Dear all,

I just wanted to share some thoughts and feelings I’ve recently noticed regarding Socionics. I just felt the need to share them, so here they are.

The first thing is that I find Socionics makes me tense. It makes me think too hard about myself, other people, and relationships. I can see how Socionics might be useful, but it just seems too ‘intellectual’ and too ‘prescriptive’, and that’s why I tense up around it.

I also notice how I identify with a lot of things from all different types. Intellectualising and identifying traits within me with any degree of certainty seems really difficult for me.

Part of me also wonders deep down how useful it all is. I mean, I might be able to ‘diagnose’ a relationship between me and someone else as Conflicting, but diagnosing it and using it well is another matter. And yet, ironically, part of me is interested in what a Socionist would make of what I’m now writing.

Socionics is ONE way of looking at the world. Person A might look at a nice sunset and say “Wow, this is a really Si moment”, while Person B looks at a nice sunset and says “Wow, I really dig this”, and Person C is like “I love this inner peace”. Different takes on the same reality. Besides, even if I am ESE, or ILI, there is no other ESE or ILI like me at all in the world.

And, finally, Socionics makes me think too hard about relationships when sometimes I feel that the best thing to do is to ‘be myself’. It might be clichéd advice, but being yourself is important, and I find that trying to give myself (or others) a type just gets in the way of this.

I don’t have a set aim of posting this; I just wanted to share with you what I’m feeling

Best regards,