Sorry OP, just one more post on SEI-IEI relationships:
@lemontress I agree, I think SEI's and IEI's relationships are not the best. They're like best buddies, but with a Single White Female twist
My poor IEI friend is head over heals over SEI guy who friend-zoned her long ago. But she just does not get the hint and literally stalks him around and embarasses herself. I really don't understand, cause otherwise she's perfectly sane, not to mention hot.

I was dating a SEI guy also for a short period, and we were getting along greatly and were very similar in many ways to each other. We shared the same views, liked the same things, had the same style of humour buuut....he lacked the intensity for me. He was really the best person, so kind and patient, but I couldn't handle his niceness and was trying to shit test him just to get a reaction out of him.I always kept him waiting in a car for half an hour before I even came and other shitier things that I won't write here about All I needed from his was to stop putting up with my shit. To yell at me and set boundaries. But he never said anything, just smiled like nothing happened. So when I broke up with him the poor guy said that he was always so pissed at me when I left him waiting that he wanted to rip my head off . And I was thinking but why didn't youuuu, it would make all the difference ?

But SEI's and IEI's are in my opinion great as friends, I mean really, who could not like SEI's