Quote Originally Posted by LokiVanguard View Post
I get laid twice the amount with a fourth of the effort.

And that is *exactly* what you should repeat to anyone who questions you being an SLI.

I spose socionics has improved my life sumwat. I'm on a mission to lighten up; the theories help me feel less frustrated when my intertype relations seem askew - but telling jokes around here has obviously become my focus ...

And mikemex, it's not impossible to change your thinking. It may be impossible to sustainably alter your information metabolism, but if you've got ideas that don't work well, it will always be in your favor to evolve them. So understanding that people are of different types doesn't equate to trying to "be" more like them - but it should include the willingness to accommodate their differentness. It sounds from your post like you don't think that awareness of differences would actually lead to that ability, but I think that in the best case scenario it does (and really, I'm about having social bonds with the least amount of maintenance and compromise, so maybe I got stuck on your point because I suspect myself of having a similar attitude to yours once upon a time...).