I have been on and off for two and a half years. In practical/material sense my life has improved (better education, better job, a cool SLE kid, better fitness, lost some weight). Overall mental and physical health hasn't improved or worsened much. Pretty ok but could always be better. I don't know if socionics has anything to do with all this though. I suspect not.

At the same time I have aged 2.5 years and for some reason I actually feel older. I probably look older too. I feel more adult or something. I don't get inspired by same things as I did 2.5 years ago. And back then I kind of could still relate to what 18-20 year old people around here talk about. Kind of. Distantly but still. Now I feel like I have lost a lot of that ability. So I don't find this place as much fun anymore. Especially now that 80% of the talk is not really about socionics but about socializing and arguing/fighting. We would need more people aged 25+ and more socionics talk. More people I could relate with. There are some but not many. Some of them pretty young actually.

I still don't know exactly what good is socionics but it is fun in the sense that it makes me analyze people and relationships I am faced with. I can kill boredom with it. And I suspect it somehow helps me tackle relationship problems which I otherwise couldn't tackle. Still the most important thing about socionics is not the practical applications but the psychological comfort of "understanding better" that it brings.