The Fe-Ti of alpha-beta lends itself to a colder, impersonal form of inclusiveness while the Te-Fi of gamma-delta to a warmer, personal form of exclusiveness. I can see how gamma would consider the thinking of alpha-beta to lend itself to racism because they are tuned to look for the personal Fi as a sign of one's humanity. Fe though is currently the standard-bearer against racism in America. Fi is undoubtedly a better safeguard against racism, but it requires the extra ingredient of actually intimately knowing people of other races, something that doesn't happen often. Which means that when Fe fails, fed by a power-mad Ti as it did in Nazi Germany, that is when the racial shit hits the fan and you have social breakdown. Te-Fi racism on the other hand is more constant: covert, pervasive, and institutional.

The movie 8 Mile is a good showcase of some of these dynamics, and both the best and worst example of the way racial relations can be portrayed. On one hand there's realistic-seeming interaction amongst blacks and our delta protagonist, whose bonding is clearly Fi, and thus much more persuasive to an audience than if it were Fe. This serves to ground the movie. On the other hand, written into the plot (institutional Te -- Eminem approved but didn't write) are vivid demonstrations of two of cringing whitey's biggest fears: big-dicked blacky taking your girlfriend (calling Eminem's character Rabbit only makes this more obvious and comical -- oh, and throw in a quick, presumably small-dicked fuck scene), and monkey-faced blacky burning down the neighborhood. (and for good measure show some of them dancing in front of the burning house like insane apes) One needn't argue a conspiracy to believe the plot rigged, only a realistic understanding of how large institutions work. (call it an unconcious conspiracy if you like -- or an "understanding" between key players)