Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
How are the ones in bold not Delta ST characteristics? And most ISTps and ESTjs I know are also curious and love to explore new things.
Errr, eunice was pointing out Delta characteristics.

Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
That's just REALLY bad people-skills right here. And you can't blame Fe PoLR because most ISTps and INTps are tons nicer than you. I considered reporting the post for being pointless spam. And they say makes people "practical".
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
ok, that was mean of me, but you should at least try to a decent human being toward other human beings. It's not about social customs or whatever. it's about you making an extra effort to push people away. You didn't need to write that post, no one was forcing you into anything. Society isn't making it hard for you to adjust. It's all you - you take the time out of your othervise neutral day to write a negative post. In stead of doing nothing you actually spend energy for the "daily push people away" interaction.
He's not making any "extra effort" to do anything. He's expressing something which is blatently obvious to him, and - taken in conjunction with his subjective analysis of eunice on wikisocion (which, if any of you bothered to read you'd understand why he thinks what he does) - is not spam. I'll admit that the way in which he jut blindly stated that might seem off-putting to some, but you have to understand his motivation for doing so.

Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post
What, you're going to smile at someone agreeing with you without any justification for what she thinks?

Hmmmm, I feel that what I have written about Delta also extends to the STs as well.
I agree.