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Thread: I hope you can help me

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    normal's Avatar
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    Default I hope you can help me

    First of all, I would like to clarify that this is a very important topic for me in these moments. I have spent almost 2 months in psychotherapy and seemingly I have a problem of identity, caused by problems in my adolescence. I am not sure of which they could be, one speaks about absence of a mother figure and a loss in the authoritarian figure on the part of my father. Personally, I consider myself to be someone confused enough to define exactly which is the real problem. I admit that the first time that I was described was very difficult for me. And given the confusion that I had, it was normal that someone make a wrong impression of me.

    After realizing some tests (between among of them Rorschach's test and some bizarre's test of psychoanalyses), I have come to the conclusion from that I am not SEI. In fact, analyzing some characteristics, my psychologist doesnt find me a simple person, who searches neither comfort or much else, someone who is openly social and that answers well to any emotional offers. In fact, I have realized that I avoid any emotional contact to avoid to become injured (emotionaly). I have realized that I am an imaginative and reflexive enough person and probably enough introverted. My therapist says that I am a type of high intellect, which mean that I avoid emotions and use reasoning.
    I think that this is correct. I dislike birthdays and festivities, since I feel very uncomfortable in an environment of merriment where I cannot know with accuracy what I have to do. I have very high insight, which is really good because I can see problems from different angles, making a high standard of ideals and opinions. But my problem is that I tend to idealize people and even my own problems, and that sucks. I am very closed minded about some (stupid) opinions and I tend push myself hard. So, my biggest problem right now is that I live in a constant frustration of what I can't do (for my over idealization I think), and that I live very cautious of what I don't want people to see of me. I don't know if this helps to make a big picture of myself but I know that working with the negative aspect of my personality (or at least, what's most disturbing to live with) I can get a picture of myself.

    Now, using some dichotomy on the wikisocions reference, I realized with my psychologist that I'm Intuitive, logical and probably introverted.
    Does this make sense to you?

    ps. I feel a bit awkward after read what I wrote. Hope my english is understandable
    Last edited by normal; 05-30-2008 at 09:39 PM.

  2. #2
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    Thanks to Kamangir for help me to fix it.

    ¡Te debo una!

  3. #3
    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    Is your psychologist into socionics?

    I would think personally that trying to find your type shouldn't be that high of a priority for you. A sense of who you are will probably come as you get healthier. That's just my opinion anyway. Sorry to hear that you're not doing so well.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jem View Post
    Is your psychologist into socionics?

    I would think personally that trying to find your type shouldn't be that high of a priority for you. A sense of who you are will probably come as you get healthier. That's just my opinion anyway. Sorry to hear that you're not doing so well.
    You're right. It shouldnt be a priority in my life. See, the way I explain this problem sounds a bit desperate. But I want to end with this stage of my life, to begin other one, that's why I wrote this.
    And I explained some concept of socionics to my psychologist. I'm pretty sure she readed some article about.

  5. #5
    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    bump homiez el es LII.
    D-SEI 9w1

    This is me and my dual being scientific together

  6. #6
    Exodus's Avatar
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    Really? I'd like to hear more about why; in normal's intro thread SEI seemed to fit very well.

  7. #7


    pretty much everything you typed still fits me Normal and they still call me SEI

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    mmh well BG, at least, we are introvert.

    Anway, what I really wanted to say here is that my PoLR isn't as some of you guys know. But I'm not saying that I'm not ethical (or trying to look like a logical type) at all. Probably I'm LII, probably not. Probably I'm SEI, but I can't see it.
    Last edited by normal; 06-02-2008 at 12:03 AM.

  9. #9
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    If it makes you feel any better, nobody ever knows who they really are. I think that's the fun of it though.

    Also I have an overbearing mom and a distant dad, are you saying you have the same thing or do you have the opposite or both distant or what? In many ways, I believe my parents did the best job they knew how to do, but knowing that your son is homosexual *does* make heterosexual parents behave differently. The dad feels awkward and like he can't relate (kinda the 'eww a gay' thing that many men feel even if they try to be open-minded), the mom tries too hard to dominate the son thinking that will change him or she can protect him from bullies.)

    I recently told my mom to fuck off the other day as she constantly tries to dominate what I do. I tried to get my dad more involved in my life but I think he can't help but think 'my own son likes to suck cock, that's kinda weird.' We try to bond over sports, which I think are kind of stupid. It's like "God this is retarded. Can't they just take off their clothes and have sex with each other?"

  10. #10
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    IEI by VI, IMO.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  11. #11
    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    Oh and anyway, that little therapist of yours sounds like a homophobic jackass. Who is he to say that men are supposed to be dominant and women motherly? What a heterosexist moron. Why do you *need* an authoritative father figure? As a liberal, I believe all authority is corrupt no matter what- and either we all need to be in charge, or nobody should be in charge.

    Sorry but the whole 'your daddy isn't strong enough' thing has been an excuse for almost every mental (perceived or actual) problem there is. My dad just doesn't have it in him to be tough, but he was able to have kids anyway. I don't know when people are going to realize that human beings really don't fit the survival of the fittest thing that well. Fucking jackass "alpha" males are the only thing that's wrong with the world.

    Anyways I believe you're fine just the way you are. I think it's your "therapist" that's fucked up to be honest. Everybody who has overbearing, Jewish mommies and shy, timid fathers give me a holla!

  12. #12
    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh and anyway, that little therapist of yours sounds like a homophobic jackass. Who is he to say that men are supposed to be dominant and women motherly? What a heterosexist moron. Why do you *need* an authoritative father figure? As a liberal, I believe all authority is corrupt no matter what- and either we all need to be in charge, or nobody should be in charge.

    Sorry but the whole 'your daddy isn't strong enough' thing has been an excuse for almost every mental (perceived or actual) problem there is. My dad just doesn't have it in him to be tough, but he was able to have kids anyway. I don't know when people are going to realize that human beings really don't fit the survival of the fittest thing that well. Fucking jackass "alpha" males are the only thing that's wrong with the world.

    Anyways I believe you're fine just the way you are. I think it's your "therapist" that's fucked up to be honest. Everybody who has overbearing, Jewish mommies and shy, timid fathers give me a holla!
    Why don't you create a thread for your pessimistic ramblings and confine them to there. All we hear from you is constant negativity - it's depressing.
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  13. #13
    redbaron's Avatar
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    I wondered about IEI also.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Oh and anyway, that little therapist of yours sounds like a homophobic jackass. Who is he to say that men are supposed to be dominant and women motherly? What a heterosexist moron. Why do you *need* an authoritative father figure? As a liberal, I believe all authority is corrupt no matter what- and either we all need to be in charge, or nobody should be in charge.

    Sorry but the whole 'your daddy isn't strong enough' thing has been an excuse for almost every mental (perceived or actual) problem there is. My dad just doesn't have it in him to be tough, but he was able to have kids anyway. I don't know when people are going to realize that human beings really don't fit the survival of the fittest thing that well. Fucking jackass "alpha" males are the only thing that's wrong with the world.

    Anyways I believe you're fine just the way you are. I think it's your "therapist" that's fucked up to be honest. Everybody who has overbearing, Jewish mommies and shy, timid fathers give me a holla!
    That's fun, because, I think you are right somehow (the things about fine the way I am).

    I accept my childhood and I don't care about if my dad did right or my mother was a slutter, I mean, it's not important now. I just said that I didn't have a normal childhood/adolescence, and that probably make me wonder too many things about me (which is really normal, I'm not the only one), the things about the theraphyst was only an introduction.
    About the homophobic one, I don't understand. Probably you mean to say "machism" o machismo like we say here. If that correct then you're right. My psychologist is a bit reserved. And I believe that my therapyst is more IEI than myself.

    Sorry but the whole 'your daddy isn't strong enough' thing has been an excuse for almost every mental (perceived or actual) problem there is.
    There you are wrong. My father was a very authoritarian person (he was in the military). But I lose my respect towards him because I (still) believe the did not make anything right for my brother and me for almost all my adolescence. Now it's ok. We still argue each other but I accept myself and I feel ok not being like him.

    There you are wrong. My father was a very authoritarian person (he was in the military). But I lose my respect towards him because (still) I believe he didn't do the correct when we (my and my brother) live with him during all my adolescence. we still discuss each other but I accept myself and I'm ok not look like him.

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