Quote Originally Posted by Five
But I'm not sure about whether this person is a Feeler. He is a planner
ISFjs are very much planners, precisely because of weak . They don't feel confident with not planning precisely because of that.

Quote Originally Posted by Five
who remains pretty unemotional, stable and level-headed.
Strong in ISFjs is more visible in their strong personal ethics and ideals than in being touchy-feely or highly "emotional" in the sense of always outwardly expressing ther emotions. Their role function may make them appear cold when they're not. They may even have a self-image of being logical.

Quote Originally Posted by Five
He is also not timid - he is quiet but not under-confident.
ISFjs have tons of , so they're not timid.

The above is especially true for sensory subtypes ISFjs - they are very easily mistaken for ISTjs. The difference becomes clear in that they tend to make decisions and judgements with base on ethics and principles ( ) rather than logic ( ).

Still, without knowing the weight the person you described gives to and , he could also be ISTj.