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Thread: Warning: Likely to be Uncomfortable Topic!

  1. #41

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  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    keep in mind though that I live in one of the most segregated cities in the world... and it's not that way just because that's how the white people want it
    Joy, may I ask what in your opinion has cause your city to be segregated?
    From what I can see and have been told by black people and other minorities it seems to me that they prefer to live with their own "kind" for reasons of safety and to avoid racism? I am not sure if that is a good enough reason, what do you think?

    I have travelled to many parts of the world, I am currently doing so now. I can tell you that having been to nearly every continent travelling and living with a black friend that the world is a horrible place to be black in my opinion. If I had not known this black person(and others) so well and interacted with them so closely, I would never have grasp exactly how shitty the world is to be black in or how unconcerned some people are with real fairness, justice and understanding. Even in predominantly black countries black people still get shit. I could share some of the horrifying things that I have personally witnessed happen to my friend and others but space will not permit me.

    I almost shudder as I write this when I recall some of the things I have seen happen. Yet it is almost like some people I have been encountering recently seem to think prejudice has been made obsolete simply because they are not racist themselves and have no true and close understanding of what some people of other races are still going through on a daily basis.

    I will say this no matter how narrow-minded it seems that if I were black for my own protection I might prefer to live with others like myself. If I went through the things I have seen black people and other ethnic and religious minorities go through, I might have become a bitter and resentful person indeed. I am not excusing the racist atitudes that some black people have, in my experience such people are only the minority, but I can see how disadvantage and ill-treatment might have led them to such an atitude. I imagine that for a black person it would be extremely difficult to build friendship and trust with someone who is white given history and the present. I understand this very well.

    I hope that if ever I tried to befriend a black person they would at least give me they benefit of the doubt that I am not doing so with a view to eventually harming them. However, if they did not want to befriend me in return I would understand completely.

    My thoughts on this is that racists and racism suck dreadfully, as do people who discriminate against persons of a different sexuality from their own.
    I am very pleased that no forum member of any type sought to justify these sorts of discrimination for whatever reason and especially not with the aim to sound intellectual and clever.
    I <3 your mind.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    “(re: 9/11 attacks) "...throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools, the abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked and when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad...I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who try to secularize America...I point the thing in their face and say you helped this happen."”
    Fucker. That's all I have to say.

  4. #44


    Funny thing is some blacks are prejudice against other blacks. Like when my black friend was working during the day and going to school at night to get her college degree, her other black friends accussed her of 'wanting to be white.' Go figure!

    Oh, and Rocky -- is sperm kosher?

  5. #45

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    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
    Come now, that is an absurd idea. Some one asked me which type was more likely to go bald the other day.
    Well I don't think I've ever seen an IxTJ over fifty who wasn't almost completely bald....

  7. #47


    Even females? Altho a lot of men are bald past 50 lol. I assume youc ould be right in a few select small towns!

  8. #48
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky

    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  9. #49

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    Quote Originally Posted by Megan
    I am very pleased that no forum member of any type sought to justify these sorts of discrimination for whatever reason and especially not with the aim to sound intellectual and clever.
    Sigh. Just in case this comment was directed at my post:

    The term "blacky" was used in the voice of the white middle Americans who were the ostensible target of the propaganda, and was chosen to convey the dark semi-concious id processes of this simple-minded audience. It was not meant to sound clever or to denigrate people of African American heritage. (I assume you understood this, but in case others did not, there you go.)

  10. #50


    wait... so rocky drinks sperm?

  11. #51
    Creepy-Another Guest


    yeah right

    on crank yankers -- old tv show -- one jewish girl called someone after a blow job and asked if sperm were kosher, just had the same situation

  12. #52


    I sure am glad I have better things to do than watch shows like that, or most TV in general

  13. #53

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    Answering to this topic is impossible. But it reminded me that ****** was ENFj and Stalin was ISTj,Hussein was ISTj, so perhaps the Beta might be the quadra who represses the most people around the world. And the Delta is the one, which is the most democratic. But I am not so sure this can be taken seriously.

    An type ?
    Semiotical process

  14. #54


    Uhm.... you know none of that as true. Knock that shit off, it is quite stupid. Quit putting the quadrants into a subjective hierarchy.

  15. #55
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Oh come on, can't say you've never thought of having your own little army of ISTjs at your command...

    I think saying that ANY type/quadra/function is the "most prejudiced" is rediculous. While and are most prone to bias, or could be just as racist if they've been brought up to believe that certain things are true.
    Besides, instead of looking at who the major world leaders who promoted racism were (even though Stalin would not be one of them), if we were to make any sort of accurate judgement, we would have to look at the supposed types of the thousands in jail for hate crimes. World leaders are so detached from the violence and pain that they inflict that it can't possibly be assumed that they are the "epitome" of racism.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  16. #56


    Hehe World Domination is fun!

    btw, well said Gilligan. (The main parargaph moreso than the ISTj bit )

  17. #57

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    Yeah, I know that, it's stupid all right.

    BTW, Jadae, what do you think of the Relation of Benefit. By socionics you are in that with the ENTps and I notice how you show up every time when some ENTp posts an answer. What do ENTPs think of the relationship? I 'm sorry, if I sound stupid by saying this. I'm just curious if this thing works.

    Oh, and I got my medicine and I should be able to do harder mental activities
    like thinking more complex, so I should be able to use speller to check out my mistakes and to eliminate them.

    I wish a beautifull day to all of you in America!
    Semiotical process

  18. #58

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    wait... so rocky drinks sperm?

  19. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by male21
    I wish a beautifull day to all of you in America!
    Ben, Ishy's BF who has hijacked the computer: America is an awfully large country to ensure a beautiful day all the way across.

  20. #60
    UDP's Avatar
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    is that guy is an xxxp?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  21. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by UDP
    is that guy is an xxxp?

  22. #62

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    I think racism is about ignorance and has nothing to do with type at all. I taught a diversity education course to managers and staff in a company and many had misconceptions that affected how they thought about different races regardless of personality.

    If you don't have many close to you growing up for you to see what they deal with in person and to enlighten you on that perspective, it puts you at a bit of a disadvantage when it comes to understanding or empthasizing to that perspective.

    Basically, I found there were a lot of people who had no idea their attitude was so xenophobic because their opinions were based on misinformation or lack of information which was causing them to have irrational fears. Information can be very misleading if you are only being fed part of it. Once provided with additional information, many felt much more aware and emphathetic.

    How do they actually measure racism?
    There are actually lots of ways. Census information is one way. It can give statistical demographics as to income level, standard of living, and job type of individuals according to area and compare them with other groups of the same area.

    Some workplaces will have self-identification programs so they can do workforce analyses to see if they have gaps in certain areas and identify why there are gaps.

    Sometimes its internal policies that are inadvertently causing the gap, a lack of qualified applicants in that area, advertising for positions is missing those local communities, unspoken hiring policies of people looking to hire individuals with similar value systems (which is actually a form a discrimination). Maybe there just no people of that race in that area to hire.

    All this stuff has solutions accept maybe the last. In which case, you wouldn't worry about it. But if there are not qualified applicants you can always do things like have a group promote that field to schools and to make sure its a welcoming informed environment.

    As for the black on black racism, I see it more as the heirarchal structure of society being emulated down through the ranks. White people do this too with the whole trailer park trash thing. Rather than deal with the problem they take comfort that they are not the problem, even if they inadvertently are. They are looking at the symptom which they see as a problem (which it is) but don't always look in the right direction as to what's causing that problem.

    I think poor people, crime, etc. is a reflection of our society as a whole. The more of it we have the more of it we are causing. e.g.not paying attention to the wages of the poor because you feel that because you worked hard to move up the ladder they can do it too. With increases in costs of living, service type jobs don't always keep pace with inflation. That can lead to higher rates of crime which does impact on you, your property value etc. etc.

    People of a different ethnicity or race have to be bi-cultural in many senses. The US and Canada have different integration philosophies. The US has the "melting pot" philosophy, while Canada has the "Vertical Mosiac" philosophy. In the VM philosophy, people's diversity and individuality is actually reflected all the way up the ladder. People should not have to be forced to be like you culturally to fit in.

    The Melting Pot philosophy is that all the different groups mix to melt into a larger group different from each as an individual. The problem with this is that if one particular group has a larger contribution to the pot then the contributions of those other groups is minimized, so their needs are not met in that society.

    If society is the cause of the problem, I don't see a direct relation to personality type. Now, I might agree though that some types are more likely to express racist comments because they believe they are right and want to get on a soapbox or just because they lack sensitivity.

  23. #63

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    Interesting post Polly_G

    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    Part of my issue with all of these temperament theories is that they have LITTLE OR NO STUDY shown. It's beyond annoying and I find myself pressed to even care.
    This is my problem with socionics and what probably drives some practical types like ISTp away. Socionics has a 16 types and a bunch of functions which have been well researched, but not much else has been researched thoroughly, so it hasn't really developed a lot since it was 1st invented.

    This is the problem, people debate endlessly about type vs a whole number of things, but without hard evidence through studies and tests etc all this debate is essentially pointless. Socionics = real interesting and certainly has many many things right, however there has not been enough research beyond the basics to explain many of the questions found on these forums.
    Friendly ISTp
    Interested in everything, yes, EVERYTHING
    Flower's motto: Life's too short even to do the things you want to, let alone the things you dont!!

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