Quote Originally Posted by Joy
Settling in to my personality type (INTj)
haven't you had your whole life to do that?
I do not think one can really understand oneself completely within only so many years of existance (I'm 18). I suppose people say it is common to 'know yourself' the whole way, but...... unless you really experiement with things, I don't think it is much of a 'knowledge' to have achieved. (I am reminded of a Kant quite about knowledge and experience...)

......I've been testing out different modes of living, and pushing my personality to the envelope for the last few years. All roads have lead me 'here'. I don't follow all the rules of an INTj, and don't ever really believe I will fit perfectly into one catagory. Never really have. However, as I really pay more attaention to how interact with others, and how I think, I really see the INTjness in my ways.

But I do not seek to live life through a predetermined mode of existing. As part of realizing who I am, though, discerning my 'personality type', it has helped. I see the tendancies in myself, and I notice myself acting in the ways that I have read. This, however, is infinitely different from emulating a personality type or character. I have done both, and I know the difference.