Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
extremely interesting post. My analysis - Scarlettlux is EIE like I've been saying for a year or so, dbmmama is ESE who is all about her Ni-PoLR and Scarlett sees right through that. I have to admit, I skip dbmmama's posts more often than not because of the same emotions as Scarlett mentioned - it's too fake-deep for my taste. So this is a matter of Ni-creative vs Ni-PoLR.

and scarlettlux EIE doubting is how she never really settles on a type. (and no, Gilly, that does not make you EIE)
Kri - I think I agree with you. I don't usually feel this way about my fellow identical EIEs. I know we are identicals ... but dbmmama, does feel exactly like that -- "fake-deep" ! I can't stand it, I think that is precisely what annoys me in all her posts.

I have nothing against her as a person, honestly ... little things irk me, that's all. This is one of them.

I dunno about ESE though... that was actually my initial gut impression of dbmmama and I did tell her that. Hmm, the way she speaks does remind me of one ESE friend I have whom I have had major issues with in regards to her Ni PoLR. Whenever she tries to engage in that kind of Ni talk, it seems so contrived and over the top to me, that I just get annoyed, similar to this.

It is also funny how dbmmama is just not replying to my points (valid too I must say) regarding the content of her posts. I would like to understand her more and mean no real ill intent. Yet she only is happy when people compliment, not criticize. Just take it in, take it in!