there are different types of feeling empty. i can't sit here and name them all to you, but i think the one i might experience is emptiness as in skill-less. im an unformed know i am a tool but not what im for. some idea from in my head is supposed to i suppose. i guess i just have to wait around until my mind decides to make something make sense. or maybe someone else does it for you? how does that make sense is that fair? to have to wait on some other person...who may or may not even find you...bullshit. it'll have to hit you eventually...until then, just trudge on and feel empty and shapeless.

not to say you shouldn't try randomly shaping yourself on whims...thats probably going to help you figure things out faster in just get stung more often and have to admit defeat. i hate that.

there is a good chunk of nonsense for you.