Quote Originally Posted by FarDraft View Post
I think I have a couple examples, but I'll see if you guys agree.

I'm reasonably certain that my IEE friend's girlfriend is an LII (Ti subtype for sure so LSI is also a possibility, though she isn't forceful to other people which suggests otherwise). I'll call her FGf for short. One thing I've noticed is that she always has to do things by herself even when there's no expectation that she should be able to do it herself. She has to do things "her way" and resists when I or anyone else suggests a better method. My EII sister (S) is also like this. My father often tries to correct us when he feels we're doing something wrong, and while I don't mind being forced to try a new technique, S gets really annoyed, saying something along the lines of, "I can do it! Stop trying to control me!" She then becomes rather rigid. It's funny because she eventually tries the technique, only to realize that it's much better than the one she does. It's similar with FGf. Neither S nor FGf is very forceful to others and so I don't think they are Se creative. They are also very conflict averse and FGf prefers spending her time in a very Fe atmosphere. So I'm pretty sure they're Se PoLR.

Another example is that when there's a lot of pressure put on FGf, she becomes incredibly austere and irritable. For example, if there is a problem set due today and she has not yet finished, when she is working on it she is very rigid in her motion, irate in her facial expressions, and uncompromising in her actions. It's as if she can't handle the external pressure that comes along with deadlines. If she's unable to figure something out before the deadlines, then she essentially breaks down, as if it's the end of the world. She may cry or become enraged - an emotional mess. My friend has to comfort her and calm her down. I know she has the capability to see beyond this single assignment, but she chooses not to (Ni unvalued?).

Let me know if this is Se PoLR or not. It makes sense to me that it is Se PoLR (combined with immaturity), but I'd rather not feed misinformation.
This is somewhat of a conjecture, but what you describe sounds a lot more like a negative reaction to (your) Ni, rather than Se.

That is, the idea that you know better than them what's going to happen and therefore take it upon yourself to advise them. I've had similar conflicts in the past with Ni valuers.