Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
"Push" is a bit too general to call it Se. If it's pushing related to any kind of action then sure, it's Se.

I think both Si and Se pay attention to physical needs, just in a different way, and to different needs. The Se ones would be more aggression related while the Si needs would be more related to thorough consumption of stuff.

Actually, the "pushing" does not have to be going beyond what Si sees as naturally flowing, so in that case it would not really be Se. And this is actually a valid strategy to increase fitness. It's just a different strategy than the Se strategy. I dare say that Si has the edge over Se in some sports stuff and strategies for improvement in sports. Then in other aspects Se has the edge over Si, sure.
You seem to have missed my point about Si and Se being mental processes that everyone uses, not people or processes that are exclusive to certain people.

That kind of view is consistent in itself, but I also see it as a roadblock to truly understanding what they mean and how they relate to each other.