Quote Originally Posted by Kirana
well, you see (i just did it, didn't i? got lured here just coz there's INTj in the thread name), INTjs simply LOVE self-reflection. we reflect on a lot of things, but most of all we reflect upon ourselves. not exactly narcissistic, because that implies self-examination with approval. and you can never bombard a theory with enough testing, so an INTj's idea of the self can never be tested against other INTjs enough - it affirms or discredits portions of the self-idea and weeds out what's basic personality and what's personal development and nurture influences. it's just irresistable.

Conceited, narccistic, insensitive, making everything about "you you you", or as it were "me, me, me"

Those very sensitives types seem to get me all wrong.

NOt that any of that is incoreect, really. Just that they have a problem with it.