Quote Originally Posted by UDP
especially so for me, because for a while a part of my life was switching between different roles for many different sitautions. Finally bringing all of myself together, I realize that I am an "INTj". But that's just the starting point. Or homebase. ......... perahaps this explanation: I can be many different things, but they are all manifestation s of the INTj personality type, essentially. The essense of the psyche that is "INTj", that is sort of the root of everything.

However.... if any one person lives their whole life in direct accordance to any preset definition of their personalitytype or anything similar...... I really don't think they can say that they have lived very much at all. That would be perhaps too typical. Or maybe it's just the INTj in me that makes me say this.....
An INTJ finds himself at odds within himself when he asks himself "what if everybody did everything in the best way possible all the time? Is this not what I desire, but is this a loss of something else?" You yourself are expressing several harmonic/cross-SI traits in that paragraph. The prerogative of a harmonic personality is to be at peace with the patterns of reality that surround them. I don't think an INTJ would consciously change themselves so, except to perhaps emulate a character in service to their own internal world, or to amuse others. (barring archetypical transcention, and you're several years away yet from even the first of those.) They wouldn't do so even as a matter of survival, because to the INTJ such an act would seem contrary to their all-important self-identity.