
I agree with Herzblut. An ESFp has as suggestive function, and I have no problem with the concept that an ESFp may have a reasonably developed .

The real issue is whether his is stronger than . Now, if it could be shown that he can shift between strong and at will, then that would pretty much be a blow to socionics.

On the topic of cross-dominance: I've tossed around the idea in my head of ego functions (base and creative) being equally dominant, both being equally used in each position, which would likely make a person have tendencies towards appearing like two types that form a mirror pair (INTj/ENTp, INTp/ENTj), but so far it's just an idea I'm tossing around, and not any kind of theory I'd yet espouse.
Some people may disagree but I think this is explained by subtype theory.