

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    Default Company and Quadra

    I've been going to a lot of interviews and doing a lot of temporary part-time work lately and I have come to notice that every company I have worked for or was interview by (interviewer(s) and receptionist was typed) was made up of mostly one quadra.

    BUT... whenever I hear work stories on the forums almost all work places are mixed, i.e someone has a benefit boss or something.

    Also I'm noticing that the vast majority of marriages (good and bad) are inter-quadra marriages. But again the forum is telling me a different story.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by electric View Post
    I've been going to a lot of interviews and doing a lot of temporary part-time work lately and I have come to notice that every company I have worked for or was interview by (interviewer(s) and receptionist was typed) was made up of mostly one quadra.

    BUT... whenever I hear work stories on the forums almost all work places are mixed, i.e someone has a benefit boss or something.

    Also I'm noticing that the vast majority of marriages (good and bad) are inter-quadra marriages. But again the forum is telling me a different story.
    I agree with you, when I go around I see the same things.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by electric View Post
    I've been going to a lot of interviews and doing a lot of temporary part-time work lately and I have come to notice that every company I have worked for or was interview by (interviewer(s) and receptionist was typed) was made up of mostly one quadra.
    I have observed that some companies do indeed have a predominance of one quadra over the others. This happens either because it's a smaller company (or group within the company) that has essentially been put together by a very small number of people, perhaps even originally by one individual, and they tend to hire always people of the same quadra.

    Also - in what may be an extension of the same thing - some companies have a strong "culture" of one quadra, where naturally people of that quadra will be hired/be more visible/successful etc.

    But: I have also worked in companies where none of that was visible. Like, a LSE managing director was succeeded by a LSI, and an EIE sales director was succeeded by a LSE. Where the main salesman was an IEE throughout, with ILE, ESE and SEI as main technical guys, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by electric View Post
    Also I'm noticing that the vast majority of marriages (good and bad) are inter-quadra marriages. But again the forum is telling me a different story.
    I don't know about "vast majority."

    Here's a list of those I feel confident to have a strong opinion on:

    My parents: ESE-SEI, Alpha
    My brother and sister-in-law: ILE-SEI, Alpha
    My mother's mother and father: EIE-EII, Beta-Delta

    Among couples I am personally very familiar with (as in, over years):

    - LSE f - EII m - Delta
    - LSI m - SEI f - Beta-Alpha
    - LIE m - SEE f - Gamma
    - EII m - SEI f - Delta-Alpha
    - EII m - ESI f - Delta-Gamma
    - LSI m - ESI f - Beta-Gamma
    - SEE m - ESI f - Gamma
    - ILI m - ESI f - Gamma
    - SLI m - ESE f - Delta-Alpha
    - LIE m - ESI f - Gamma
    - ESE f - ILE m - Alpha

    This is just off the top of my head.

    Try as I might, I can't think of any other opposing-quadra marriage besides my grandparents'.

    Overall it doesn't look bad for intra-quadra in my opinion, especially since of couse inter-quadra is more likely in terms of random probability only.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  4. #4
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Well mine WAS SEI-SEE...I think? Alpha-Gamma.

    I think my workplace is alpha, I love that place! And that is saying a LOT!
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  5. #5
    <something> Wynch's Avatar
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    My workplace as a whole has a pretty varied quadra mix, mostly because it's science meets government. My division in particular has a really bad mix for intertype relations and it shows. Shows rather obviously.

    These are the types of our happy crew, I believe.

    LIE boss, SEE admin assitant, SEI, EII, SLE, ESE, ILE x 2 , SEE (or maybe LIE), IEI, ESI, LII, SLI

    So there's

    LIE - SEI conflict
    SEE - LII conflict
    ILE - ESI conflict
    SLE - EII conflict
    Alpha NT - Gamma SF general conflicts
    Alpha SF - Gamma NT general conflicts
    Beta ST - Delta NF general conflicts
    Beta NF - Delta ST general conflicts

    We're a happy division.
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    Very busy with work. Only kind of around.

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    I don't know about companies, but marriages I'm familiar with are these:

    IEI-ESE (beta-alpha)
    SEI-EII (alpha-delta)
    IEI-SLE (beta)
    SEI-EIE (alpha-beta)
    ESE-LII (alpha)
    LII-ILE (alpha)
    IEI-LSI (beta)
    EIE-IEI (beta)
    IEI-SLE (beta)
    EII-SEI (delta-alpha)
    ILE-SEE (gamma)
    ESI-SEE (gamma)
    IEI-SEE (beta-gamma)

    Okay so from my experience, intra-quadra marriages probably are slightly more common.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    not sure about marriages, but i can comment on companies. seems like companies/work environments do develop along the lines of a dominant quadra. my current agency is clearly gamma, previous agency was clearly delta. it's actually easier for me to get along at the gamma agency rather than the delta. i think it's because the CEO of the gamma is an LIE....same club at least and she sees me as being innovative and smart, so even though she's not gonna put me second in command or anything, she clearly sees my value.

    but the delta agency was like hell on wheels, all that socionics/EII supervision was excruciating in a work environment. my direct supervisor was an EIE, and she and i got along fine, but everybody else was picked by her boss (EII) and so was delta. the betas except for my boss were weeded out and it became very delta/Fi.

    i think work environments will tolerate opposing quadra stuff, since the focus is on business results. a company can't really afford to leave out certain points of's bad business and the company can start to get tunnel visioned.

    marriage, on the other hand, the distance is so close that it seems like opposing quadra relationships probably feel like way too much work. i mean who wants to have to work at home, too? so intra-quadra and neighboring quadra relations are more common i would think.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    i think work environments will tolerate opposing quadra stuff, since the focus is on business results. a company can't really afford to leave out certain points of's bad business and the company can start to get tunnel visioned.
    Sure, but there's always the danger that the company will get into the tunnel vision of assuming that opposing quadra stuff is the cause of less than satisfactory business results. Because the powers-that-be don't see it as "opposing quadra stuff" - they see it as being simply "not the way it's done".
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    Sure, but there's always the danger that the company will get into the tunnel vision of assuming that opposing quadra stuff is the cause of less than satisfactory business results. Because the powers-that-be don't see it as "opposing quadra stuff" - they see it as being simply "not the way it's done".
    yes absolutely, i've seen that happen too. i've also seen executives consider a lot of different theories of personnel and business application and the rhetoric is usually around finding the strengths of your staff and putting the right people in the right places. i'm sure you've heard this stuff.

    but over time, quadra values will trump the rhetoric, which is why the leadership is usually going to be intra-quadra.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    yes absolutely, i've seen that happen too. i've also seen executives consider a lot of different theories of personnel and business application and the rhetoric is usually around finding the strengths of your staff and putting the right people in the right places. i'm sure you've heard this stuff.
    I have indeed. A lot.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    but over time, quadra values will trump the rhetoric, which is why the leadership is usually going to be intra-quadra.
    Yes. Because even the usual business slogans will be interpreted according to quadra values.

    For instance - and I have seen this happening - there is the issue of "customer focus". Deltas will interpret that as meaning that you should develop a relationship of more or less equality with the customer. Betas will interpret that as meaning that you should always be aware of how you are presenting yourself to the customer, that is, the customer will want to do business with you "because you're the best".
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    my place of work I cannot find an alpha close by.

    Here I have

    an INFp boss, ISFj and ISTp coworker, a former ENTj coworker. The relations are very noticable because the staff is small. If ENTj wasn't here, ISFj and I suffered, but when they were together I felt uncomfortable. If ISFj wasn't here, it was a little uncomfortable with ENTj and I. When ISTp arrived after ENTj left, it was seriously the best thing that ever happened here. Everyone loves each other now. But I'm not sure if it made the work more productive. Oh, and there also used to be an ESTj and another INFp manager here.

    I know some ENTp and ESTp and ENFj IT people, they are always super fun to be around

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    Marriages -- i have seen many relations.. i want to say I have seen more activity relations than others but I think its not true. Maybe different types of relations are more common in different quadras.

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    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    UPS always struck me as a very delta company (or at least the facility I worked in). The facility director was probably LSE. I actually didn't get along very well with him, for several reasons. The first belt I worked on my supervisor was an LSE and the rest of the crew was more or less made up of deltas and gammas.

    The second belt was more alpha and beta, I think, with an SLE supervisor. The final straw for me though was when the ESE manager in the back was promoted and replaced with an LSI (though I barely knew the guy, so his type is very uncertain).
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    Having written in notepad the layout of everyone where I work and their types in the relevant places, I have worked out that, including myself, we have 2 Alphas, 1 Beta, 9 Gammas and 4 Deltas. This is including a temp worker who I believe to be SEE. My EII cousin is starting tomorrow part-time (she used to work for the company and was the one who introduced me to the job), making it 5 deltas. There's also talk of bringing in another previous temp who I believe was LSE (Delta ST at any rate). The breakdown of types is as follows:

    Alphas: 1 ESE, 1 SEI
    Betas: 1 SLE
    Gammas: 2 LIEs (one of whom is our boss), 2 ILIs (including me obviously), 1 ESI and 5 SEEs
    Deltas: 1 IEE, 2 EIIs, 1 LSE

    Much as I may not like where I work, I'm pretty lucky to work with mostly Gammas. On the desk I sit at, it's basically 4 desks in a sort of square-like arrangement, and you have:


    So you have an Alpha EJ, Beta EP, Gamma IP and Delta IJ. Pretty interesting mix. If you call 2 conflict relations, 2 relations of benefit, 1 semi-duality and 1 illusionary relation interesting that is.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    I have observed that some companies do indeed have a predominance of one quadra over the others. This happens either because it's a smaller company (or group within the company) that has essentially been put together by a very small number of people, perhaps even originally by one individual, and they tend to hire always people of the same quadra.
    I've seen this phenomnia in a large multi-national company that produces everyday goods in a office of hundreds of staff. Not everyone you came across is in alpha in this particular company but not being alpha always seemed like the exception to the rule.

    Also - in what may be an extension of the same thing - some companies have a strong "culture" of one quadra, where naturally people of that quadra will be hired/be more visible/successful etc.
    I've done come psychometric tests at some interviews which generally asked if you where one particular type (LSE and LSI), they didn't even use MBTI or Big 5. The language of the tests where also in that of a particular type (the test where written in the way a particular type thinks), so unless you really understood the type it's like you couldn't really cheat.

    But: I have also worked in companies where none of that was visible. Like, a LSE managing director was succeeded by a LSI, and an EIE sales director was succeeded by a LSE. Where the main salesman was an IEE throughout, with ILE, ESE and SEI as main technical guys, etc.
    I havn't come across a company such as this although at a school I worked at which also seemed to be alpha based organisation has a facilities manger who is LSE. He had the power to hire and the people which he hired and I had spoken to seemed to me to be all delta STs. So I can see how companies could branch off, but I've never really seen it on a grand scale.

    Field of work appears to me to be more about clubs.

    I don't know about "vast majority."

    Try as I might, I can't think of any other opposing-quadra marriage besides my grandparents'.

    Overall it doesn't look bad for intra-quadra in my opinion, especially since of couse inter-quadra is more likely in terms of random probability only.
    My experience of marriages is based around typing my parents friends (they are big church goers, so lots of couples to type) and it is very rare for me to type a couple out of quadra. Out of 9 or 10 couples at my parents church I've typed only 1 might be a out of quadra marriage. But then again most of the people my parents hang around with are other alphas and maybe they're instinctively not hanging out with non-alphas.

    My friends usually hang around one dominate quadra and they sometimes choose their girlfriends/boyfriends from people they already know or are connected to their own group in some way (usually same quadra). So I'm guessing it might be unlikely to choose a out of quadra wife simple due to the fact that most people just don't mix that much outside of their own quadra.

  16. #16
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Ok, FWIW this copany feels predominantly Alpha, but I am almost positive the MD is LIE. For sure. I'm seeing a trend here with head honchos and being LIE, anyone else?
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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